2,916 research outputs found
Ly-alpha forest: efficient unbiased estimation of second-order properties with missing data
Context. One important step in the statistical analysis of the Ly-alpha
forest data is the study of their second order properties. Usually, this is
accomplished by means of the two-point correlation function or, alternatively,
the K-function. In the computation of these functions it is necessary to take
into account the presence of strong metal line complexes and strong Ly-alpha
lines that can hidden part of the Ly-alpha forest and represent a non
negligible source of bias. Aims. In this work, we show quantitatively what are
the effects of the gaps introduced in the spectrum by the strong lines if they
are not properly accounted for in the computation of the correlation
properties. We propose a geometric method which is able to solve this problem
and is computationally more efficient than the Monte Carlo (MC) technique that
is typically adopted in Cosmology studies. The method is implemented in two
different algorithms. The first one permits to obtain exact results, whereas
the second one provides approximated results but is computationally very
efficient. The proposed approach can be easily extended to deal with the case
of two or more lists of lines that have to be analyzed at the same time.
Methods. Numerical experiments are presented that illustrate the consequences
to neglect the effects due to the strong lines and the excellent performances
of the proposed approach. Results. The proposed method is able to remarkably
improve the estimates of both the two-point correlation function and the
K-function.Comment: A&A accepted, 12 pages, 15 figure
Directionally Convex Ordering of Random Measures, Shot Noise Fields and Some Applications to Wireless Communications
Directionally convex () ordering is a tool for comparison of dependence
structure of random vectors that also takes into account the variability of the
marginal distributions. When extended to random fields it concerns comparison
of all finite dimensional distributions. Viewing locally finite measures as
non-negative fields of measure-values indexed by the bounded Borel subsets of
the space, in this paper we formulate and study the ordering of random
measures on locally compact spaces. We show that the order is preserved
under some of the natural operations considered on random measures and point
processes, such as deterministic displacement of points, independent
superposition and thinning as well as independent, identically distributed
marking. Further operations such as position dependent marking and displacement
of points though do not preserve the order on all point processes, are
shown to preserve the order on Cox point processes. We also examine the impact
of order on the second moment properties, in particular on clustering and
on Palm distributions. Comparisons of Ripley's functions, pair correlation
functions as well as examples seem to indicate that point processes higher in
order cluster more. As the main result, we show that non-negative
integral shot-noise fields with respect to ordered random measures
inherit this ordering from the measures. Numerous applications of this result
are shown, in particular to comparison of various Cox processes and some
performance measures of wireless networks, in both of which shot-noise fields
appear as key ingredients. We also mention a few pertinent open questions.Comment: Accepted in Advances in Applied Probability. Propn. 3.2 strengthened
and as a consequence Cor 6.1,6.2,6.
Branching mechanism of intergranular crack propagation in three dimensions
We investigate the process of slow intergranular crack propagation by the
finite element method model, and show that branching is induced by partial
arresting of crack front owing to the geometrical randomness of grain
boundaries. A possible scenario for branching instability of crack propagation
in disordered continuum medium is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Phys.Rev.E; v2:corrected typos v3: final
version to be publishe
Discreteness and the transmission of light from distant sources
We model the classical transmission of a massless scalar field from a source
to a detector on a background causal set. The predictions do not differ
significantly from those of the continuum. Thus, introducing an intrinsic
inexactitude to lengths and durations - or more specifically, replacing the
Lorentzian manifold with an underlying discrete structure - need not disrupt
the usual dynamics of propagation.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. Version 2: reference adde
Stochastic inequalities for single-server loss queueing systems
The present paper provides some new stochastic inequalities for the
characteristics of the and loss queueing systems. These
stochastic inequalities are based on substantially deepen up- and
down-crossings analysis, and they are stronger than the known stochastic
inequalities obtained earlier. Specifically, for a class of queueing
system, two-side stochastic inequalities are obtained.Comment: 17 pages, 11pt To appear in Stochastic Analysis and Application
Discreteness without symmetry breaking: a theorem
This paper concerns sprinklings into Minkowski space (Poisson processes). It
proves that there exists no equivariant measurable map from sprinklings to
spacetime directions (even locally). Therefore, if a discrete structure is
associated to a sprinkling in an intrinsic manner, then the structure will not
pick out a preferred frame, locally or globally. This implies that the
discreteness of a sprinkled causal set will not give rise to ``Lorentz
breaking'' effects like modified dispersion relations. Another consequence is
that there is no way to associate a finite-valency graph to a sprinkling
consistently with Lorentz invariance.Comment: 7 pages, laTe
Hyperuniformity, quasi-long-range correlations, and void-space constraints in maximally random jammed particle packings. II. Anisotropy in particle shape
We extend the results from the first part of this series of two papers by
examining hyperuniformity in heterogeneous media composed of impenetrable
anisotropic inclusions. Specifically, we consider maximally random jammed
packings of hard ellipses and superdisks and show that these systems both
possess vanishing infinite-wavelength local-volume-fraction fluctuations and
quasi-long-range pair correlations. Our results suggest a strong generalization
of a conjecture by Torquato and Stillinger [Phys. Rev. E. 68, 041113 (2003)],
namely that all strictly jammed saturated packings of hard particles, including
those with size- and shape-distributions, are hyperuniform with signature
quasi-long-range correlations. We show that our arguments concerning the
constrained distribution of the void space in MRJ packings directly extend to
hard ellipse and superdisk packings, thereby providing a direct structural
explanation for the appearance of hyperuniformity and quasi-long-range
correlations in these systems. Additionally, we examine general heterogeneous
media with anisotropic inclusions and show for the first time that one can
decorate a periodic point pattern to obtain a hard-particle system that is not
hyperuniform with respect to local-volume-fraction fluctuations. This apparent
discrepancy can also be rationalized by appealing to the irregular distribution
of the void space arising from the anisotropic shapes of the particles. Our
work suggests the intriguing possibility that the MRJ states of hard particles
share certain universal features independent of the local properties of the
packings, including the packing fraction and average contact number per
particle.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure
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