76 research outputs found
Identification of Hessian matrix in distributed gradient-based multi-agent coordination control systems
Multi-agent coordination control usually involves a potential function that
encodes information of a global control task, while the control input for
individual agents is often designed by a gradient-based control law. The
property of Hessian matrix associated with a potential function plays an
important role in the stability analysis of equilibrium points in
gradient-based coordination control systems. Therefore, the identification of
Hessian matrix in gradient-based multi-agent coordination systems becomes a key
step in multi-agent equilibrium analysis. However, very often the
identification of Hessian matrix via the entry-wise calculation is a very
tedious task and can easily introduce calculation errors. In this paper we
present some general and fast approaches for the identification of Hessian
matrix based on matrix differentials and calculus rules, which can easily
derive a compact form of Hessian matrix for multi-agent coordination systems.
We also present several examples on Hessian identification for certain typical
potential functions involving edge-tension distance functions and
triangular-area functions, and illustrate their applications in the context of
distributed coordination and formation control
Closed-Loop Subspace Identification for Stable/Unstable Systems using Data Compression and Nuclear Norm Minimization
This paper provides a subspace method for closed-loop identification, which clearly specifies the model order from noisy measurement data. The method can handle long I/O data of the target system to be noise-tolerant and determine the model order via nuclear norm minimization. First, the proposed method compresses the long data by projecting them to an appropriate low dimensional subspace, then obtains a low order model whose order is specified by a combination of data compression and nuclear norm minimization. Its effectiveness is demonstrated through detailed numerical examples
On a hierarchical control strategy for multi-agent formation without reflection
This paper considers a formation shape control problem for point agents in a
two-dimensional ambient space, where the control is distributed, is based on
achieving desired distances between nominated agent pairs, and avoids the
possibility of reflection ambiguities. This has potential applications for
large-scale multi-agent systems having simple information exchange structure.
One solution to this type of problem, applicable to formations with just three
or four agents, was recently given by considering a potential function which
consists of both distance error and signed triangle area terms. However, it
seems to be challenging to apply it to formations with more than four agents.
This paper shows a hierarchical control strategy which can be applicable to any
number of agents based on the above type of potential function and a formation
shaping incorporating a grouping of equilateral triangles, so that all
controlled distances are in fact the same. A key analytical result and some
numerical results are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
method.Comment: Accepted by the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Contro
On global convergence of area-constrained formations of hierarchical multi-agent systems
This paper is concerned with a formation shaping problem for point agents in
a two-dimensional space, where control avoids the possibility of reflection
ambiguities. One solution for this type of problems was given first for three
or four agents by considering a potential function which consists of both the
distance error and the signed area terms. Then, by exploiting a hierarchical
control strategy with such potential functions, the method was extended to any
number of agents recently. However, a specific gain on the signed area term
must be employed there, and it does not guarantee the global convergence. To
overcome this issue, this paper provides a necessary and sufficient condition
for the global convergence, subject to the constraint that the desired
formation consists of isosceles triangles only. This clarifies the admissible
range of the gain on the signed area for this case. In addition, as for
formations consisting of arbitrary triangles, it is shown when high gain on the
signed area is admissible for global convergence.Comment: Accepted in the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC
2020). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1808.0031
Identification of Multiple-Mode Linear Models Based on Particle Swarm Optimizer with Cyclic Network Mechanism
This paper studies the metaheuristic optimizer-based direct identification of a multiple-mode system consisting of a finite set of linear regression representations of subsystems. To this end, the concept of a multiple-mode linear regression model is first introduced, and its identification issues are established. A method for reducing the identification problem for multiple-mode models to an optimization problem is also described in detail. Then, to overcome the difficulties that arise because the formulated optimization problem is inherently ill-conditioned and nonconvex, the cyclic-network-topology-based constrained particle swarm optimizer (CNT-CPSO) is introduced, and a concrete procedure for the CNT-CPSO-based identification methodology is developed. This scheme requires no prior knowledge of the mode transitions between subsystems and, unlike some conventional methods, can handle a large amount of data without difficulty during the identification process. This is one of the distinguishing features of the proposed method. The paper also considers an extension of the CNT-CPSO-based identification scheme that makes it possible to simultaneously obtain both the optimal parameters of the multiple submodels and a certain decision parameter involved in the mode transition criteria. Finally, an experimental setup using a DC motor system is established to demonstrate the practical usability of the proposed metaheuristic optimizer-based identification scheme for developing a multiple-mode linear regression model
Formation shape control with distance and area constraints
This paper discusses a formation control problem in which a target formation is defined with both distance and signed area constraints. The control objective is to drive spatially distributed agents to reach a unique target rigid formation shape (up to rotation and translation) with desired inter-agent distances. We define a new potential function by incorporating both distance terms and signed area terms and derive the formation system as a gradient system from the potential function. We start with a triangle formation system with detailed analysis on the equilibrium and convergence property with respect to a weighting gain parameter. For an equilateral triangle example, analytic solutions describing agents’ trajectories are also given. We then examine the four-agent double-triangle formation and provide conditions to guarantee that both triangles converge to the desired side distances and signed areas.Z. Sun was supported by the Australian Prime Minister’s Endeavour Postgraduate Award from Australian Government. Sugie is supported by JSPS
KAKENHI Grant Number JP16K14284. Azuma is supported by JSPS
KAKENHI Grant Number JP15H00814. Sakurama is supported by
JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP15K06143
Generalized Coordination of Multi-robot Systems
Multi-robot systems have huge potential for practical applications, which include sensor networks, area surveillance, environment mapping, and so forth. In many applications, cooperative coordination of the robots plays a central role. There are various types of coordination tasks such as consensus, formation, coverage, and pursuit. Most developments of control methods have been taken place for each task individually so far. The purpose of this monograph is to provide a systematic design method applicable to a wide range of coordination tasks for multi-robot systems. The features of the monograph are two-fold: (i) The coordination problem is described in a unified way instead of handling various problems individually, and (ii) a complete solution to this problem is provided in a compact way by using the tools of “group” and “graph” theories efficiently. As for item (i), it is shown that various coordination tasks can be formulated as a generalized coordination problem, where each robot should converge to some desired configuration set under the given information network topology among robots. In this problem, the solvability (i.e., whether robots can achieve the given coordination task or not) fully depends on the characteristics of both the desired configuration set and the network topology. Therefore, concerning item (ii), it is clarified when the generalized coordination problem can be solved in terms of the desired configuration set and the network topology. Furthermore, it is shown how to design a controller which achieves the given configuration task. In particular, the case where each robot can get only local information (e.g., relative position between two robots) is discussed
Dynamic Quantization of Nonlinear Control Systems
This paper addresses a problem of finding an optimal dynamic quantizer for nonlinear control subject to discrete-valued signal constraints, i.e., to the condition that some signals must take a value on a discrete and countable set at each time instant. The quantizers to be studied are in the form of a nonlinear difference equation which maps continuous-valued signals into discrete-valued ones. They are evaluated by a performance index expressing the difference between the resulting quantized system and the unquantized system, in terms of the input-output relation. In this paper, we present a closed-form solution, which globally minimizes the performance index. This result shows the performance limitation of a general class of dynamic quantizers. In addition to this, some results on the structure and the stability are given in order to clarify the mechanism of the best dynamic quantization in nonlinear control systems
Real .MU.-analysis by Stability Feeler-Reduction of Conservativeness of Upper Bounds and Lower Bounds with a Region Splitting and Expanding Method
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