196 research outputs found
Soal Cerita Dengan Bahasa Komunikatif Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar
: Problem-solving Mathematics Using Communicative Language to Improve Mathematics Teaching and Learning at Elementary Schools. This collaborative classroom action research was carÂried out to improve teachers' competence in developing problem-solving mathematics items using comÂmunicative language and to increase students' competence in solving them. Involving teachers of the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth years of eight elementary schools, the study suggests that teachers' using communicative language in developing problem-solving mathematics items can improve the mathematÂics teaching and learning. The communicative language employed in this study refers to paraphrasing and making analogies, accompanied with the provision of the story characters, the setting, and the themes which are of students' interests. At the end of the study, the students can deal with mathematics items better
The aims of the study is to examine and describe: (1) the morphological interference, (2) the factors causing Javanese morphological interference into Indonesian in the Gagasan rubric of Solopos newspaper, and (3) the use of research results as teaching materials for analyzing language rules of Opinion Articles in SMA. The type of the research is qualitative research with a content analysis approach. The sources of data are using documents and informants. The sampling technique are purposive sampling, while the data collection technique used the reading and note taking technique. The data validity test technique used triangulation of data sources and triangulation of methods. The data analysis technique research is using interactive analysis. The results of the study indicate that the Gagasan rubric of Solopos Newspaper has (1) the morphological interference in the use of the prefix {N}, suffix / -an /, reduplication or rephrasing, affix removal, and exchange the suffix /-e/ BJ into the suffix /-nya/ BI (2) the causal factors Interference includes written language habits of journalistic variety, the author’s habits, the author's understanding of language interference and linguistic rules is lacking, the author's vocabulary is small, and researchers and editors are less careful, (3) the results of the study can be used and utilized in learning linguistic analysis of opinion articles. by students and teachers in high school. Keyword: Morphological Interference, Causative Factors, Teaching Material
Peningkatan Kompetensi Menyusun dan Mengajarkan Soal Cerita Matematika bagi Guru SD Pedesaan
Masalah yang dihadapi guru sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Cepogo, Kabupaten Boyolali yang termasuk pedesaan adalah siswa sulit memahami isi soal cerita dalam buku Matematika karena bahasa dan konteksnya tidak sesuai dengan kompetensi mereka. Sementara itu, guru kesulitan menyusun soal cerita yang sesuai dengan karakteristik kebahasan siswanya serta mengajarkannya dengan metode komunikatif. Tujuan pengabdian (IbM) ini untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam (1) menyusun soal cerita yang sesuai dengan karakteristik bahasa dan konteks siswanya serta (2) mengajarkan soal cerita dengan metode komunikatif sehingga membantu siswa untuk memahami isi soal cerita. Yang menjadi subjek (mitra) adalah 30 guru kelas 1, 2, 3. Pendekatan yang diterapkan adalah pendekatan partisipatif dengan teknik modelling, simulasi, dan praktik kelas. Hasil pelatihan dan pendampingan penyusunan soal cerita menunjukkan lebih dari 70% guru dapat membuat soal cerita Matematika yang sesuai kriteria, sedangkan pada guru yang lain, sebagian soal cerita buatannya tidak sesuai kriteria, misalnya kalimat terlalu panjang, tidak menggunakan aktor dan setting, serta tidak memuat nilai karakter positif. Hasil pelatihan dan pendampingan praktik mengajarkan soal cerita menunjukkan lebih dari 60% guru dapat mengajarkan soal cerita buatannya secara komunikatif dengan teknik menerjemahkan (dalam bahasa Jawa) dan menceritakan sehingga siswa dapat memahami isi soal soal dan membuat persamaan Matematika secara benar.  Kata kunci: penyusunan dan pengajaran; soal cerita Matematika; sekolah dasar; pedesaanThe Improvement of Composing and Teaching Word Problem Competencies for Rural Elementary School TeachersABSTRACT The problem faced by primary school teachers in Cepogo Subdistrict, Boyolali District which is rural area, is that it is difficult for students to understand word problems in the Mathematics book because the language and context are not in line with their competencies. Meanwhile, the teacher has difficulty creating word problem that are appropriate to the students' language characteristics and teaching them using communicative methods. The purpose of this devotion (IbM) is to improve teacher competence in (1) ccomposing word problem that are in accordance with the characteristics of the language and context of the students and (2) teaching word problems with communicative methods so that it helps students to understand the content of problems. The subjects (partners) were 30 teachers in grades 1, 2, 3. The approach applied was a participatory approach with modeling techniques, simulations and classroom practices. The results of the training and mentoring for the preparation of word problems showed that more than  70% of the teachers could compose Mathematics word problems that were in accordance with the criteria, whereas in other teachers, some of the stories they made were not in accordance with the signs, ie the sentences were too long, not use actors and settings, and do not contain positive character. The results of training and practical assistance teaching word problems show that more than 60% of teachers can teach the word problems that she made communicatively by translating techniques (in Javanese) and telling stories so students can make mathematical equations correctly.Keywords: composing and teaching; mathematics word problems; primary school; rural.
Indonesia Lawyers Club is a television program by TV ONE aired every Tuesday at 19:30 to 22:00 p.m and discussed the issues being discussed by the Indonesian people at that time. Indonesia Lawyers Club is a program in a talk show format, presenting experts discussing law, politics, religion, crime. From this event, people see a problem not only from a single point of view but from different perspectives. This happens because this talk show presented many experts in their fields, both for the pro and on the counter. Experts argue their opinions according to the channel hosted by a host named Karni Ilyas. This research has a purpose to explain the fulfillment of the politeness principle of language in talk show Indonesia Lawyer Club viewed from Leech’s perspective. This research is descriptive qualitative one. Data collection techniques were used were Uninvolved Conversation Observation Technique (SBLC), recording technique, and note-taking. The data obtained was described using a descriptive development pattern. This study showed the results of the fulfillment of usage of language politeness principle which included 6 maxims, they were maxim of wisdom, maxim of acceptance, maxim of mercy, maxim of humility, maxim of suitability, and maxim of conclusion
Social Conflict in Kembang Jepun by Remy Sylado
This research aimed to find out the social conflict that exist in the novel of Kembang Jepun. This research focused on forms of social conflict in novels and the causes of social conflict. This study used a sociological literature approach. The source of data in this research was the novel of Kembang Jepun by Remy Sylado. The results of the study showed that the form of social conflict which showed the existence of child trafficking carried out by Janjte and Kotaro Takimura figures, violence and fights that occurred in Shinju, arrest by police at the Tjahaja Soerabja office. The reason of this social conflict was the greed character of Janjte's figure, Kotaro Takamura, who wanted his place of business to be crowded again and Tjak Broto's writing which was considered to have provoked the community to hate the Dutch government
Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Cerita Dengan Menggunakan Metode Picture and Picture Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar
: The purpose of this research is to improve: 1) active in writing the story, and 2) the ability to write stories fifth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Mangkuyudan 11 Surakarta through picture and picture method. This research is a classroom action research (CAR). The research was conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Subjects were fifth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Mangkuyudan 11 Surakarta totaling 30 students. The results showed that the method could improve the picture and picture activeness and ability to write stories prasiklus to the students of the first cycle and from cycle I to cycle II. It can be concluded that: (1) learning by using picture and picture on the main story writing can increase student activity grade V SD Muhammadiyah 11 Mangkuyudan Surakarta. Activeness seen from the observation of the student learning process that is, before the action amounted to 27%, the second cycle of 60% and a second cycle of 80%. (2) learning by using picture and picture can enhance students\u27 ability to write a story of class V 11 Mangkuyudan SD Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Increased ability to write a story seen from the students\u27 work, before action by 30%, 60% first cycle and the second cycle as much as 83%
Kata Serapan Pada Kolom Iki Lho Di Harian Joglosemar (Pola Dan Latar Belakang Penggunaan)
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar, proses pembentukan kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar; dan dasar penggunaan dari kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif meneliti fenomena kata pinjaman. Data yang diambil dari dokumen dan informan. Sumber data penelitian ini diambil dari kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar selama Agustus-Desember 2013 dan hasil wawancara dengan editor Joglosemar. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) ada beberapa bentuk kata serapan dari bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Jawa pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar; (2) ada beberapa proses pembentukan kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar; dan (3) ada beberapa hal yang mendasari penggunaan kata serapan, seperti efisiensi kata, kedekatan bahasa dengan masyarakat, bahasa yang menarik atau lucu, media pengenalan baru istilah, dan kesesuaian dengan bahasa berita
Abstract: This research aims to describe the lesson plan, the process of teaching and learning,  the assessment, the obstacles found during the process of teaching writing biography text, the causes of the obstacles found during the teaching,  and the efforts made to overcome the obstacles.This research is a case study. Participants of this resaearch  was students of class XI SMA N 1 Surakarta. The sources of data used in this research were activities, informant, and document. The data were collected by means of observation, interview, data analysis, and questionnaire. Data validation test was done through triangulation of the sources, triangulation of the methods, and review of the informant.The results of this research were descriptions as follows.. Difficulties found by the students were (a) less interested in the material; (b) paying less attention to the lesson; (c) there were misunderstandings; (d) difficulties in writing texts; (e) difficulties in implementing EYD; (f) difficulties in exploring information; (g) difficulties in cooperating.; (5) the causes of difficulties in the teaching and learning process of writing biography text; (6) some solutions for difficulties found by the teacher (a) modifying the learning with outing class model; (b) summarizing learning material; (c) evaluating students’ writing based on linguistic structure and rules; (d) optimizing the function of team teaching; solutions for difficulties found by students (a) giving examples of biography text from online source; (b) using various learning models and medias; (c) giving chances for students to ask; (d) teaching students to arrange text based on concept; (e) encouraging students to learn the mechanic; (f) letting the students to prepare the question list for the interview; (g) setting the team division wisely. Keywords: implementation of curriculum 2013, teaching of writing,  biography text Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeskplorasi  perencanaan pembelajaran; pelaksanaan pembelajaran menulis teks cerita ulang biografi; penilaian pembelajaran, kendala yang dijumpai, penyebab dari kendala, dan upaya untuk mengatasi kendala dalam pembelajaran menulis teks cerita ulang biografi.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus.Partisipan penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta.Sumber data yang digunakan berupa peristiwa, informan, dan dokumen.Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, analisis data, dan angket.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif.Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut.Kendala yang dihadapi meliputi(a) terbatasnya waktu pembelajaran; (b) kesulitan menentukan referensi yang dipakai; (c) kesulitan menerapkan kriteria kelengkapan di dalam teks biografi; (d) kesulitan di dalam melakukan penilaian sikap. Kendala siswa meliputi (a) kurang berminat dengan materi; (b) kurangnya perhatian; (c) adanya salah konsep; (d); kesulitan menyusun teks; (e) kesulitan menerapkan kaidah EYD; (f) kesulitan menggali informasi; (g) kesulitan melakukan kerja sama.; (5) penyebab dari kendala menulis teks cerita ulang biografi; (6) upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kendala guru: (a) memodifikasi pembelajaran dengan model outing class; (b) meringkas materi pembelajaran; (c) menilai tulisan siswa berdasarkan struktur dan kaidah kebahasaan; (d) mengoptimalkan fungsi team teaching; Solusi kendala siswa (a) memberikan contoh-contoh teks biografi dari sumber online; (b) menggunakan model dan media pembelajaran yang bervariasi; (c) mempersilakan siswa bertanya; (d) mengajarkan siswa cara menyusun teks sesuai konsep; (e) siswa perlu mempelajari EYD; (f) siswa menyiapkan daftar pertanyaan wawancara; (g) guru mengatur pembagian kelompok secara adil. Kata Kunci:implementasi Kurikulum 2013, pembelajaran menulis teks cerita ulang biografi
Abstrak: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan content analysis. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 130 karangan siswa kelas X IIS Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 6 Surakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah analisis dokumen (content analysis) dan wawancara mendalam (in-dept interview-ing). Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis interaktif. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, kesalahan bahasa dalam karangan eksposisi siswa dibagi menjadi tiga kesalahan: kesalahan kalimat, kesalahan diksi, dan kesalahan ejaan. Kedua, kesalahan ejaan adalah kesalahan yang paling banyak ditemukan pada karangan eksposisi siswa dengan frekuensi tertinggi pada penggunaan tanda koma. Ketiga, faktor penyebab kesalahan bahasa pada karangan eksposisi siswa, antara lain: minimnya pengetahuan siswa tentang kaidah penulisan, minimnya motivasi membaca siswa, kecenderungan siswa menomorduakan tata tulis dibandingkan ide karangan, kebisaan siswa untuk tidak merevisi karangan sebelum dikumpulkan, suasana kelas yang tidak kondusif, dan tuntutan kompetensi menulis yang sebatas benar secara struktur teks. Keempat, upaya yang dilakukan untuk meminimalisasi kesalahan berbahasa, antara lain guru segera mengklarifikasi kesalahan berbahasa siswa yang ditemukan dalam pembelajaran, antar-siswa melakukan aktivitas saling-baca karangan sebelum dikumpulkan kepada guru, dan penambahan alokasi waktu untuk aktivitas menulis di kelas.
Kata kunci: analisis, kesalahan berbahasa, karangan eksposisi
Abstract: The research population was all tenth grade Social students of Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 6 Surakarta. The research method used was qualitative method using descriptive-qualitative approach. The participants of the research were one hundred thirty (130) Social students’ works. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques were content analysis and in-depth interviewing. Data analyzing used was interactive analysis model. The followings are the conclusions of the research. First, three types of language errors in students’ exposition text are sentence error, diction error, and spelling error. Second, the most detected type of error is spelling error in which the use of comma has the highest percentage. Third, the casual factors of language error were as follow: the students know less about writing principles; the students have less motivation to read; the students tend to emphasize the idea rather than writing principle; the students tend to be lazy to do editing before submitting their works; the class condition is not supportive; and the students are demanded to write structurally correct. Fourth, some efforts done to minimize language error: teachers give clarification immediately when they notice language error; cross-reading among students before submitting their works; and more writing activities in class.
Keywords: analysis, language error, exposition tex
Implikatur Percakapan Dalam Acara Talk Show Mata Najwa Di Metro TV
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan: 1) bentuk-bentuk implikatur percakapan pada acara Mata Najwa di Metro TV dan 2) fungsi implikatur percakapan pada acara Mata Najwa di Metro TV. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah content analysis dan expert judegment. Analisis data menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi teori. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat bentuk tindak tutur berimplikatur dalam percakapan pada acara Mata Najwayang berupa representatif, direktif, ekspresif, dan komisif. Ditemukan sebanyak tujuh fungsi dari implikatur dalam percakapan acara Mata Najwa, yaitu memberi penjelasan, menyatakan harapan, memberikan usulan, memberikan saran, mengajak untuk melakukan sesuatu, menunjukkan perasaan, dan berjanji
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