1 research outputs found
Exploring the Gorilla Trekking Safari and the Tourism Industry in Rwanda
The tourism industry in Rwanda has a high number of visitors each year. The research that is conducted in Rwanda's national parks mostly focuses on gorilla safari trekking, in particular mountain gorilla trekking. Destination scorned Even if there is a strategy in place to preserve the national parks, there are still threats such as poaching, shooting, bamboo gathering, and others. According to research conducted at Volcanoes National Park, Kagera National Park, and Nyungwe Tropical Vegetation, Rwanda has become the gorilla tourism destination of choice in Africa. This is significant when one considers the challenges faced by the critically endangered gorilla. We gathered the opinions of travelers and stakeholders involved in the gorilla tourism industry through the use of an online poll. Concepts about economics, society, culture, and the environment were investigated. Participants in the research were divided into three categories: stakeholders, visitors, and national actors so that stakeholder perspectives could be taken into account. To find out whether or not national citizens are aware of the significance of protecting parks to both the local park and the country as a whole. This paper will attempt to demonstrate how gorilla tourism has benefited the tourism industry in Rwanda. As a result of the efforts of the government to promote gorilla tourism on a global scale, the country has developed into an exciting tourist destination. On the show, the gorilla will be given a name, and Arsenal jerseys will be given their names. Keywords: Gorilla, Trekking, Rwanda tourism, highland, and Lowland gorilla DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/62-04 Publication date: November 30th 202