5,141 research outputs found

    NASTRAN as a resource in code development

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    A case history is presented in which the NASTRAN system provided both guidelines and working software for use in the development of a discrete element program, PATCHES-111. To avoid duplication and to take advantage of the wide spread user familiarity with NASTRAN, the PATCHES-111 system uses NASTRAN bulk data syntax, NASTRAN matrix utilities, and the NASTRAN linkage editor. Problems in developing the program are discussed along with details on the architecture of the PATCHES-111 parametric cubic modeling system. The system includes model construction procedures, checkpoint/restart strategies, and other features

    Involute composite design evaluation using global design sensitivity derivatives

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    An optimization capability for involute structures has been developed. Its key feature is the use of global material geometry variables which are so chosen that all combinations of design variables within a set of lower and upper bounds correspond to manufacturable designs. A further advantage of global variables is that their number does not increase with increasing mesh density. The accuracy of the sensitivity derivatives has been verified both through finite difference tests and through the successful use of the derivatives by an optimizer. The state of the art in composite design today is still marked by point design algorithms linked together using ad hoc methods not directly related to a manufacturing procedure. The global design sensitivity approach presented here for involutes can be applied to filament wound shells and other composite constructions using material form features peculiar to each construction. The present involute optimization technology is being applied to the Space Shuttle SRM nozzle boot ring redesigns by PDA Engineering

    Reliability of perceptions of voice quality: evidence from a problem asthma clinic population

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    <p>Introduction: Methods of perceptual voice evaluation have yet to achieve satisfactory consistency; complete acceptance of a recognised clinical protocol is still some way off.</p> <p>Materials and methods: Three speech and language therapists rated the voices of 43 patients attending the problem asthma clinic of a teaching hospital, according to the grade-roughness-breathiness-asthenicity-strain (GRBAS) scale and other perceptual categories.</p> <p>Results and analysis: Use of the GRBAS scale achieved only a 64.7 per cent inter-rater reliability and a 69.6 per cent intra-rater reliability for the grade component. One rater achieved a higher degree of consistency. Improved concordance on the GRBAS scale was observed for subjects with laryngeal abnormalities. Raters failed to reach any useful level of agreement in the other categories employed, except for perceived gender.</p> <p>Discussion: These results should sound a note of caution regarding routine adoption of the GRBAS scale for characterising voice quality for clinical purposes. The importance of training and the use of perceptual anchors for reliable perceptual rating need to be further investigated.</p&gt

    Thor-agena longitudinal mode computations final report

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    Mathematical model and longitudinal oscillation mode computations for Thor and Agena test vehicle

    Fully automated segmentation and tracking of the intima media thickness in ultrasound video sequences of the common carotid artery

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    Abstractā€”The robust identification and measurement of the intima media thickness (IMT) has a high clinical relevance because it represents one of the most precise predictors used in the assessment of potential future cardiovascular events. To facilitate the analysis of arterial wall thickening in serial clinical investigations, in this paper we have developed a novel fully automatic algorithm for the segmentation, measurement, and tracking of the intima media complex (IMC) in B-mode ultrasound video sequences. The proposed algorithm entails a two-stage image analysis process that initially addresses the segmentation of the IMC in the first frame of the ultrasound video sequence using a model-based approach; in the second step, a novel customized tracking procedure is applied to robustly detect the IMC in the subsequent frames. For the video tracking procedure, we introduce a spatially coherent algorithm called adaptive normalized correlation that prevents the tracking process from converging to wrong arterial interfaces. This represents the main contribution of this paper and was developed to deal with inconsistencies in the appearance of the IMC over the cardiac cycle. The quantitative evaluation has been carried out on 40 ultrasound video sequences of the common carotid artery (CCA) by comparing the results returned by the developed algorithm with respect to ground truth data that has been manually annotated by clinical experts. The measured IMTmean Ā± standard deviation recorded by the proposed algorithm is 0.60 mm Ā± 0.10, with a mean coefficient of variation (CV) of 2.05%, whereas the corresponding result obtained for the manually annotated ground truth data is 0.60 mm Ā± 0.11 with a mean CV equal to 5.60%. The numerical results reported in this paper indicate that the proposed algorithm is able to correctly segment and track the IMC in ultrasound CCA video sequences, and we were encouraged by the stability of our technique when applied to data captured under different imaging conditions. Future clinical studies will focus on the evaluation of patients that are affected by advanced cardiovascular conditions such as focal thickening and arterial plaques

    On the acoustic diffraction by the edges of benthic shells

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    Author Posting. Ā© Acoustical Society of America, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116 (2004): 239-244, doi:10.1121/1.1675813.Recent laboratory measurements of acoustic backscattering by individual benthic shells have isolated the edge-diffracted echo from echoes due to the surface of the main body of the shell. The data indicate that the echo near broadside incidence is generally the strongest for all orientations and is due principally to the surface of the main body. At angles well away from broadside, the echo levels are lower and are due primarily to the diffraction from the edge of the shell. The decrease in echo levels from broadside incidence to well off broadside is shown to be reasonably consistent with the decrease in acoustic backscattering from normal incidence to well off normal incidence by a shell-covered seafloor. The results suggest the importance of the edge of the shell in off-normal-incidence backscattering by a shell-covered seafloor. Furthermore, when considering bistatic diffraction by edges, there are implications that the edge of the shell (lying on the seafloor) can cause significant scattering in many directions, including at subcritical angles.This research was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (Grant No. N00014-02-1-0095) and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Woods Hole, MA

    A field study of team working in a new human supervisory control system

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    This paper presents a case study of an investigation into team behaviour in an energy distribution company. The main aim was to investigate the impact of major changes in the company on system performance, comprising human and technical elements. A socio-technical systems approach was adopted. There were main differences between the teams investigated in the study: the time of year each control room was studied (i.e. summer or winter),the stage of development each team was in (i.e. 10 months), and the team structure (i.e. hierarchical or heterarchical). In all other respects the control rooms were the same: employing the same technology and within the same organization. The main findings were: the teams studied in the winter months were engaged in more `planningā€™ and `awarenessā€™ type of activities than those studies in the summer months. Newer teams seem to be engaged in more sharing of information than older teams, which maybe indicative of the development process. One of the hierarchical teams was engaged in more `system-drivenā€™ activities than the heterarchical team studied at the same time of year. Finally, in general, the heterarchical team perceived a greater degree of team working culture than its hierarchical counterparts. This applied research project confirms findings from laboratory research and emphasizes the importance of involving ergonomics in the design of team working in human supervisory control

    Depressive Symptoms following Recent Sexual Assault: The Role of Drug and Alcohol Use, Acute Stress, and Assault Characteristics

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    Sexual assault is a common traumatic experience that can have a wide-ranging impact on psychological functioning, including experience of depressive symptoms. While many studies have examined lifetime rates of depression among those with sexual assault history, less is known regarding risk factors for depressive symptoms following recent sexual assault. The study examined whether drug use history is uniquely related to depressive symptoms following recent assault. Method: N = 65 individuals (5.4% female; 73.8% white; M(SD)age = 28.89 (10.29)) who had recently experienced sexual assault (less than 60 days) and completed a SAMFE were interviewed via phone and completed questionnaires regarding depressive and acute/posttraumatic stress symptoms and substance use history. Demographic information as well as information related to the assault was also collected. Results: 68.7% of the sample reported clinically significant levels of depressive symptoms (PHQ-9 scores ā‰„ 12). In a linear mixed model, drug use was significantly related depressive symptoms (Ī² = .19, p = .04), even controlling for acute/posttraumatic stress (Ī² = .72, p .05). Conclusion: Results highlight the potential role of drug use in increasing risk for experiencing clinically significant depressive symptoms following recent assault
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