90 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Variasi Tinggi Terbang Menggunakan Wahana Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Uav) Quadcopter Dji Phantom 3 Pro Pada Pembuatan Peta Orthofoto (Studi Kasus Kampus Universitas Diponegoro)

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    Nowadays, the development technology is significantly fast in mapping, one of them is evolving the mapping technology using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). UAV is technology which emerging use for photogrammetry mapping.This research is held on Diponegoro University about Β± 18 hectare. The Sensor which used is digital non metric camera (Sony EXMOR 1/23” 12 Megapixel) and In this reseacrh is given two treatment which is using plane height 80 meters and 100 meters. The processing is using Agisoft Photoscan software. The processing that doing in software which is aligment which process for identify tie points automatically. Camera callibration for determine interior orientation and exterior orientation of camera, determining the control points, making three dimension model, and give the model texture. After the process is done, the next step is observe from two orthophoto which have the different plane height with observe the distant, area, orientation vector, and RMSE which obtained from two orthophoto. From this research obtain that the best accuracy is gotten on plane height 80 meters rather than plane height 100 meters and also from the pix error from plane height 80 meters are amounted 1,52407 pix and plane height 100 meters 2,33035 pix

    Pemetaan Jalur Evakuasi Bencana Letusan Gunung Raung Dengan Metode Network Analisis

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    Raung Mountain (highest peak: 3.344 m above sea level) is a conical volcano that located on the eastern tip of Java Island, Indonesia. Administratively, the area of the mountain was included in three districts in Besuki, East Java, there was Banyuwangi and Jember, Bondowoso,. Caldera Raung is also the largest dry Caldera in Java and Indonesia\u27s second-largest after mount Tambora in West Nusa Tenggara. Report on the increase of activity is given from the date June 21, 2015. The NASA satellite Landsat 8 detected two holes so that the magma is estimated not to be a big eruption began on June 26, 2015 and a series of eruptions since July 4, 2015. The disastrous evacuation path mapping mountain through disaster risk modelling raung minimizing loss due to disasters through the map.Disaster evacuation map is needed mapping risk Raung with stages of representation, threat representation map of vulnerability, modelling capacity, as well as the maping of risk. Threat representaion is composed of the threat of the burst of rock vulcanic and the threat of lava flows of Raung Mountain.. Representation of capacity are contain the elements of population and area of the region in the case of the risk of Raung Mountain disaster. Representation Vulnerability includes physical susceptibility , social vulnerability, and the vulnerability of the economy. While in modeling risk map is processed by using a formulation of natural disaster regulation relief Agency Heads (PERKA BNPB) No. 2 in 2012. After mapping the risk, this model is combined with other parameters to build a disaster evacuation map using network analysis method

    Perancangan Infrastruktur Data Spasial Daerah (Idsd) Dengan Menggunakan Microsoft Accsess Dan Microsoft Visual Basic (Studi Kasus : Kota Makassar)

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    Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di Makassar sudah dimulai sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu. Tetapi dalam pelaksanaannya terdapat banyak hambatan karena Infrastruktur SIG-nya belum disiapkan (data, standar teknis, jaring kerja organisasi, sumber daya manusia). Hal ini dikarenakan minimnya informasi tentang data spasial ditiap wilayah. Untuk itu diperlukan model yang baku atau standar dalam penyimpanan maupun pengelolaan data spasial, sehingga para pengguna tidak perlu melakukan proses konversi yang cukup rumit sebelum menggunakan data spasial tersebut. Tujuan dari pembuatan infrastruktur data spasial daerah adalah dapat membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan diatas sehingga memungkinkan berbagai macam pengguna di tiap wilayah mengakses dan memperoleh data secara efisien dan efektif sesuai dengan standarisasi IDSN yang telah ditetapkan. Untuk itu dihasilkan suatu program infrastruktur data spasial daaerah yang memanfaatkan program microsoft accsess dan microsoft visual basic 6.0 yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan kontrol data peta dan pendekatan pemrograman. Dengan pendekatan ini, maka dapat diintegrasikan data dan metadata peta sehingga dapat dilakukan proses pencarian (penelusuran) data peta, manipulasi data (seperti: menambah, mengubah, mengurutkan (sorting) data, dan menghapus data peta) serta penyajian hasil akhir baik dalam bentuk softcopy maupun hardcopy

    Aplikasi Openstreetmap Untuk Sistem Informasi Geografis Kantor Pelayanan Umum (Studi Kasus: Kota Salatiga)

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    Salatiga is a city with populous region and growths rapidly in every aspects such economy, social, indusry and culture. Salatiga Municipality was administratively divided into four districts and 22 villages, with the total population in 2012 were 186.087 persons. Public office is responsible to provide services according their responsibility to public in Salatiga Municipality. To support and facilitate how to provide services effectively, there is a way to use an application based Geographic Information System (GIS) to display the distributed location and related information from each public offices. One of media to share the information completely and easily access anywhere is by using website.This research using spatial data coordinates of the position from collected coordinate points using GPS Handheld and atributtes data are the information from related offices. To stake and build a geographic information to public office in Salatiga Manicipality is using facilities of OpenstreetMap then developed using HTML website framework, MySQL with phpMyAdmin features used as database and OpenStreetMap API.The final result of this research is the application of GIS public service offices in Salatiga Municipality equipped with information of each village offices, district offices, religious offices, and public health service offices. The application used features and fasilities from OpenStreetMap

    Analisis Perbandingan Fluktuasi Perubahan Volume Waduk Penjalin Dengan Metode Pemeruman Dan Pengukuran Elevasi Muka Air

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    Waduk Penjalin terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Brebes, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, dibangun sekitar tahun 1930 – 1934. Waduk Penjalin hanya dipergunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air irigasi seluas 29.000 Ha. Sumber airnya selain dari Kali Pemali juga berasal dari air hujan yang jatuh di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Waduk Penjalin dan yang jatuh langsung ke waduk. Curah hujan tahunan rata-rata di daerah ini berkisar antara 2.750 mm. Pemeliharaan Waduk Penjalin belum dilaksanakan secara serius oleh pengelola. Sejak dibangun tahun 1934 hingga sekarang, baru dilakukan dua kali pemeruman untuk mengontrol Perubahan Waduk Penjalin, sehingga Perubahan secara perodik tidak bisa dideteksi. Dengan kata lain, apabila terjadi Perubahan tidak bisa dilakukan tindak lanjut secara berkala. Volume efektif waduk pada awal mula beroperasi sebesar 9,5 juta. Setelah beroperasi selama 76 tahun diperkirakan volume Waduk Penjalin kurang dari 50%, terbukti dari volumenya sudah tidak dapat lagi mengairi irigasi seluas 29.000Ha

    Analisis Nilai Wtp (Willingness to Pay) Untuk Menentukan Nilai Ekonomi Kawasan Wisata Alam Di Kabupaten Semarang Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (Sig) (Studi Kasus, Kecamatan Bandungan , Kecamatan Sumowono, Kecamatan Ungaran Barat)

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    Semarang districtis geographically located inYogyakarta-Semarang-Solo tourism traffic lane,consists of 19 subdistricts and 235 villages, its location are strategic, it\u27son the economic growth path across the industrial, agriculture and tourism construction, and it has42 tourism object. The tourist area that are made for the object of research is Umbul Sidomukti, Semirang waterfall, and Seven Angels waterfall, the three of them make the wealth of natural resources as a visited tourism object.This study used aquestionnaire that are derived from BPN with 212 SPT form format for TCM (Travel Cost Method) approach and the 211a form for CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) approach, the information obtained from this form are calculated with a double regression methods that were subsequently used in the calculation of consumer surplus and the willingness to pay on the existence of the regionin order to obtain the total economy value of an area. By using 2010 Quickbird data image and the GPS\u27s data field coordinates, so the total economic value obtained can be visualized into an Economic Value Zone Map (ZNEK Map), Direct Use Value Map and the Existence Value MaP From the research result, the consumer\u27s surplus value of Umbul Sidomukti is Rp. 660.501,- million, the value of willingness to pay is Rp. 200.634,- For the Semirang waterfall, the consumer\u27s surplus value is Rp. 164.350,- the willingness to pay is Rp. 75.801,- and for the Seven Angels waterfall, the consumer\u27s surplus value is Rp. 780.892,- the willingnessto pay is Rp. 99.150,-. The total economic value obtained over the benefits value from the existence of the regional and the regional economic value based on the travel provider function for the Umbul Sidomukti region is Rp. 29.814.200.280,- Semirang waterfall, Rp. 2.385.280.957,- and the Seven Angels waterfall is Rp. 5.214.848.904,
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