81,697 research outputs found
Exact heat kernel on a hypersphere and its applications in kernel SVM
Many contemporary statistical learning methods assume a Euclidean feature
space. This paper presents a method for defining similarity based on
hyperspherical geometry and shows that it often improves the performance of
support vector machine compared to other competing similarity measures.
Specifically, the idea of using heat diffusion on a hypersphere to measure
similarity has been previously proposed, demonstrating promising results based
on a heuristic heat kernel obtained from the zeroth order parametrix expansion;
however, how well this heuristic kernel agrees with the exact hyperspherical
heat kernel remains unknown. This paper presents a higher order parametrix
expansion of the heat kernel on a unit hypersphere and discusses several
problems associated with this expansion method. We then compare the heuristic
kernel with an exact form of the heat kernel expressed in terms of a uniformly
and absolutely convergent series in high-dimensional angular momentum
eigenmodes. Being a natural measure of similarity between sample points
dwelling on a hypersphere, the exact kernel often shows superior performance in
kernel SVM classifications applied to text mining, tumor somatic mutation
imputation, and stock market analysis
Measuring the configurational temperature of a binary disc packing
Jammed packings of granular materials differ from systems normally described
by statistical mechanics in that they are athermal. In recent years a
statistical mechanics of static granular media has emerged where the
thermodynamic temperature is replaced by a configurational temperature X which
describes how the number of mechanically stable configurations depends on the
volume. Four different methods have been suggested to measure X. Three of them
are computed from properties of the Voronoi volume distribution, the fourth
takes into account the contact number and the global volume fraction. This
paper answers two questions using experimental binary disc packings: First we
test if the four methods to measure compactivity provide identical results when
applied to the same dataset. We find that only two of the methods agree
quantitatively. Secondly, we test if X is indeed an intensive variable; this
becomes true only for samples larger than roughly 200 particles. This result is
shown to be due to recently found correlations between the particle volumes
[Zhao et al., Europhys. Lett., 2012, 97, 34004].Comment: Open access under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
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