129 research outputs found
The Development of Agent Information for Intrusion Detection
As the challenges and problems surround intrusion rises rapidly, the intrusion detection system has been gradually developed. Agent-based approach for intrusion detection system has developed from single to multi agent, and later developed mobile agents in order to increase system's capability to face with a more complex challenge and change. A number of studies had been identified that mobile agent can reduce network traffic, however the study related to intrusion detection using static and mobile agent for finding intruder has not been fully achieved.Keywords:  Information, Intrusion, mobile, network
Development of National Digital Evidence Metadata
The industrial era 4.0 has caused tremendous disruption in many sectors of life. The rapid development of information and communication technology has made the global industrial world undergo a revolution. The act of cyber-crime in Indonesia that utilizes computer equipment, mobile phones are increasingly increasing. The information in a file whose contents are explained about files is called metadata. The evidence items for cyber cases are divided into two types, namely physical evidence, and digital evidence. Physical evidence and digital evidence have different characteristics, the concept will very likely cause problems when applied to digital evidence. The management of national digital evidence that is associated with continued metadata is mostly carried out by researchers. Considering the importance of national digital evidence management solutions in the cyber-crime investigation process the research focused on identifying and modeling correlations with the digital image metadata security approach. Correlation analysis reads metadata characteristics, namely document files, sounds and digital evidence correlation analysis using standard file maker parameters, size, file type and time combined with digital image metadata. nationally designed the highest level of security is needed. Security-enhancing solutions can be encrypted against digital image metadata (EXIF). Read EXIF Metadata in the original digital image based on the EXIF 2.3 Standard ID Tag, then encrypt and insert it into the last line. The description process will return EXIF decryption results in the header image. This can secure EXIF Metadata information without changing the image qualit
Banyaknya pilihan program studi di Perguruan Tinggi, faktanya tidak membuat calon mahasiswa dengan cepat dan mudah dapat memutuskan program studi yang akan diambilnya. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan sebagai suatu sistem interaktif berbasis komputer yang membantu pengambil keputusan melalui penggunaan data dan model-model keputusan untuk memecahkan masalah diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dalam menghasilkan keputusan yang dapat diandalkan. Pada penelitian ini telah dibuat perangkat lunak berbasis web untuk membantu calon mahasiswa dalam menentukan pilihan program studi di perguruan tinggi yang sesuai dengan kemampuan akademis dan bakatnya. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam perancangan dan pembangunan SPK ini menerapkan ”System Development Life Cycle” atau daur hidup pengembangan sistem metode Waterfall. Website ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman web PHP, JavaScript dan database MySQL sedangkan untuk layout dan desain menggunakan software Macromedia Dreamweaver dan Adobe photoshop. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan ini diharapkan dapat membantu memecahkan masalah bagi calon mahasiswa yang kesulitan dalam menentukan atau memilih program studi yang sesuai dengan kemampuan akademis dan bakatnya dengan pemberian saran untuk pendukung keputusan
Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Deteksi Gambar Porno Di Browser Pengguna Internet
Penelitian ini merupakan implementasi dari algoritma poligon aplikasi Node.js dalam bentuk add-on Mozilla Firefox (inetfilter). Algoritma Nude.js ditulis oleh Patriek Wied kemudian juga diuji dalam sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Rigan Ap-apid, dalam studinya mengatakan bahwa algoritma ini memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik daripada SVM, WIPE, Jones-Rehg, Fleck- Forsyth dalam hal deteksi gambar-gambar porno. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Rigan Ap-apid menggunakan data pelatihan dan pengujian yang telah dikumpulkan dengan jumlah 421 dan 635 gambar porno bukan gambar porno dengan ukuran gambar tidak disebutkan. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan data yang lebih nyata dalam bahwa data langsung dari pencarian menggunakan mesin pencari. Studi ini menambahkan fungsi multi-deteksi pada nude.js perpustakaan kemudian diimplementasikan dalam bentuk add-on Mozilla Firefox. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan browser Firefox add on inetfiter sudah terpasang. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan 14 kata kunci dalam pencarian menggunakan mesin pencari google pada gambar, halaman depan dua situs porno terkenal, dan satu halaman dengan 40 gambar. Rincian jumlah gambar adalah 4733 pornografi gambar seperti: Miyabi, Maria Ozawa, Nude, Naked, dll, 894 gambar dengan dua kata kunci bertema non-porno seperti: sapi, wajah, dll, 95 gambar dari halaman dua situs porno terkenal, dan 40 gambar dari halaman yang dibuat oleh peneliti sendiri. Jumlah gambar yang diuji adalah 5762 gambar dengan 4010 gambar gambar porno diprediksi. Total gambar terdeteksi gambar porno adalah 3276. Demikian hasil tes menyimpulkan bahwa menambahkan pada inetfilter mampu mendeteksi 81,70% dengan error deteksi gambar porno dari 13,72%
Analysis of Quality of Service (QoS) Youtube Streaming Video Service in Wireless Network in Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Sunan Kalijaga
The growing number of internet users in Indonesia, making the number of users increasing especially video streaming on Youtube service. This increase is based on rapid technological developments, especially PCs, Laptops and Smartphones that use wireless or wireless internet access. The use of streaming video over wireless networks is different from cable networks Because The characteristics of wireless networks are limited Compared to wired networks, and the characteristics of streaming video transmissions that require different handling than traditional text, and the data transmissions. As a first step towards Achieving an optimum Internet network service effort, Applies Action Research This research method by utilizing video quality with 360p, 480p, and 720p. The QOS parameters Analyzed Consist of delay, jitter, throughput, packet loss and bandwidth using wireshark and NetTools for the testing phase. The results of analysis using QoS for streaming video shows the performance of wireless network services at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Faculty of Science and Technology is still not maximal especially on video with 480p quality, that has a 20 ms delay and jitter quality level ms According -0.0269 to TIPHON is very good. The amount of throughput is 0:55 MBps throughput and the percentage is 3% and the packet loss value is 28%, if it is Categorized by TIPHON standardization bad this value falls into the category. For the average bandwidth used is 329 714 bps value
Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja TCP Vegas dan TCP New Reno Menggunakan Antrian Drop Tail
TCP was developed to deal with problems that often occur in the network, such as congestion problems. Congestion can occur when the number of packets transmitted in the network approaches the network capacity which can cause network problems. This can be overcome by implementing TCP and queue management. In this research, we will test the performance of TCP Newreno and TCP Vegas using NS-2 in the Drop Tail queue. The performance parameters used are throughput, packet drop, and congestion window with additional buffer capacity. The test results for the congestion window and packet drop parameters, TCP Vegas has better performance when the buffer gets bigger when congestion occurs with the congestion window smaller than TCP New Reno and the average packet drop is 18.33 packets compared to TCP New Reno with an average of 18.33 packets. average 41.67 packets. For throughput parameters, TCP New Reno has better performance with an average of 6.77253 Mbps than TCP Vegas with an average of 4.29693 Mbps. From testing and analysis that TCP Vegas has better performance than TCP New Reno when using Drop Tail queues
Design and Development of an Automatic Watering System Based on Bash Shell with OpenWRT Platform on Chili Plants
Indonesia is an agrarian country. Because of the wide agriculture area, Indonesia became the exporter country in agriculture sector. Nowadays, the developments in every fields are always increasing. One of those field is technology. Technology should give some contributions which can develop the agriculture field. One of the contribution that can be done is automatic watering system on chili, so it become easier for the farmers to control the chili. The automatic watering system use internet technology to control a device from distance. This chili’s automatic watering system based on bash shell with openWRT platform. This system was made to help farmers watering the chili automatically. The methods that used in this system can be based on the soil’s moisture, time, or manual. Soil’s moisture based method used soil moisture, that tool can measure the ground’s moisture and automatically send order to the device. This system can reduce delays of the chili’s daily treatment, so the chili’s production will be increasing. This system development used SLDC (Systems Development Life Cycle) method. Automatic watering system with openWRT platform can help farmers in watering and controlling chili. The system can perform the function of automatic watering feature and functionality can run well
Analisis Unjuk Kerja TCP Sack Menggunakan Antrian Random Early Detection
As time goes by, the current technology is also developing very rapidly, the rapid development of technology, especially on the internet network is also developing so that it is expected to continue to provide the best quality to meet the growing and fast information needs. An internet network is highly demanded of its best quality, one of which is in the spotlight to be developed, namely TCP Transmission Control Protocol. The efficiency and smoothness of the data transmission process is the most important thing in a communication network. TCP is one aspect that supports today’s fast internet, with TCP we can exchange information accurately, quickly, and well. In this study, researchers are interested in analyzing the performance of TCP Sack using the Random Early Detection queue. By doing this research is expected to know the performance of TCP Sack by looking at the parameter values of packet delivery ratio, throughput, end to end delay, and packet drop. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that end-to-end delay parameter testing on the TCP Sack still has poor performance, while for testing the packet delivery ratio, throughput, and packet drop TCP Sack already has good performance
Evaluation and Implementation of IT Governance Using the 2019 COBIT Framework at the Department of Food Security, Agriculture and Fisheries of Balangan Regency
The food security, fisheries and agriculture services work with local government to help the community. In carrying out its work, the government applies information technology to achieve the goals. Therefore, it is necessary to have an IT governance design to ensure the alignment of the government’s objectives and the use of IT. Governance is an important asset to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of work process improvement using IT. This research is conducted because there has never been an IT governance design assessment. The analysis and design of IT governance at government agencies are carried out using the COBIT 2019 framework to measure the level of IT capability. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by conducting interviews with influential government parties. This study obtained an IT governance design and detected important processes for the domains used, namely EDM04, APO04, APO07, APO08, APO11, BAI03, BAI08, BAI10
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