62 research outputs found
Perlindungan Hukum Kekayaan Intelektual Hak Cipta atas Motif Batik Krakatoa Di Kota Cilegon
This research aims to find out the problems and solutions that can be done to overcome the problem of the protection of batik copyright law in the city of Cilegon based on law number 28 of 2014 concerning copyright.The formulation of the problem and the purpose of this paper is to see how the existence of batik in the city of Cilegon, businesses and any obstacles faced by the Cilegon city government in providing legal protection for the batik. in addition, the purpose of this study is to provide knowledge that the importance of other legal instruments that are technical. The intended legal device can be in the form of a Regional Government Regulation that regulates the protection of traditional batik art creations including folklore. The research method used is the empirical juridical approach method, where the procedure begins by examining secondary data first, then proceed with examining primary data in the field. The specifications of this study are analytical descriptive. Sources and types of data, consisting of primary data and secondary data. Data analysis is done qualitatively considering the data collected is analytical descriptive.
Keywords: Law; Protection; Copyright; Batik; Krakatoa
The Management Of School Operational Assistance (A Site Study at Public Elementary School of Kramat 4 Magelang)
The objectives of this research are to describe (1) the planning of using School Operational Assistance at Public Elementary School of Kramat 4, Magelang. (2) The Budget of School Operational Assistance at Public Elementary School of Kramat 4, Magelang. (3) The reporting of School Operational Assistance at Public Elementary School of Kramat 4, Magelang. (4) The evaluation of School Operational Assistance at Public Elementary School of Kramat 4, Magelang. This research is a quantitative rearch and using ethnography design. This research is conducted at Public Elementary School of Kramat 4, Magelang. The main
subject of the research is the principal, and BOS manager. The method of data collection use interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis started from (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data display, and (4) conclusion. Data validity test uses credibility, transferability, confirmability, and dependability.
The results of this research are (1) the planning of using of School Operational Assistance at public Elementary School of Kramat 4, Magelang is made by a special team formed by the principal with the school committee. The special team makes a priority of need that can be financed by the school operational assisstance fund includes textbooks, improvement of teachers’ quality, school exams,
consumables, service, teachers’ salary, students activity, and grants for poor students. (2) the budget of school operational assistance at Public Elementary School of
Kramat 4 Magelang adapts to the received fund and school program need. The received fund is not budgeted all, so the school is still have fund to the next need. (3)
Reporting of school operational assistance at Public Elementary School of Kramat 4 Magelang prepared every month the latest on 15 th
. The report contains all needs that financed with the School Opearational Assistance fund. (4) Evaluation of school operational assistance at Public Elementary School ofKramat 4 Magelang conducted through monitoring and accepting suggestion and criticism about School Operational
Assistacne activities. The monitoring conducted routinethat is once a month and every three month by the principla, the head of Official Technical Implementation Unit that has been done every month, quarter Regional Officer Agency inspectorate, and also school committee and community. The evaluated aspects of School Operational Assistance include statistic of the recipient, distribution, absorbtion, and
utilizing of the School Opearational Assistance fund
AbstractLicensing is one of several business regulating instruments which enable Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to be transferable and commercialized. However, it is faced with several issues: (1) What is the arrangement of IPR license agreement in Indonesia like?; (2) How does the law on legal contracts provide IPR-related practitioners with legal protection? The research findings reveal that there has been a complete set of laws in the field of intellectual property in Indonesia which cover Copyrights, Trademark, Patent, Lay-out Design of Integrated Circuit, Industrial Design, Trade Secret, and Protection of Plant Variety. The law regarding legal contracts provides any related parties involved in IPR licensing practices in Indonesia with legal protection by taking in two references: the IPR laws and Book 3 of Code of Laws which are put into a legal contract.Keywords : License, Intellectual Property Rights,AbstrakAda beberapa pengaturan bisnis yang dapat digunakan untuk membawa transfer dan komersialisasi kekayaan intelektual, salah satunya adalah lisensi. Permasalahan sebagai berikut : 1. Bagaimana pengaturan mengenai perjanjian lisensi Hak Kekayaan Intelektual di Indonesia ?; 2. Bagaimana Hukum Perjanjian memberikan perlindungan terhadap para pihak dalam praktek lisensi HKI di Indonesia ? Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan : Pengaturan mengenai ketentuan lisensi Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) di Indonesia diakomodir dalam semua pengaturan perundang-undangan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual meliputi Hak Cipta, Merek, Paten, Desain Tata Letak Sirkuit Terpadu, Desain Industri, Rahasia Dagang dan Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman. Hukum perjanjian memberikan perlindungan terhadap para pihak dalam praktek lisensi HKI di Indonesia dengan melihat pada 2 (dua) pengaturan baik dalam Undang-undang HKI itu sendiri dan Buku III Kitab Undang-Undang yang dituangkan dalam suatu perjanjian (kontrak).Kata Kunci : Lisensi, Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, Hukum Perjanjian, Indonesia
Penerapan Asas Hukum Dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
Legal norms (legal norms, rechtnormen) actually regulate internal personal life (internal life) in a civilized and humanistic manner and also regulate interpersonal relationships in social processes. Legal principles can be in the form of a legal norm that is high in location and many things depend on it and the principle can just a norm. This study aims to determine the application of legal principles in statutory regulations; and to find out the application of other principles in the field of laws and regulations. The research method uses a qualitative normative juridical research method with data collection sourced from library research. Based on the nature of this research, it is an explanatory research, namely research that explains and strengthens a theory on the results of existing research. The results of the study show that legal principles are not concrete legal rules, but are the background of concrete and general or abstract regulations. In general, legal principles are not stated in the form of concrete regulations or in the form of articles, but the law cannot be understood without these principles and the application of other principles in accordance with the legal field of the relevant legislation, including: in criminal law, for example the principle of legality, the principle of presumption of innocence and in civil law, for example in contract law, among others: the principle of agreement, freedom of contract, and good faith
Pengembangan dan Strategi Perlindungan Hukum atas Ekspresi Budaya Tradisional Di Kabupaten Lebak
This Research is aimed at knowing the development and strategy of law protection against Traditional Cultural Expressions in the Lebak district. In this Research, theoretically useful for society’s undergrad students. Practices are useful to both art and cultural users,of the Education and Cultural Services,of the Tourism service and associated agencies. But currently researchers have not found any particular protection against Traditional Cultural Expressions in the Lebak district. The expressions of traditional culture is a trademark of a people worthy of protection. The provision intended to avoid the actions of foreigners who might damage the cultural values. Since the role of the government to provide protection was necessary, it was necessary to bring out specific law. The qualitative work involves an empirical normative study method of law research by digging into the regulatory regulations. In addition to that researchers do retrieve direct data from communities
Penerapan Kekayaan Intelektual (KI) Terhadap Umkm Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Persaingan Bisnis Berkeadilan
The existence of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) has a big contribution in advancing the economy of this nation. The growth and development of these MSMEs is able to drive the pace of the creative economy in the real sector and can be felt very beneficial in terms of the distribution of people's income. Especially if the product of the MSME product already has legal Intellectual property rights in its protection. Utilization of role of Intellectual Property by business actors towards UMKM products not yet maximal. The uneven understanding that Intellectual Property as the need for Protection makes many MSME products not yet registered. In addition, cost constraints and access difficulties are also considered as other causes. The research was made to answer the problem: 1) How is the Implementation of Intellectual Property Protection (KI) on the products of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)? 2) What is the role of the Government of Intellectual Property Protection (KI) on MSME products? The research method is carried out qualitatively with Descriptive-Normative analysis where Law acts as Norm / Rule / Legislation. Techniques Data collection by searching the literature and keeping in mind the prevailing reality. Result of the Research that in order to provide Legal Protection against UMKM products, the Government should play a role in facilitating the registration, relief and easy access to registration and socialization of Intellectual Propert
The same and not justified laws such as acts of plagiarism or images without permission. Fair use doctrine or fair use (fair deadling, fair use). The most common sense of fair use is any use of copyrighted material or materials for a limited and transformative purpose. Reasonable interest is one of the protections that copyright law allows to use copyright in a reasonable and limited use in copyright work so as to minimize copyright infringement. But on the internet, there are many things that can happen. For example, copying existing in copyrighted Internet content may be considered a copyright infringement, opening music data and then uploading it without the permission of the Copyright Holder may also be categorized Copyright Infringement, reading articles to electronic books are also vulnerable to copyright infringement and others. The most common sense of fair use is any use of copyrighted material or materials for a limited and transformative purpose. The term fair use is a doctrine in copyright law in the United States that allows the limited use of copyrighted works, without the permission of the rights holder. Another term is fair use. The use is limited to the importance of commenting, criticism, news reporting, research, and teachin
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