12 research outputs found
Gut Hormones and Their Effect on Bone Metabolism. Potential Drug Therapies in Future Osteoporosis Treatment
Bone homeostasis displays a circadian rhythm with increased resorption during the night time as compared to day time, a difference that seemsâat least partlyâto be caused by food intake during the day. Thus, ingestion of a meal results in a decrease in bone resorption, but people suffering from short bowel syndrome lack this response. Gut hormones, released in response to a meal, contribute to this link between the gut and bone metabolism. The responsible hormones appear to include glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), known as incretin hormones due to their role in regulating glucose homeostasis by enhancing insulin release in response to food intake. They interact with their cognate receptors (GIPR and GLP-1R), which are both members of the class B G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and already recognized as targets for treatment of metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and obesity. Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2), secreted concomitantly with GLP-1, acting via another class B receptor (GLP-2R), is also part of this gut-bone axis. Several studies, including human studies, have indicated that these three hormones inhibit bone resorption and, moreover, that GIP increases bone formation. Another hormone, peptide YY (PYY), is also secreted from the enteroendocrine L-cells (together with GLP-1 and GLP-2), and acts mainly via interaction with the class A GPCR NPY-R2. PYY is best known for its effect on appetite regulation, but recent studies have also shown an effect of PYY on bone metabolism. The aim of this review is to summarize the current knowledge of the actions of GIP, GLP-1, GLP-2, and PYY on bone metabolism, and to discuss future therapies targeting these receptors for the treatment of osteoporosis
Subcutaneous GIP and GLP-2 inhibit nightly bone resorption in postmenopausal women:A preliminary study
Gut Hormones and Their Effect on Bone Metabolism. Potential Drug Therapies in Future Osteoporosis Treatment
A Pilot Study Showing Acute Inhibitory Effect of GLP-1 on the Bone Resorption Marker CTX in Humans
Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide Is a Pancreatic Polypeptide Secretagogue in Humans
Effects of a Lifestyle Intervention on Bone Turnover in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes:A <i>post hoc</i> Analysis of the U-TURN Trial
This is an accepted manuscript version of an article published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise on August 25, 2021, available online: https://doi.org/10.1249/MSS.0000000000002776Introduction/Purpose
The increased risk of fractures with type 2 diabetes (T2D) is suggested to be caused by decreased bone turnover. Current international guidelines recommend lifestyle modifications, including exercise, as first-line treatment for T2D. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of an exercise-based lifestyle intervention on bone turnover and bone mineral density (BMD) in persons with T2D.
Persons with T2D were randomized to either a 12-month lifestyle intervention (n = 64) or standard care (n = 34). The lifestyle intervention included five to six weekly aerobic training sessions, half of them combined with resistance training. Serum markers of bone turnover (osteocalcin, N-terminal propeptide of type-I procollagen, reflecting bone formation, and carboxyterminal collagen I crosslinks, reflecting bone resorption) and BMD (by DXA) were measured before the intervention and at follow-up.
From baseline to follow-up, s-propeptide of type-I procollagen increased by 34% (95% confidence interval [CI], 17%â50%), serum-carboxyterminal collagen I crosslink by 36% (95% CI, 1%â71%), and s-osteocalcin by 31% (95% CI, 11â51%) more in the lifestyle intervention group compared with standard care. Loss of weight and fat mass were the strongest mediators of the increased bone turnover. Bone mineral density was unaffected by the intervention (ÎBMD, 0.1%; 95% CI, â1.1% to 1.2%).
A 12-month intensive exercise-based lifestyle intervention led to a substantial but balanced increase in bone turnover in persons with T2D. The increased bone turnover combined with a preserved BMD, despite a considerable weight loss, is likely to reflect improved bone health and warrants further studies addressing the impact of exercise on risk of fractures in persons with T2D.acceptedVersio
Effects of topical corticosteroid versus tacrolimus on insulin sensitivity and bone homeostasis in adults with atopic dermatitisâA randomized controlled study
Introduction: Topical corticosteroids (TCS), used to treat atopic dermatitis (AD), have been associated with type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis in epidemiological studies, possibly explained by systemic absorption. Objectives: We examined whether intensive daily whole-body TCS treatment over 2 weeks followed by twice weekly application for 4 weeks could elicit insulin resistance and increase bone resorption in adults with AD. Methods: A randomized parallel-group double-blind double-dummy non-corticosteroid-based active comparator study design was completed in Copenhagen, Denmark. Thirty-six non-obese, non-diabetic adults with moderate-to-severe AD were randomized to whole-body treatment with betamethasone 17-valerate 0.1% plus a vehicle once daily or tacrolimus 0.1% twice daily after washout. Insulin sensitivity assessed by the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp combined with tracer infusions and biomarkers of bone formation (P1NP) and resorption (CTX) were evaluated at baseline, after 2 weeks of daily treatment and after further 4 weeks of twice-weekly maintenance treatment. Results: AD severity improved with both treatments and systemic inflammation was reduced. After 2 weeks, we observed similar increase in peripheral insulin sensitivity with use of betamethasone (n = 18) and tacrolimus (n = 18). Bone resorption biomarker, CTX, was unchanged, while bone formation marker, P1NP, decreased after betamethasone treatment after both 2 and 6 weeks but remained unchanged in the tacrolimus arm. Conclusions: Whole-body treatment with TCS leads to systemic exposure but appears not to compromise glucose metabolism during short-term use, which may be a result of reduced systemic inflammatory activity. The negative impact on bone formation could be regarded an adverse effect of TCS
GLP-2 and GIP exert separate effects on bone turnover:A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study in healthy young men
LEAP2 reduces postprandial glucose excursions and ad libitum food intake in healthy men
The gastric hormone ghrelin stimulates food intake and increases plasma glucose through activation of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR). Liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 (LEAP2) has been proposed to inhibit actions of ghrelin through inverse effects on GHSR activity. Here, we investigate the effects of exogenous LEAP2 on postprandial glucose metabolism and ad libitum food intake in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial of 20 healthy men. We report that LEAP2 infusion lowers postprandial plasma glucose and growth hormone concentrations and decreases food intake during an ad libitum meal test. In wild-type mice, plasma glucose and food intake are reduced by LEAP2 dosing, but not in GHSR-null mice, pointing to GHSR as a potential mediator of LEAP2âs glucoregulatory and appetite-suppressing effects in mice