34 research outputs found
The Effect of Differences Feeding TIME of Natural Food Artemia SP. and Water Flea on the Growth and Survival of Giant Gouramy Larvae (Osphronemus Gouramy, Lac)
The research was conducted in May to June 2016 in the Laboratory of Fish Hatchery and Breeding Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences University of Riau. The purpose of this research was to know The Effect of Differences feeding time of Natural Feed Artemia sp. and Water Flea on the Growth and Survival of Giant Gouramy Larvae (Osphronemus gouramy, Lac). This research used the experimental method, while the experimental design that was used completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and three replication. The treatments in this research ware P1 (giving Artemia sp. for 10 days and 30 days for Water Flea), P2 (giving Artemia sp. for 20 days and 20 days for Water Flea), P3 (giving Artemia sp. for 30 days and 10 days for Water Flea), P4 (giving Artemia sp. for 40 days), P5 (giving Water Flea for 40 days).The result showed the best treatment was feeding with P5 (Giving Water Flea for 40 days) the growth of absolute weigh that produces 0,086 grams, the growth of absolute length is 0,831 cm, the daily growth rate of 4,332 %. The water quality parameters during research were temperature 26,4-27,8 ºC, pH 6,5-7,3 and dissolved oxygen 4,0-6,0 ppm
The Effect Of Longeth Radiation And Cool Shock Differently Toward Ginogenesis Shealthfish (Ompok Rhadinurus Ng)
This study was conducted for 28 days from 13 Mei until 9 Juni 2014, In Hatchery and Fish Breeding Laboratory of Fisheries and Marine Sciences University of Riau. The aim of study was to determine of the effect of longeth radiation and cool shock differently toward ginogenesis shealtfish (Ompok rhadinurus Ng) fertilized by spermatozoa catfish (Pangasius hypophthalamus). The experiental used in this study with 1 factor and 10 treatments. The treatment were density of control hybridization and spermatozoa radiation with ultraviolet light (1,2, and 3 minutes) and then performed for 1 minute after conception with cool shock 5oC (1,2 and 3 minutes). The best treatment was combination 3 minutes while radiation performed for 1 minute fertilization with cool shock 5oC for 3 minutes (P3F1K3) with a success percentage of 100%. The water quality parameters along the research period were recorded as temperature 25 – 27oC, pH 5 – 6, and dissolve oxygen ( DO ) 5- 7,5 mg/l respectively
Keberhasilan dan Pertumbuhan Larva Ginogenesis Ikan Selais (Ompok Rhadinurus Ng ) dengan Kejutan Suhu Dingin
Penyediaan benih ikan berkualitas dan berkesinambungan menjadi faktor penting dalam peningkatan budidaya ikan. Pengembangan usaha budidaya akan mengalami hambatan tanpa diberengi oleh ketersediaan benih yang cukup dan berkualitas baik. Salah satu cara yang dapat ditempuh untuk menyediakan benih yang berkualitas unggul adalah dengan jalan perlakuan Ginogenesis. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada bulan Mei-Agustus 2014 di Laboratorium Pembenihan dan Pemuliaan ikan Universitas Riau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh lama penyinaran dan lama kejutan suhu dingin serta pertumbuhan benih ginogenesis ikan selais (Ompok rhadinurus). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen, dengan perlakuan lama penyinaran Ultraviolet terhadap sperma ikan dan lama kejutan dingin terhadap telur setelah pembuahan 1 menit pada suhu kejutan dingin 5 oC. Sperma berasal dari ikan patin (Pangasius hypopthalmus), sedangkan telur berasal dari ikan selais (O. rhadinurus). Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik adalah lama penyinaran 3 menit setelah terjadi pembuahan 1 menit dan lama kejutan dingin 3 menit pada suhu dingin 5oC. Sedangkan pertambahan bobot dan panjang mutlak K-2H dan G-2N meiotik tidak jauh berbeda
Influence of SGnRH-a + Domperidone with Different Doses for Ovulation Stimulation, Egg and Larvae Quality of the Pawas (Osteochilus Hasselti CV)
This research was conducted over 60 days, starting on April 20 until June 8 2015, at the Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory at Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, University of Riau. This research aims to determine the effect of sGnRH-a + domperidone with different doses of the ovulation stimulation and the eggs quality of Nilem Carp (O. hasselti CV) which is the first step of research and then the best dosage obtained through observations in the first step will then be injected against gonads mature female brood and then will spawn with the male injected with the best dose (0.4 ml/kg body weight) through research "sGnRH-a + domperidone With Different Doses for Volume, Concentration and Cement Quality of Nilem Carp (O. hasselti CV) as the second step of this research. The results showed that sGnRH-a + domperidone at a dose of 0.6 ml/kg body weight were significant (p<0,05) for the latent time, total eggs ovulation, egg diameter increase, eggs maturity and ovisomatik index value, with the best results for the latent time (6.15 hours), total eggs ovulation (242 eggs/g gonads), egg diameter increase (0.9125 mm), eggs maturity (20 %) and ovisomatik value index (14.75 %). Results of the second step resulted in average: fertility rate (81.33 %), hatching rate (81.76 %), absolute length growth (1.91 cm), absolute weight growth (0.27 g), daily growth rate (10.17 %) and the rate of survival (95.1 %)
The Effect Hcg (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) to Ovulation and Hatching of Fish Eggs
This research was conducted for 30 days, from 20 Januari to 19 Maret 2017 at the Laboratory of Fish Hatchery and Breeding, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University Of Riau, The Purpose of his study was to research the effect of the hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) dose on ovulation eggs, eggs diameter, and hatching fish eggs. The method used in this research is descriptive method with one factor, four treatment and two replications. The treatment used is as follows : PO Control using NaCL 0,9 % as much 1 ml/kg weight of test fish. P1 : Injection of hCG with dose 700 IU/kg weight of test fish. P2 : Injection of hCG with dose 900 IU/kg weight of test fish. P3 : Injection of hCG with dose 1100 IU/kg weight of test fish. The best result of the research is P2 : Injection of hCG with dose 900 IU/kg weight of test fish the with an average latent time 7 hours and 2 minutes, amount eggs(items)/g 369 items, increase in egg diameter 0,2 mm, IOS 13,68 %, Fertilization Rate 73,85 %Hatching Rate 74,47 %, Survival Rate (SR4) 71,43
The Influence of Injection SGnRH+Domperidon by Different Dosage to Egg Quality and Hatching of Betok (Anabas Testudineus)
The research was conducted from Oktober to November 2014 at Fish Breeding and Hatchery Laboratory Fisheris and Marine Science Faculty of Riau University. It was aim to know the influence of sGnRH+Domperidon injection by different dosage to egg quality and hatching of betok. It the research experiment method was applied with four treatmens and tree replications. The treatment injection by fisiologis solution 0,9 %, injection by sGnRH+Domperidon 0,5 ml/kg. 0,7 ml/kg and 0,9 ml/kg weigh of fish. The result showed that treatment with different dosage of sGnRH+Domperidon provide a significant influence on total of latency time of spawning, eggs ovulation/g weight of fish, eggs diameter, fertilization, egg hatchability and survival rate of larval. The best result was got from 0,5 ml/kg dosage with latency time 6,49 hour, total eggs ovulated 212/g weight of fish, accretion diameter of egg 0,184 mm, egg fertilized 75,11 %, egg hatchability 78,09 % and survival rate of living larvae was 82,36 %.Water quality during experiment was always in good condition for living
Effect of Types of Natural Food and Their Combination on Growth Dab Survival Rate of Tambaqui (Colossoma Macropomum) Larvae
The effect of types of natural food and their combinations on growth and survival rate of tambaqui (Collossoma macropomum) larvae was conducted at the Fish Hatchery and Breeding Lalboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau in 18-L recirculating water system aquaria for 6 weeks rearing period. Six-days old larvae were stocked at density of 30 larvae/ aquarium and fed with Artemia nauplii for 6 weeks (treatment 1), water fleas 6 weeks (Treatment 2); tubifex worm 6 weeks (Treatment 3); Artemia nauplii 3 weeks followed by tubifex worm 3 weeks (treatment 4); water fleas 3 weeks followed by tubifex worm 3 weeks (Treatment 5) and Artemia nauplii 2 weeks, followed by water fleas 2 weeks and lasted by tubifex worm 2 weeks (Treatment 6). The weight gain (2.2 g) and specific growth rate (9.75%/day) were significantly higher for larvae fed with tubifex worm for 6 weeks than those fed with artemia and water flea or their combinations. Therefore, the survival rate of larvae was best (74.4%) when fed with either artemia nauplii followed by tubifex worm or water flea followed by tubifex worm
Giving Effect of Different Natural Feed on the Growth and Survivval Fish Larvae Climbing Perch (Anabas Testudinieus)
The research was conducted in April to May 2015 in the Laboratory ofFish Hatchery and Breeding Faculty of Fisheries and Marine SciencesUniversity of Riau. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect ofdifferent natural feed on the growth and survival of fish larvae. This researchused the experimental method, while the experimental design that was usedcompletely randomized design (CRD) with 3 levels of treatment and 3repetitions. The treatments in this research are PA (natural feeding Artemia sp),PT (Feeding naturally worms Tubifex sp), and PKA (natural feeding Kutu air).The result showed that feeding kutu air naturally is the best to feed thegrowth of absolute weight that produces 0.659 grams, the growth of theabsolute length of 2.66 cm, the daily growth rate of 21.633%, while the bestsurvival rate found in the natural feeding Artemia sp is 81 %