101 research outputs found
The operator growth hypothesis in open quantum systems
The operator growth hypothesis (OGH) is a technical conjecture about the
behaviour of operators -- specifically, the asymptotic growth of their Lanczos
coefficients -- under repeated action by a Liouvillian. It is expected to hold
for a sufficiently generic closed many-body system. When it holds, it yields
bounds on the high frequency behavior of local correlation functions and
measures of chaos (like OTOCs). It also gives a route to numerically estimating
response functions. Here we investigate the generalisation of OGH to open
quantum systems, where the Liouvillian is replaced by a Lindbladian. For a
quantum system with local Hermitian jump operators, we show that the OGH is
modified: we define a generalisation of the Lanczos coefficient and show that
it initially grows linearly as in the original OGH, but experiences
exponentially growing oscillations on scales determined by the dissipation
strength. We see this behavior manifested in a semi-analytically solvable model
(large-q SYK with dissipation), numerically for an ergodic spin chain, and in a
solvable toy model for operator growth in the presence of dissipation (which
resembles a non-Hermitian single-particle hopping process). Finally, we show
that the modified OGH connects to a fundamental difference between Lindblad and
closed systems: at high frequencies, the spectral functions of the former decay
algebraically, while in the latter they decay exponentially. This is an
experimentally testable statement, which also places limitations on the
applicability of Lindbladians to systems in contact with equilibrium
environments.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
Many-body delocalization via symmetry emergence
Many-body localization (MBL) provides a mechanism to avoid thermalization in
many-body quantum systems. Here, we show that an {\it emergent} symmetry can
protect a state from MBL. Specifically, we propose a symmetric model
with nonlocal interactions, which has an analytically known, SU(2) invariant,
critical ground state. At large disorder strength all states at finite energy
density are in a glassy MBL phase, while the lowest energy states are not.
These do, however, localize when a perturbation destroys the emergent SU(2)
symmetry. The model also provides an example of MBL in the presence of
nonlocal, disordered interactions that are more structured than a power law.
The presented ideas raise the possibility of an `inverted quantum scar', in
which a state that does not exhibit area law entanglement is embedded in an MBL
spectrum, which does.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Disordered Haldane-Shastry model
The Haldane-Shastry model is one of the most studied interacting spin
systems. The Yangian symmetry makes it exactly solvable, and the model has
semionic excitations. We introduce disorder into the Haldane-Shastry model by
allowing the spins to sit at random positions on the unit circle and study the
properties of the eigenstates. At weak disorder, the spectrum is similar to the
spectrum of the clean Haldane-Shastry model. At strong disorder, the long-range
interactions in the model do not decay as a simple power law. The eigenstates
in the middle of the spectrum follow a volume law, but the coefficient is
small, and the entropy is hence much less than for an ergodic system. In
addition, the energy level spacing statistics is neither Poissonian nor of the
Wigner-Dyson type. The behavior at strong disorder hence serves as an example
of a non-ergodic phase, which is not of the many-body localized kind, in a
model with long-range interactions and SU(2) symmetry.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR
Escaping many-body localization in an exact eigenstate
Isolated quantum systems typically follow the eigenstate thermalization
hypothesis, but there are exceptions, such as many-body localized (MBL) systems
and quantum many-body scars. Here, we present the study of a weak violation of
MBL due to a special state embedded in a spectrum of MBL states. The special
state is not MBL since it displays logarithmic scaling of the entanglement
entropy and of the bipartite fluctuations of particle number with subsystem
size. In contrast, the bulk of the spectrum becomes MBL as disorder is
introduced. We establish this by studying the entropy as a function of disorder
strength and by observing that the level spacing statistics undergoes a
transition from Wigner-Dyson to Poisson statistics as the disorder strength is
increased.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
Truncation of lattice fractional quantum Hall Hamiltonians derived from conformal field theory
Conformal field theory has recently been applied to derive few-body
Hamiltonians whose ground states are lattice versions of fractional quantum
Hall states. The exact lattice models involve interactions over long distances,
which is difficult to realize in experiments. It seems, however, that such
long-range interactions should not be necessary, as the correlations decay
exponentially in the bulk. This poses the question, whether the Hamiltonians
can be truncated to contain only local interactions without changing the
physics of the ground state. Previous studies have in a couple of cases with
particularly much symmetry obtained such local Hamiltonians by keeping only a
few local terms and numerically optimizing the coefficients. Here, we
investigate a different strategy to construct truncated Hamiltonians, which
does not rely on optimization, and which can be applied independent of the
choice of lattice. We test the approach on two models with bosonic
Laughlin-like ground states with filling factor and , respectively.
We first investigate how the coupling strengths in the exact Hamiltonians
depend on distance, and then we study the truncated models. For the case of
filling, we find that the truncated model with truncation radius
lattice constants on the square lattice and lattice constant on
the triangular lattice has an approximate twofold ground state degeneracy on
the torus, and the overlap per site between these states and the states
constructed from conformal field theory is higher than for the lattices
considered. For the model at filling, our results give some hints that a
truncation radius of on the square lattice and on the
triangular lattice might be enough, but the finite size effects are too large
to judge whether the topology is, indeed, present in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 8 Pages, 10 Figure
Quasiparticles as Detector of Topological Quantum Phase Transitions
A number of tools have been developed to detect topological phase transitions
in strongly correlated quantum systems. They apply under different conditions,
but do not cover the full range of many-body models. It is hence desirable to
further expand the toolbox. Here, we propose to use quasiparticle properties to
detect quantum phase transitions. The approach is independent from the choice
of boundary conditions, and it does not assume a particular lattice structure.
The probe is hence suitable for, e.g., fractals and quasicrystals. The method
requires that one can reliably create quasiparticles in the considered systems.
In the simplest cases, this can be done by a pinning potential, while it is
less straightforward in more complicated systems. We apply the method to
several rather different examples, including one that cannot be handled by the
commonly used probes, and in all the cases we find that the numerical costs are
low. This is so, because a simple property, such as the charge of the anyons,
is sufficient to detect the phase transition point. For some of the examples,
this allows us to study larger systems and/or further parameter values compared
to previous studies.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
Prediction of hydrodynamics and chemistry of confined turbulent methane-air frames in a two concentric tube combustor
A formulation of the governing partial differential equations for fluid flow and reacting chemical species in a two-concentric-tube combustor is presented. A numerical procedure for the solution of the governing differential equations is described and models for chemical-equilibrium and chemical-kinetics calculations are presented. The chemical-equilibrium model is used to characterize the hydrocarbon reactions. The chemical-kinetics model is used to predict the concentrations of the oxides of nitrogen. The combustor considered consists of two coaxial ducts. Concentric streams of gaseous fuel and air enter the inlet duct at one end; the flow then reverses and flows out through the outer duct. Two sample cases with specified inlet and boundary conditions are considered and the results are discussed
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