32 research outputs found

    New data to the knowledge of macrofungi of Wolin National Park

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    This paper presents the results of mycological studies conducted in the Wolin National Park from July to November 2012, and sporadically in the following 4 years. Explorations were made by a route method over the whole area of the Park, mainly in forest associations: Cephalanthero rubrae-Fagetum, Galio odorati-Fagetum, Luzulo pilosae-Fagetum, and Fago-Quercetum petraeae. In total, 322 taxa of macrofungi were found, 37 Ascomycota and 285 Basidiomycota. Two of them, Hericium coralloides and Inonotus obliquus, are under partial protection, 39 on the red list of fungi in Poland. For the first time, Russula torulosa, previously not reported from Poland, was found in Wolin National Park. Among the examined phytocoenoses, Galio odorati-Fagetum and Luzulo pilosae-Fagetum are characterized by the highest species variety and abundance

    New data to the knowledge of macrofungi of Wolin National Park

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    This paper presents the results of mycological studies conducted in the Wolin National Park from July to November 2012, and sporadically in the following 4 years. Explorations were made by a route method over the whole area of the Park, mainly in forest associations: Cephalanthero rubrae-Fagetum, Galio odorati-Fagetum, Luzulo pilosae-Fagetum, and Fago-Quercetum petraeae. In total, 322 taxa of macrofungi were found, 37 Ascomycota and 285 Basidiomycota. Two of them, Hericium coralloides and Inonotus obliquus, are under partial protection, 39 on the red list of fungi in Poland. For the first time, Russula torulosa, previously not reported from Poland, was found in Wolin National Park. Among the examined phytocoenoses, Galio odorati-Fagetum and Luzulo pilosae-Fagetum are characterized by the highest species variety and abundance

    Leccinum variicolor (Basidiomycota, Boletales) in Poland

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    Leccinum variicolor Watling is widespread but it is a rare species in Poland and some other countries, and is either protected or red-listed. This paper describes the morphology and ecology of L. variicolor as well as its distribution in Poland

    Simple yet effective: historical proximity variables improve the species distribution models for invasive giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum s.l.) in Poland

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    Species distribution models are scarcely applicable to invasive species because of their breaking of the models’ assumptions. So far, few mechanistic, semi-mechanistic or statistical solutions like dispersal constraints or propagule limitation have been applied. We evaluated a novel quasi-semi-mechanistic approach for regional scale models, using historical proximity variables (HPV) representing a state of the population in a given moment in the past. Our aim was to test the effects of addition of HPV sets of different minimal recentness, information capacity and the total number of variables on the quality of the species distribution model for Heracleum mantegazzianum on 116000 km2 in Poland. As environmental predictors, we used fragments of 103 1×1 km, world- wide, free-access rasters from WorldGrids.org. Single and ensemble models were computed using BIOMOD2 package 3.1.47 working in R environment 3.1.0. The addition of HPV improved the quality of single and ensemble models from poor to good and excellent. The quality was the highest for the variants with HPVs based on the distance from the most recent past occurrences. It was mostly affected by the algorithm type, but all HPV traits (minimal recentness, information capacity, model type or the number of the time periods) were significantly important determinants. The addition of HPVs improved the quality of current projections, raising the occurrence probability in regions where the species had occurred before. We conclude that HPV addition enables semi-realistic estimation of the rate of spread and can be applied to the short-term forecasting of invasive or declining species, which also break equal-dispersal probability assumptions

    The distribution of Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb. in Poland

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    The distribution of Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb. in Poland is described, based on herbarium materials. The list of localities with brief description of its taxonomic characteristics, habitat and general distribution have also been included


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    The paper presents results of mycological research carried out in the “Torfowisko Toporzyk” nature reserve (NW Poland), in the years 2004–2009. As a result of the studies, 216 fungal species were identified, 17 Ascomycota and 199 Basidiomycota. Twenty of the recorded species are included on the Polish red list of macrofungi, e.g. Cortinarius violaceus, Lactarius lacunarum, Mycena megaspora and Suillus flavidus. Among the plant associations, Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetum (87 species) and Vaccinio uliginosi-Betuletum pubescentis (77), turned out to be the richest in fungi, whereas the fewest taxa were found in Rhynchosporetum albae (8)

    Fungi of the Wolin National Park – new data on macromycetes

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    The paper contains results of mycological examinations conducted in the Wolin National Park from May to October 2017, and data previously unpublished. Exploration was carried out using the route method in the whole Park, with particular emphasis on its western part. The paper includes 205 taxa (25 from Ascomycota and 180 from Basidiomycota), including 32 new ones for the Wolin National Park. Among the identified taxa, 17 were threatened. The endangered species (Category E) were represented by Aleurodiscus disciformis, Calcipostia guttulata, and Geastrum triplex, the vulnerable species (V) included Inocybe grammata, Inocutis rheades, and Xylobolus frustulatus, and the rare species (R) consisted of 10 taxa, including Helvella lacunosa, Gloeoporus taxicola, Mycena crocata, Plicaturopsis crispa, and Pseudomerulius aureus. Some species are known only from a few sites in Poland, e.g., Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium and C. guttulata. Currently, the number of macromycetes species known from the Wolin National Park is 508

    Natural and Anthropogenic Transformations of A Baltic Raised Bog (Bagno Kusowo, North West Poland) in the Light of Dendrochronological Analysis of Pinus sylvestris L.

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    This study was conducted in a drained, exploited, and afforested Baltic bog Bagno Kusowo, located in North West Poland. The study aimed (i) to assess if human activity has a stronger impact on tree-ring width of Pinus sylvestris than climatic conditions in this transformed Baltic bog; (ii) to investigate how much the human modification of the ecosystem has influenced tree growth; (iii) to use this knowledge to reconstruct changes in the ecosystem further back in time, in the study area and its immediate neighbourhood. Wood samples for dendrochronological analyses were collected from 45 trees. Next, using classic dating methods and standard procedures (cross-dating methods, COFECHA program), chronologies were constructed (raw tree-ring width and residual chronologies: de-trended, autocorrelation removed, ARSTAN program). They formed a basis for further analyses: signature years, correlation and response function, as well as percentage growth change. The results of dendroclimatological analyses show weak increment–climate relationships and the analysis of weather conditions in the identified signature years did not detect any unambiguous relations with tree-ring width. However, results of the analyses indicate that the dominant factors affecting tree growth dynamics in the bog are changes in the hydrological system. Moreover, our results show many phases of human impact on environmental changes. Dendrochronological methods, combined with an analysis of old maps and other historical records, allowed us to reconstruct transformations of the ecosystem with a high resolution


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    Mycological studies were conducted in ”Świdwie” nature reserve located on the southern edge of Wkrzańska Forest and about 23 km from the center of Szczecin, by means of the route method, from May to September 2018. In total, 117 macromycete species were recorded: 15 Ascomycota and 102 Basidiomycota. Five of those species are included in the Polish red list of macrofungi (Wojewoda, Ławrynowicz 2006), compiled according to their endangerment categories. One species: Mycena belliarum belongs to category E (endangered); four species: Inonotus obliquus, Fistulina hepatica, Polyporus tuberaster and Porodaedalea pini are R (rare). Two of the endangered species are under partial protection, namely Fistulina hepatica and Inonotus obliquus. The considerable diversity of the fungi in the reserve, as well as the share of the endangered and protected taxa, indicate the reserve’s high nature value, not only in terms of the fauna.Na terenie rezerwatu przyrody „Świdwie” w ciągu niespełna roku i przy niekorzystnych warunkach klimatycznych stwierdzono łącznie 117 taksonów grzybów, w tym pięć znajdujących się na czerwonej liście grzybów wielkoowocnikowych w Polsce. Większość z odnotowanych tam gatunków grzybów makroskopijnych charakteryzuje się dość szeroką skalą ekologiczną. Jednak znaczna różnorodność macromycetes rezerwatu, jak i udział taksonów zagrożonych i chronionych wskazują na dużą wartość przyrodniczą tego obiektu, nie tylko pod względem faunistycznym. Z drugiej strony biologia tej grupy organizmów i wynikająca z niej konieczność prowadzenia przynajmniej kilkuletnich obserwacji powodują, że uzyskane wyniki stanowią jedynie kolejny przyczynek do znajomości mycobioty rezerwatu. Liczba występujących tam taksonów grzybów jest zapewne znacznie większa, co na pewno znajdzie odzwierciedlenie w dalszych badaniach