5 research outputs found

    Comparison of high-intensity and low-level laser therapy effecton combined sensory index, sensory conduction velocity and distal motoric latency: a study in moderate carpal tunnel syndrome patients

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    Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common neuropathy compression syndrome. The effectiveness of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) as one of the conservative therapy for CTS is still debatable. High-intensity laser therapy (HILT) is developed with higher energy and deeper tissue penetration than LLLT. This study aimed to compare the effect of HILT and LLLT on sensory and motoric electrophysiologic parameters in moderate CTS patients. This was an experimental randomized pre and post-test group study. Sixteen patients (fifteen females and one male) with moderate CTS were randomly assigned into two groups. The HILT group was given HILT with analgesic dosage 10 J/cm2 and biostimulation dosage 120 J/cm2. The LLLT group was given LLLT with dosage 6 J/cm2. All treatments were given for ten sessions in 2 weeks. Combined sensory index (CSI), sensory nerve conduction velocity (SNCV), and distal motoric latency (DML) were recorded before and three days after the last treatment. The mean decrease of CSI was more significant in HILT group (-0.37±0.37 ms; p=0.03). There were no significant differences in the mean increase of SNCV (HILT = 3.16±3.15 m/s, LLLT= 2.74±1.42 m/s; p=0.73) and mean decrease in DML between two groups (HILT = - 0.20 ± 0.18 ms , LLLT = - 0.14 ± 0.21 ms; p=0.52). In conclusion, the HILT is more effective than LLLT in improving the CSI values in moderate CTS patients

    The Correlation of Caffeine Levels Consumption with Sleep Quality Levels of Active Students

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    Introduction: Caffeine is one of the many stimulants found in popular foods and beverages consumed bythe global population. Caffeine has many benefits if it is consumed in accordance with recommended daily doses, such as reducing fatigue and facilitating activity. Caffeine consumption in excess is detrimental to the body, particularly the quality of sleep. Numerous students consume caffeine with the intention of enhancing daytime performance, but they disregard its negative effects, particularly on sleep quality. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using data collected with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and a questionnaire for caffeine content based on BPOM for active students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University, classes of 2019–2021. The Spearman test was performed to determine the relationship between the independent variable (caffeine intake) and the dependent variable (sleep quality levels). Results: There were forty respondents who satisfied the inclusion criteria. 20% of respondents had good sleep quality, whereas 80% of respondents had poor sleep quality. 60% of respondents consumed low amounts of caffeine or none at all (<32 mg), while 40% consumed high amounts of caffeine (>151mg). The analysis utilizing the Spearman test revealed that some outcomes had no effect (p = 0.876) while others did (r = 0.026). Conclusions: There is no correlation between caffeine consumption and sleep quality among active students at Atma Jaya Catholic University's School of Medicine and Health Sciences


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    Makalah ini membahas mengenai perancangan dan realisasi Alat Bantu Rehabilitasi Motorik Sederhana (ABRAMS). ABRAMS merupakan alat bantu rehabilitasi paska stroke sederhana yang dapat memulihkan kekuatan menggenggam dan meningkatkan rentang pergerakan (Range Of Movement) pergelangan tangan pada pasien pasca stroke. Alat bantu yang umum digunakan berbasis robotik pasif/ aktif. Dalam makalah ini akan dibahas rancangan ABRAMS tanpa teknologi robotik, tetapi menggunakan sensor tekanan MPX5700 dan kamera berbasis pengolahan citra. Hasil desain system memperlihatkan bahwa system sudah dapat memberikan data-data yang penting untuk proses rehabilitasi yaitu mendeteksi kekuatan genggaman dan pendeteksian gerakan pergelangan tangan menggunakan web kamera. Dari hasil rancangan ini dapat dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengklasifikasi kekuatan tangan dan gerakan untuk penyempurnaan system ABRAMS. Kata kunci: ABRAMS, pengolahan citra, sensor tekanan MPX5700, arduino, web camer

    Rehabilitasi medik pada sindroma dekondisi pasca COVID-19 derajat berat

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: COVID-19 is characterized by complaints of fever, cough, weakness, respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. The existence of treatment in the isolation room accompanied by prolonged bed rest will cause the patient to experience deconditioning syndrome. Case Report: A man, 58 years old, post severe COVID-19 patients with shortness of breath, ineffective cough and feeling weak in all four extremities due to prolonged bed rest (denconditioning syndrome). Deconditioning is defined as a reduction in anatomical and physiological function caused by disease, age, or physical inactivity.The patient was given active gradual mobilization, range of movement exercise, endurance, strengthening, balance and coordination exercise. Patient was also given breathing exercise, chest physical therapy and effective cough. Seven days after rehabilitation, patient could regulate his breathing pattern and ambulate independently. Patient was discharged and continue self training at home. Conclusion: Breathing exercise, chest physical therapy, aerobic exercise, muscle strengthening exercises in all four extremities, coordination, balance exercises and gradual mobilization training are very important in the recovery of  post severe COVID-19 patient. Key Words: breathing exercise, COVID-19, deconditioning syndrome, mobilizationABSTRAK Pendahuluan: COVID-19 ditandai dengan adanya keluhan demam, batuk, lemas, gangguan saluran napas dan saluran cerna. Perawatan pada ruang isolasi disertai dengan tirah baring lama akan membuat pasien mengalami sindroma dekondisi. Laporan Kasus: Pasien laki-laki, 58 tahun pasca COVID-19 derajat berat dengan keluhan sesak bila beraktivitas, mudah lelah, batuk tidak efektif, lemas pada keempat ekstremitas akibat tirah baring lama (sindrom dekondisi). Dekondisi diartikan sebagai berkurangnya fungsi anatomis dan fisiologis yang disebabkan oleh penyakit, usia, atau inaktivitas fisik. Pasien mendapatkan program latihan peningkatan lingkup gerak sendi, ketahanan aerobik, penguatan otot, keseimbangan dan koordinasi serta latihan mobilisasi bertahap. Pasien juga mendapatkan latihan pernapasan, terapi fisik dada dan latihan batuk efektif. Tujuh hari pasca rehabilitasi, Pasien telah dapat mengatur pola napas dan melakukan ambulasi mandiri. Pasien diperbolehkan pulang untuk melanjutkan terapi latihan mandiri di rumah. Simpulan:  Latihan pernapasan, terapi fisik dada, latihan aerobik, latihan penguatan otot pada keempat ekstremitas, latihan koordinasi dan keseimbangan serta latihan mobilisasi aktif secara bertahap sangat penting pada pemulihan pasien pasca COVID-19 derajat berat. Kata Kunci: COVID-19, latihan pernapasan, mobilisasi, sindroma dekondis