14,442 research outputs found
The Dimension of Discourse in English Class of Higher Education
The research aims to describe the dimension of discourse and identity of English lecturers. This research is conducted with a qualitative approach and content analysis method. The data source is recordings of classroom interaction of English lecturers. The data are analyzed using the classroom discourse framework of Betsy Rhymes which focuses on dimensions, namely social context, interactional context, and individual agency. These dimensions are analyzed through the source of turn takings, contextualization clues, narration, and framing. The result shows that in social context, the lecturers negotiate the interaction by giving more turns to the students, applying all the contextualization clues to accompany the utterance and supporting the interaction with narration and frame all to support students’ contribution. In interactional context, the lecturers include the experience of the students in all sources and use vernacular language. In individual agency, the lecturers include all students in a challenging and inclusive activity. The conclusion of the research is that the interaction in the classroom discourse dimension is influenced by the standard of education and the condition of students who lack confidence to speak English as the social context which influences the use of language in the class. However, the personal control of the lecturers to achieve the standard of education makes him/her manage the language use to provide context of interaction in order to make the students contribute to the interaction
The Conflicts Between Two Generations Reflected in Thank You Music Video
A song by MKTO which entitled “Thank You” is used by the writer to analyze its music video. The purpose of this study is to do a research about the conflicts between the old and young generation, which is related with social and symbolic power. Theories that are used are textual and contextual theories. The textual theory is used to analyze the verbal aspects (lyrics), aural aspects (music), and visual aspects (clips). Meanwhile the contextual theory is used to analyze the social issues which become the source of the conflict
A Study on Co-firing Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) with Coal as Potential Fuel
The aim of the project was to understand the effects of both coal firing and co-firing coal with Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) in terms of carbon dioxide concentration emission and temperature in the furnace. This dissertation looks into the utilization of Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) as a source of renewable and sustainable energy source for co-firing in coal power plants in Malaysia through the feasibility of the EFB as a fuel, the combustion technology options for co-firing, and the fuel blend suitable for co-firing in local coal fired power plants
This study sheds light on the features of the SETT framework employed by a novice teacher in order to facilitate learning opportunities. The method applied is descriptive qualitative methods using classroom observation, classroom recording, and field notes as data collection techniques. The SETT framework is chosen to find out the dominant features employed by a novice teacher while interacting with learners in the classroom. The results are all modes in the SETT framework applied by the novice teacher with the IRF interactional pattern as the dominant interaction pattern in classroom interaction. Additionally, the type of display questions is found out in interaction in which it is used to elicit the learners’ responses. The result of this study is the SETT framework is not applicable to be used to evaluate novice teachers since the dominant activities in the classroom are not to reach communicative activities due to his/her teaching experiences. However, the deviant modes are found: shifting and divergent modes. The divergent modes found in this study do not facilitate learning opportunities for learners to have communicative interaction
Learning English for a life of choice in New Zealand : a case study of Afghan women refugees' bilingual class experiences in Palmerston North : a research project presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of International Development Development Studies, Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand
This thesis looks at the experiences of a group of women refugees learning English as part of their resettlement in New Zealand. The women’s husbands were working as interpreters for the New Zealand Police in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. To ensure their safety after the New Zealand Police were withdrawn, these Afghan families were invited to resettle in Palmerston North, New Zealand. To attain in-depth results, this research report focuses on the women’s efforts to integrate within the social life of New Zealand and their experiences in acquiring English as a tool to their successful resettlement program.
A small study was conducted in the context of an English Language Partners’ (ELP) Bilingual English for Speakers of Other Language (ESOL)-Literacy class for refugees. Participants for this research were five Afghan women, two ELP’s ESOL teachers, and one of the women’s husbands. The methods used were semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, classroom observation, and curriculum analysis.
This report is framed within adult pre-literacy education and investigates whether women refugees become empowered through taking literacy classes. Findings show that there are links between language acquisition within the refugees’ resettlement process and personal empowerment.
Afghan women’s acquisition of English language skills has brought more personal control over their mobility and has changed relationships with their husbands to some extent since moving to New Zealand. Furthermore, the woman’s learning experiences have brought them to a level where they can move on from ELP to a higher English level class
Indigenous rights and development : inequality constraints in Brazilian cities : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of International Development at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
This thesis aims at identifying how indigenous rights, as part of a human rights approach to development, have been addressed by urban welfare policies in Brazil. As a starting point, this desk based study is primarily focused on an analysis of the impacts of urbanisation on indigenous livelihoods. Despite not being a new trend, urbanisation of indigenous people has exposed their situation of deprivation and disadvantage, and the increasing pressures of assimilation policies. Social indicators of urban indigenous communities’ wellbeing have pointed to a growing gap between indigenous and non-indigenous population. The access to distinct basic welfare provision is not only determinant in reducing disparities but would also represent the compliance of a state with the indigenous rights framework. This thesis investigates if and how the Brazilian social agenda is in compliance with and indigenous rights framework.
The Brazilian government acknowledged Brazil as multi-ethnic, which is reflected in the domestic legal framework, and also in the ratification of international covenants and declarations related to indigenous rights. However, the need of the urban indigenous population for differentiated service provisions has represented a challenging matter in policy making. The existence of an implementation gap between the indigenous rights framework and their effective application is a relevant theme for analysis and evaluation, in order to identify the factors that are hindering state compliance with the standards that have already been legislated. To this regard, the experience of urban indigenous communities in Brazil is explored in two case studies, related to the Pankararu, in Sao Paulo, and the Terena, in Campo Grande. The outcomes of the mainstream welfare policies are also investigated through the lens of urban indigenous communities. Ultimately this thesis unveils the potential of the Brazilian state, as the duty-bearer of indigenous rights, as capable and responsible to unleash the realisation of indigenous expectations to overcome powerlessness, economic underdevelopment and cultural disruptions
The aim is to utilize waste synthetic marble made of marble and study the effect of these variables marble grain size, amount of catalyst and heavy marble grain on the compressive strength, the wear and water absorption.
Materials - the materials used, among others; a. Marble waste, which is obtained from the village Besole, Tulungagung, b. Synthetic Resin (R-154) already in accelerasi. C). Catalyst acid (HCl) with pH ± 4.5.
Tools - tools used are a). Machine press with a maximum capacity of 60 tons that have hit the maximum scale division 500 kg.b). Pengaus machine or abrasive objects that can rub try with 3.33 kg load and speed of 49 meters per minute wear. C). Matter. D). Pestle., e). Measuring cup. F). Analytical Balance.
Research variables are specified condition that is a). Temperature = 30 o C, b). Resin volume = 40 ml; c). The samples sizes are: Diameter = 5.08 cm, Height = 2 cm; (surface area = 40.5161 cm2); d). Time = 4 hours
The treatments are carried out is a). Size Pellets Marble = (10, 16, 20, 35, 48) mesh, b). Catalyst amount = (0.2; 0.4; 0.6, 0.8; 1.0) ml; c). Marble Grain weight = (50, 55, 60; 65; 70) grams
Kajian Sanitasi Lingkungan Terhadap Kejadian Stunting di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Simpang Tuan Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur
merupakan suatu kondisi gangguan pertumbuhan linier akibat kekurangan asupan yang bersifat kronik dan banyak muncul di wilayah negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Kejadian stunting di Kecamatan Mendahara Ulu sebesar 20,56%. Presentase stunting tersebut termasuk dalam masalah kesehatan masyarakat dalam kategori masalah ringan karena lebih dari 20%. Sanitasi lingkungan merupakan penyebab tidak langsung terjadinya stunting.
Keadaan lingkungan yang tidak saniter menyebabkan lebih mudah terjangkit penyakit seperti diare dan penyakit infeksi
yang berdampak terjadinya stunting
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah ibu yang memiliki balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Simpang Tuan sebesar 228 orang. Instrumen penelitian adalah kuesioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square. Sebesar 30,3% responden memiliki balita stunting, 45,2% sarana jamban kurang baik, 37,3% sarana air bersih kurang baik, 46,5% SPAL kurang baik dan 38,2% pengelolaan sampah. Hasi
uji statistik diketahui ada hubungan antara sanitasi jamban (p=0,000; PR=15,534), sarana air bersih (p=0,000; PR=4,427), SPAL (p=0,000; PR=6,791) dan pengelolaan sampah (p=0,000; PR=10,805) dengan stunting. Kejadian stunting di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Simpang Tuan berhubungan dengan sarana jamban, sarana air bersih, SPAL dan pengelolaan sampah. Diharapkan kepada Puskesmas Simpang Tuan untuk melakukan pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat mengenai sanitasi lingkungan melalui program Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran SQ3R terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa, aktivitas dan motivasi belajar siswa saat pembelajaran dengan model SQ3R pada materi pola bilangan kelas VIII SMP Negeri 13 Singkawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Quasi Eksperimental. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua kelas VIII SMP Negeri 13 Singkawang yang terdiri dari tiga kelas yang berjumlah 82 siswa. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Adapun sampel yang dipilih terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas VIIIA sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIIIB sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) model pembelajaran SQ3R berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis; 2) model pembelajaran SQ3R memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis; 3) aktivitas belajar siswa tergolong aktif dengan diterapkannya model pembelajaran SQ3R pada materi pola bilangan; 4) motivasi belajar siswa tergolong tinggi dengan diterapkannya model pembelajaran SQ3R pada materi pola bilangan
Analisis Fisik Kimia Perairan untuk Mendeteksi Kualitas Perairan Sungai Rambang Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Sumatra Selatan
Penelitian terhadap kualitas dan kondisi perairan Sungai Rambang Kabupaten Ogan Ilir telah dilakukan selama Juli - November 2012. Sampel air diambil di 5 lokasi dengan 3 titik yang masing-masing diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Penentuan lokasi sampel berdasarkan metode Purposive Random Sampling. Analisis kualitas air dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan dan di Laboratorium kimia FMIPA  Universitas Sriwijaya. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kondisi fisik-kimia Sungai Rambang termasuk dalam kategori baik. Kisaran suhu cenderung sama dengan suhu udara sekitar perairan yaitu 26-31 ºC, tingkat kecerahan 7-40 %, TSS 32-161 mg/L, TDS 41-278 mg/L, DHL 18-238 µS/cm, kecepatan arus 6-13 cm/detik, DO 5,90-12,35 mg/L, BOD 0,47- 5,42 mg/L, COD ttd- 14,5 mg/L, pH 4,85-6,95, dan lemak 211-289 mg/L. Nilai-nilai parameter ini masih sesuai dengan standar Baku Mutu Air (BMA) perairan sungai tahun 2010. Kualitas fisik kimia perairan berpengaruh terhadap keanekaragaman jenis dan distribusi plankton. Curah hujan mempengaruhi kondisi perairan, dan mempengaruhi jumlah serta jenis plankton dalam perairan tersebut. Pada musim penghujan, indeks keanekaragaman spesies plankton cenderung rendah  dibandingkan pada musim kemarau yaitu 1,22 – 2,26, dengan Indeks keseragaman antara 0,31- 0,58 yang berarti tidak ada dominansi suatu populasi plankton. Kehadiran dan keanekaragaman populasi plankton merupakan indikasi kualitas lingkungan perairan. Hasil uji parameter fisik kimia perairan yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa kualitas perairan sungai Rambang masih layak untuk dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat, namun tidak disarankan untuk digunakan sebagai sumber air minum
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