254 research outputs found

    Lusztig's Canonical Quotient and Generalized Duality

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    We present a new characterization of Lusztig's canonical quotient group. We also define a duality map: to a pair consisting of a nilpotent orbit and a conjugacy class in its fundamental group, the map assigns a nilpotent orbit in the Langlands dual Lie algebra.Comment: 21 page

    Normality of nilpotent varieties in E6E_6

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    We determine which nilpotent orbits in E6E_6 have normal closure and which do not. We also verify a conjecture about small representations in rings of functions on nilpotent orbit covers for type E6E_6.Comment: 13 page

    Local Systems on Nilpotent Orbits and Weighted Dynkin Diagrams

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    We study the Lusztig-Vogan bijection for the case of a local system. We compute the bijection explicitly in type A for a local system and then show that the dominant weights obtained for different local systems on the same orbit are related in a manner made precise in the paper. We also give a conjecture (putatively valid for all groups) detailing how the weighted Dynkin diagram for a nilpotent orbit in the dual Lie algebra should arise under the bijection.Comment: 11 page

    A characterization of Dynkin elements

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    We give a characterization of the Dynkin elements of a simple Lie algebra. Namely, we prove that one-half of a Dynkin element is the unique point of minimal length in its N-region. In type A_n this translates into a statement about the regions determined by the canonical left Kazhdan-Lusztig cells. Some possible generalizations are explored in the last section.Comment: 9 page

    Component groups of unipotent centralizers in good characteristic

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    Let G be a connected, reductive group over an algebraically closed field of good characteristic. For u in G unipotent, we describe the conjugacy classes in the component group A(u) of the centralizer of u. Our results extend work of the second author done for simple, adjoint G over the complex numbers. When G is simple and adjoint, the previous work of the second author makes our description combinatorial and explicit; moreover, it turns out that knowledge of the conjugacy classes suffices to determine the group structure of A(u). Thus we obtain the result, previously known through case-checking, that the structure of the component group A(u) is independent of good characteristic.Comment: 13 pages; AMS LaTeX. This is the final version; it will appear in the Steinberg birthday volume of the Journal of Algebra. This version corrects an oversight pointed out by the referee; see Prop 2
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