28 research outputs found
Abstrak Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis laporan keuangan Badan Koordinasi Wilayah Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Jawa Timur III Malang pada tahun 2019 apakah telah sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah atau belum. Analisis ini meliputi pengakuan, pengukuran, dan penyajian laporan keuangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yaitu metode pembahasan permasalahan yang sifatnya menguraikan, menggambarkan, membandingkan dan menerangkan suatu data. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu Badan Koordinasi Wilayah Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Jawa Timur III Malang telah menerapkan secara penuh Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah atas laporan keuangan tahun 2019. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan klasifikasi akun-akun yang digunakan dan format penyajian laporan keuangan telah sesuai dengan ketentuan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah yang tercantum pada Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 71 Tahun 2010.Kata Kunci: Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah, Sektor Pemerintahan, Laporan Keuangan Abstract The purpose of this research is to analyze the financial statements of the The Regional Coordination dan Development Agency Of East Java III Malang in 2019 whether it is in accordance with Government Accounting Standards or not. This analysis includes the recognition, measurement, and presentation of financial statements. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, namely the method of discussing problems that are outlining, describing, comparing and explaining data. The results of this study that the The Regional Coordination dan Development Agency Of East Java III Malang has fully implemented Government Accounting Standards of the 2019 financial statements. This is evidenced by the classification of accounts used and the format of presentation of financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the Government Accounting Standards listed in Government Regulation Number 71 of 2010.Keywords: Government Accounting Standards, Government Sector, Financial Statement
Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum dan Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Perusahaan BUMN
This study aims to determine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the company's financial performance. In this study, the approach used by researchers was quantitative and comparative research. The population of this study is all construction service companies of State-Owned Enterprises listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period before the Covid-19 pandemic (2018-2019) and during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020-2021), totaling 4 companies. The data source used in this study is secondary data, from annual reports. In this study, the analytical methods used are descriptive quantitative analysis and inferential analysis. Inferential statistical analysis used in this study were paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test. The results of the overall hypothesis test show that there are differences in financial performance between before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, state-owned construction service companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Over the past four years, infrastructure development carried out by state-owned construction companies has experienced a good increase. Problems occurred when the spread of the Covid-19 virus began in 2019 which resulted in 2020 infrastructure development being delayed. The delay in the end also affected the financial condition of SOEs. For companies, profits are not only ways and efforts to increase them, but also think about what to do to improve company performance so that they can maintain stability, growth and achievement on profits. The company's performance is related to the company's efforts in managing the resources it has in generating profits that can increase the company's prosperity
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Bagaimana proses refocusing dan realokasi anggaran pada Balai Besar Karantina Pertanian Surabaya, 2) Bagaimana dampak refocusing dan realokasi anggaran terhadap kinerja Balai Besar Karantina Pertanian Surabaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Penelitian deskriptif adalah penelitian yang mengangkat suatu rumusan masalah yang berkenaan dengan pertanyaan terhadap keberadaan variabel mandiri baik hanya pada satu variabel saja atau lebih sedangkan untuk metode kualitatif adalah metode yang digunakan untuk meneliti pada obyek yang kondisinya alamiah dimana peneliti sebagai instrumen kunci, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara triangulasi, analisis data bersifat induktif atau kualitatif, dan hasil penelitian kualitatif lebih menekankan makna daripada generalisasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah refocusing anggaran untuk dana penanggulangan Covid1-19 yang terjadi pada bulan April 2020 yang mengambil dana RM (rupiah murni) dari DIPA (Daftar Isian Pelaksana Anggaran) ternyata tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja BBKP Surabaya secara umum. Adapun pengaruh dari refocusing realokasi tersebut lebih kepada terhambatnya penyerapan anggaran dikarenakan mundurnya semua kegiatan akibat pandemi covid-19.Kata kunci : Pandemi Covid-19, Refocusing Anggaran Kata kunci : Pandemi Covid-19, Refocusing Anggaran AbstractThis study aims to find out 1) How is the process of refocusing and reallocating the budget at the Surabaya Agricultural Quarantine Center, 2) How is the impact of refocusing and budget reallocation on the performance of the Surabaya Agricultural Quarantine Center. This research is a descriptive study using qualitative methods. Descriptive research is research that raises a problem formulation with regard to the question of the existence of independent variables on only one or more variables, while qualitative method is a method used to examine objects in natural conditions where the researcher is the key instrument, data collection techniques are carried out. by triangulation, data analysis is inductive or qualitative, and qualitative research results emphasize meaning rather than generalization. The result of this study is that the budget refocusing for Covid1-19 prevention funds that occurred in April 2020 which took RM (pure rupiah) funds from the DIPA (Budget Implementing List) did not significantly affect the performance of BBKP Surabaya in general. The effect of the reallocation refocusing is more on the delay in budget absorption due to the retreat of all activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Key Words : Covid-19 Pandemic, Refocusing The Budge
Pengaruh Pemahaman Akuntansi, Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, dan Sistem Pengendalian Intern terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan
The purpose of this study is to test and analyze how the influence of accounting understanding, accounting information systems, and internal control systems on the quality of financial statements. This study used a quantitative approach with a causal type of research. The population in this study is the entire Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD) within the Pasuruan City Government. The sample in this study used Financial Administration Officials (PPK) at the Pasuruan City Regional Government SKPD totaling 32 respondents from 32 SKPD using multiple linear regression analysis techniques and processed using the help of the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 computer application program. The output of this study is that the internal control system has a significant influence on the quality of financial statements, while partially the understanding of accounting and accounting information systems does not have a significant influence on the quality of financial statements. And simultaneously understanding accounting, accounting information systems, and internal control systems affect the quality of financial statements
Analisis Efektivitas Refocusing Anggaran Pada Pemerintah Kota Malang Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Budget refocusing as an effort to accelerate the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, this Budget Refocusing has not proven to be very effective in gaining public trust in the government in dealing with problems that arise during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of budget refocusing in government. The research method used by researchers in this study is a qualitative method. The research design used by the researcher is a case study. The main research location chosen by the researcher is in Malang City, East Java Province. There are three data collection techniques used by researchers, namely observation, interviews, and documentation studies. While the data analysis techniques used include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. Then test the validity of the data and triangulate the data. From the results it can be concluded that the implementation of budget refocusing is realized by handling health, economic recovery and anticipation of regional economic decline. Efforts to reduce COVID-19 positive patients and improve economic growth have been carried out and are more effective. And the results of these implementations can create the effectiveness of Budget Refocusing due to improved economic growth and the reduced positive number of Covid-19 in Malang City
This study aims to determine the conformity of the social services budget realization report in Malang City, whether it is in accordance with PSAP No. 2 as well as knowing the effectiveness of social service budget realization in Malang city. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research, which is a research method that utilizes qualitative data and is described descriptively. Malang City Social Service as the object of this research. Primary data was obtained from documents contained in the Malang City Social Service. In addition, interviews were conducted with those concerned and direct observation. The results of this study indicate that Malang City is good and in accordance with the Elements of the Budget Realization Report in PSAP No. 2, starting with providing information on the realization of LRA-income in one period along with its income items, providing information on the realized expenditure budget, providing information on the realized transfer budget, providing information on the realized surplus/deficit budget, providing information on the realized surplus/deficit budget
Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Audit Delay Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Subsektor Farmasi Yang Terdaftar Di BEI (2015-2020)
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) pengaruh profitabilitas pada audit delay, 2) pengaruh solvabilitas pada audit delay, 3) pengaruh kompleksitas operasi perusahaan pada audit delay, 4) pengaruh ukuran perusahaan pada audit delay, 5) pengaruh ukuran KAP pada audit delay, 6) pengaruh komite audit pada audit delay, 7) pengaruh opini audit pada audit delay. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan farmasi yang terdaftar di BEI. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling, artinya sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel yang memenuhi kriteria tertentu. Teknik analis data yang dipergunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) profitabilitas berpengaruh positif pada audit delay, 2) solvabilitas berpengaruh positif pada audit delay, 3)kompleksitas operasi perusahaan berpengaruh positif pada audit delay, 4) ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh positif pada audit delay, 5) ukuran KAP berpengaruh positif pada audit delay, 6) komite audit berpengaruh positif pada audit delay dan 7) opini audit berpengaruh positif pada audit delay.Kata Kunci: profitabilitas, solvabilitas, kompleksitas operasi perusahaan, ukuran perusahaan, ukuran KAP, komite audit, opini audit Abstract This research aims to reveal (1) the effect of profitability on audit delay, (2) the effect of solvability on audit delay, (3) the effect of the complexity of the company's operations on audit delay, (4) the effect of company size on audit delay (5) the effect of public accounting firm size on audit delay, (6) the effect of audit committee on audit delay, (7) the effect of auditor opinion on audit delay. The population in this study is pharmaceutical companies listed on the IDX. Sampling was done by the purposive sampling method, meaning that the sample used in this study was a sample that met certain criteria. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that 1) profitability had a positive effect on audit delay, 2) solvability had a positive effect on audit delay, 3) the complexity of the company's operations had a positive an effect on audit delay, 4) firm size had a positive effect on audit delay, 5) KAP size had a positive effect on audit delay, 6) audit committee has a positive effect on audit delay and 7) audit opinion has a positive effect on audit delay.Keywords: profitability, solvability, the complexity of the company's operations, public accounting firm size, audit committee, auditor opinio
Mengungkap Praktik Akuntansi Budaya Dalam Upacara Adat Pelantikan Orang Kay Suku Kei Maluku
This study aims to uncover accounting practices in financing the traditional ceremony of the inauguration of the traditional head (Orang Kay) in the Kei Tribe. The research uses an ethnomethodological approach with observation, interview, and documentation methods. Based on the results of interviews and data analysis, in the inauguration of the traditional head (Orang Kay) there is an accounting practice that has characteristics with other tribes. In the inauguration of Orang Kay, there are three sources of financing, namely Yelim, village funds, and city government grants. The allocation of yelim is used to finance the inauguration traditionally, while the allocation of village funds and government grants is used as financing for the inauguration in government. In yelim management there
Public Participation On Local Budgeting Base On Local Wisdom
The objective of this research is to reveal the public participation in the process of local budgeting based on the
local wisdom of Osing Community. Public participation is the participation in the planning, implementation or accountability process of the development. An interpretive paradigm with an ethnomethodology approach was employed to reveal the existence of local values of Osing Community when participating in the local budgeting. The results of this study
showed that the values of local wisdom of the Osing community are meaning peaceful and welfare. Moreover, there are also some values of local wisdom among guyup (harmonious), bersilaturahmi (visiting one another), friendly, consistent, Gotong Royong (mutual cooperation), honest and open, are identified. These values of local wisdom are internalised in the
planning, implementation and transparent responsibility aspects of public participation in local government budgeting. The value of the local wisdom consistent is internalised in the planning budgeting, the value of the local wisdom gotong royong is internalised in the implementation of the development, and honesty and openness are internalised in the accountability of the development