37 research outputs found

    Business Value of IT-Enabled Call Centers: An Empirical Analysis

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    Corporate information technology (IT) investments in customer support and service such as CRM systems have been on a steady rise. Of late, the primary interest has shifted toward assessment of returns on these invest- ments. This research attempts to assess the value of IT investments in a customer support setting using a process-level analysis. Given the lack of academic IS research in the area of customer support and value of IT in the service context, this study aims to bridge this gap by building on prior business value of IT literature. In order to identify the contribution of IT in the context of our study, we explicitly control for personnel-specific factors and customer-specific factors. Our findings indicate that IT enabled call centers significantly improve the performance of the customer support process. Further, we also find that the benefits from IT enabled call centers may be higher when the customer-reported problems are complex and difficult to resolve. In addition, we find that both personnel-specific factors and customer-specific factors significantly influence the business benefits from IT in call center and customer support applications

    Could Government Measures Crowd Out Grassroots Philanthropy? Empirical Evidence from an Education Crowdfunding Platform

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    Over the last two decades, grassroots altruism, enabled through platforms such as DonorsChoose.org, has resulted in successful funding of innumerable and essential public school projects across the country. While such channels become critical fundraising mechanisms, there is an unintended possibility of crowding out of these sources by governmental initiatives which aim to shed light on, and address public school resource deficits. In this study, with a focus on major public policy announcements, we examine whether there is an unintended effect of external measures, such as the signing of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), on grassroots altruism, which is possible to examine on online philanthropy platforms. We surmise that, in such platforms, donors could become complacent and take comfort in the cognizance of an external agency addressing the problems they care about -- we call this the “savior effect”. Importantly, from our analysis of panel data on the platform, we find that the savior effect: (a) results in declined donations toward under-served public school projects on the platform, and (b) makes donations more local, disproportionately impacting schools with high concentrations of low-income and minority students, which receive fewer instructional resources to begin with. Our work has important policy implications for public schools, donor communities, and online fundraising platforms

    Leveraging Social Networking Sites for Executive Success

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    Determinants of Inspection Effectiveness in Software Development: An Empirical Analysis

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    Software inspections are formal evaluations of the intermediate work products (artifacts) of the development process. These artifacts are examined to ensure that a high quality work-product is delivered to the testers and ultimately to the end-users of the software product. The crucial role of inspections in determining quality of the software makes it important to assess the effectiveness of inspections. While prior research has identified several factors that influence effectiveness of software inspections, our understanding of the influence of team composition (personnel mix and team size) and the type of the inspected artifact (project plan, requirements specification, design document, code) on effectiveness of inspections is minimal. We develop hypotheses for the factors affecting inspection effectiveness and attempt to validate these hypotheses in a field setting. Our preliminary results show that, during early stages of software development, an increase in the proportion of experienced reviewers (with greater domain experience) is associated with both an increase in the total number of defects discovered in the inspection process as well as an increase in the likelihood of detecting high severity defects. However, during later stages, we find that greater pro- gramming experience is associated with both an increase in the total number of defects discovered in the inspection process as well as an increase in the likelihood of detecting high severity defects. These results have important implications for both practice and research

    Disaster Management Through Digital Platforms: Online Crowdfunding Communities Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    We study how digital crowdfunding platforms can help replenish the sudden economic deficiencies that accompany a global crisis. Specifically, we examine whether public schools, which suffered severe setbacks during the COVID-19 crisis, were able to generate support from online fundraising communities. We study how the shutdown of schools and the shift to online learning in the United States affected private fundraising on the DonorsChoose.org platform. We find evidence that, after the exogenous shock caused by stay-at-home orders, donations to schools increased and the increased level of concern moves toward high-need schools. Moreover, we find a shift in donation patterns, wherein donors swiftly adapted to renewed priorities and redistributed their resources to immediate needs around digital learning infrastructure. Our findings reveal the pivotal role digital platforms can play in facilitating community resilience during times of crisis

    The Role of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Stakeholders’ Perceptions: Can Online Opinion Impact Managers’ Futures?

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    The recent advances in information technology have provided new avenues for corporate executives to present themselves to and interact with internal and external stakeholders. We aim to examine the concept that electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in the realm of top managers and its consequences on job tenure. Although prior research provides evidence about influence of eWOM on various organizational outcomes, influence on top management career prospects including managerial survivability is not clear. In this study, we are interested in understanding how eWOM about top managers can affect managers’ career prospects. Specifically, we seek to answer two questions. Does eWOM about top managers in social media affect survivability in their current positions? If so, can managers’ participation in online community moderate this relation? We apply text mining techniques on publicly available social media posts about top managers to assess how public opinion influences survivability in their positions

    Contests for Predictive Algorithms: Ensembling, Interdependency, and Optimal Rewards Design

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    With the increased availability of data and widespread use of AI/ML technologies, firms are increasingly using crowdsourcing contests to acquire predictive algorithms for business use. A unique feature of these contests is that the designer can create an ensemble of submitted algorithms and improve upon the predictive accuracy (or quality) of individual algorithms. Given this departure from conventional contests, we ask how the optimal rewarding schemes should be in the presence of ensembling and interdependent algorithms. To answer this question, we develop a stylistic model of a contest for a predictive algorithm with two participants. As opposed to the single best contribution typically sought out in conventional contests and the winner-takes-all reward scheme, we find that both the winner and the runner-up could receive rewards in contests for algorithms, depending on whether the ensembled algorithms substitute or complement each other as determined by the algorithm interdependency. We show that the degree of substitution or complementarity can fundamentally alter the structure of the optimal reward scheme. We highlight our results using a real-world algorithm contest for predicting breast cancer using digital mammograms, we demonstrate the practical applicability of our framework

    IT Governance and Portfolio Management: An Exploration of the Superior IT Project Investment Portfolios

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    In this study, we explore the characteristics with the IT project investments for improving the IT portfolio superiority. Our methodology is based on the computational modeling approach. The preliminary findings implicate that a firm could manage to improve on the selectivity, heterogeneity, and scalability in the IT project investments for portfolio selection