75 research outputs found
How Material Heterogeneity Creates Rough Fractures
Fractures are a critical process in how materials wear, weaken, and fail
whose unpredictable behavior can have dire consequences. While the behavior of
smooth cracks in ideal materials is well understood, it is assumed that for
real, heterogeneous systems, fracture propagation is complex, generating rough
fracture surfaces that are highly sensitive to specific details of the medium.
Here we show how fracture roughness and material heterogeneity are inextricably
connected via a simple framework. Studying hydraulic fractures in brittle
hydrogels that have been supplemented with microbeads or glycerol to create
controlled material heterogeneity, we show that the morphology of the crack
surface depends solely on one parameter: the probability to perturb the front
above a critical size to produce a step-like instability. This probability
scales linearly with the number density, and as heterogeneity size to the
power. The ensuing behavior is universal and is captured by the 1D ballistic
propagation and annihilation of steps along the singular fracture front
Challenges for Superstring Cosmology
We consider whether current notions about superstring theory below the Planck
scale are compatible with cosmology. We find that the anticipated form for the
dilaton interaction creates a serious roadblock for inflation and makes it
unlikely that the universe ever reaches a state with zero cosmological constant
and time-independent gravitational constant.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures available as eps files on reques
Strong Brane Gravity and the Radion at Low Energies
For the 2-brane Randall-Sundrum model, we calculate the bulk geometry for
strong gravity, in the low matter density regime, for slowly varying matter
sources. This is relevant for astrophysical or cosmological applications. The
warped compactification means the radion can not be written as a homogeneous
mode in the orbifold coordinate, and we introduce it by extending the
coordinate patch approach of the linear theory to the non-linear case. The
negative tension brane is taken to be in vacuum. For conformally invariant
matter on the positive tension brane, we solve the bulk geometry as a
derivative expansion, formally summing the `Kaluza-Klein' contributions to all
orders. For general matter we compute the Einstein equations to leading order,
finding a scalar-tensor theory with ,
and geometrically interpret the radion. We comment that this radion scalar may
become large in the context of strong gravity with low density matter.
Equations of state allowing to be negative, can exhibit behavior
where the matter decreases the distance between the 2 branes, which we
illustrate numerically for static star solutions using an incompressible fluid.
For increasing stellar density, the branes become close before the upper mass
limit, but after violation of the dominant energy condition. This raises the
interesting question of whether astrophysically reasonable matter, and initial
data, could cause branes to collide at low energy, such as in dynamical
collapse.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure
Seeking Evolution of Dark Energy
We study how observationally to distinguish between a cosmological constant
(CC) and an evolving dark energy with equation of state . We focus
on the value of redshift Z* at which the cosmic late time acceleration begins
and . Four are studied, including the
well-known CPL model and a new model that has advantages when describing the
entire expansion era. If dark energy is represented by a CC model with , the present ranges for and
imply that Z* = 0.743 with 4% error. We discuss the possible implications of a
model independent measurement of Z* with better accuracy.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 5 figure
Extended Inflation from Strings
We study the possibility of extended inflation in the effective theory of
gravity from strings compactified to four dimensions and find that it strongly
depends on the mechanism of supersymmetry breaking. We consider a general class
of string--inspired models which are good candidates for successful extended
inflation. In particular, the --problem of ordinary extended inflation
is automatically solved by the production of only very small bubbles until the
end of inflation. We find that the inflaton field could belong either to the
untwisted or to the twisted massless sectors of the string spectrum, depending
on the supersymmetry breaking superpotential.Comment: 18p
High frequency oscillations of Newton's constant induced by inflation
We examine the possibility that an epoch of inflationary expansion induces
high-frequency oscillations of Newton's constant, . The effect occurs
because inflation can shift the expectation value of a non-minimally coupled,
Brans-Dicke-like field away from the minimum of its effective potential. At
some time after inflation ends, the field begins to oscillate, resulting in
periodic variations in . We find conditions for which the oscillation energy
would be sufficient to close the universe, consistent with all known
constraints from cosmology and local tests of general relativity.Comment: 30 pages, Penn Preprint UPR-0628T, Wash. U. Preprint WUGRAV 94-10
Four figures available by ftp (read comment at head of file
A time varying speed of light as a solution to cosmological puzzles
We consider the cosmological implications of light travelling faster in the
early Universe. We propose a prescription for deriving corrections to the
cosmological evolution equations while the speed of light is changing. We
then show how the horizon, flatness, and cosmological constant problems may be
solved. We also study cosmological perturbations in this scenario and show how
one may solve the homogeneity and isotropy problems. As it stands, our scenario
appears to most easily produce extreme homogeneity, requiring structure to be
produced in the Standard Big Bang epoch. Producing significant perturbations
during the earlier epoch would require a rather careful design of the function
. The large entropy inside the horizon nowadays can also be accounted for
in this scenario.Comment: To be published in Physical Review D. Note added referring to John
Moffat's early work on VSL theorie
Quintessence, the Gravitational Constant, and Gravity
Dynamical vacuum energy or quintessence, a slowly varying and spatially
inhomogeneous component of the energy density with negative pressure, is
currently consistent with the observational data. One potential difficulty with
the idea of quintessence is that couplings to ordinary matter should be
strongly suppressed so as not to lead to observable time variations of the
constants of nature. We further explore the possibility of an explicit coupling
between the quintessence field and the curvature. Since such a scalar field
gives rise to another gravity force of long range (\simg H^{-1}_0), the solar
system experiments put a constraint on the non-minimal coupling: |\xi| \siml
10^{-2}.Comment: 9 pages, a version to be published in Phys.Rev.
Cosmic Acceleration in Brans-Dicke Cosmology
We consider Brans-Dicke theory with a self-interacting potential in Einstein
conformal frame. We show that an accelerating expansion is possible in a
spatially flat universe for large values of the Brans-Dicke parameter
consistent with local gravity experiments.Comment: 10 Pages, 3 figures, To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio
General Relativity as an Attractor in Scalar-Tensor Stochastic Inflation
Quantum fluctuations of scalar fields during inflation could determine the
very large-scale structure of the universe. In the case of general
scalar-tensor gravity theories these fluctuations lead to the diffusion of
fundamental constants like the Planck mass and the effective Brans--Dicke
parameter, . In the particular case of Brans--Dicke gravity, where
is constant, this leads to runaway solutions with infinitely large
values of the Planck mass. However, in a theory with variable we find
stationary probability distributions with a finite value of the Planck mass
peaked at exponentially large values of after inflation. We conclude
that general relativity is an attractor during the quantum diffusion of the
fields.Comment: LaTeX (with RevTex) 11 pages, 2 uuencoded figures appended, also
available on WWW via http://star.maps.susx.ac.uk/index.htm
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