18 research outputs found


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    Rencana Aksi Kota Hijau berfungsi sebagai acuan bagi kota-kota dalam pembangunan ramah lingkungan, yaitu: efektif dan efisien dalam penggunaan sumber daya air dan energi, mengembangkan mekanisme menurunkan limbah, menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat, dan menekan polusi dengan adanya transportasi terpadu. Dalam kasus kota Bogor, kondisi topografi kota yang indah merupakan potensi alam yang harus diolah dengan bijak. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengembangkan taman tematik. Banyak tema yang dapat diaplikasikan pada taman seperti tema teknologi, tema olah raga, tema taman serangga atau taman satwa air. Taman tematik penting agar setiap taman memiliki keunikan dan dapat menjadi daya tarik bagi pengunjung

    DESAIN LANSKAP SEMPADAN SUNGAI BERBASIS PREFERENSI MASYARAKAT DI SEGMEN JALAN RADAR AURI, JAKARTA TIMUR (Preferenced-based Riparian Landscape Design of Cipinang River in The Radar Auri Street Segment, East Jakarta)

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    AbstrakJakarta Timur adalah kota administrasi terluas di provinsi DKI Jakarta. Laju pembangunan kota yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan daya tampung dan daya dukung lingkungan kota semakin menurun sehingga memicu timbulnya permasalahan sosial, ekosistem lingkungan daratan maupun akuatik. Lanskap sempadan Sungai merupakan aspek penting dari konstruksi lanskap perkotaan. Lanskap sempadan Sungai Cipinang memiliki fungsi ekologis, estetika dan sosial. Masyarakat merupakan kunci bagi terciptanya kehidupan sosial yang berkelanjutan dalam sebuah taman lingkungan. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di taman lingkungan perlu adanya keterlibatan masyarakat sekitar dengan mempelajari preferensi masyarakat sekitar terhadap taman. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan desain taman lingkungan berdasarkan preferensi masyarakat sekitar untuk menciptakan sebuah taman lingkungan yang fungsional, estetis, ekologis, dan berkelanjutan. Proses desain lanskap sempadan Sungai Cipinang dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu: tahap pengumpulan data, tahap analisis dan sintesiskonsep, dan desain. Konsep yang digunakan dalam taman lingkungan ini adalah Taman Olahraga dan Olah jiwa dengan memilih tanaman kangkung air sebagai konsep desain. Konsep ini dipilih untuk menjaga dan memelihara lingkungan sempadan sungai serta memberikan ruang olahraga, area rekreasi dan meningkatkan interaksi antar masyarakat sekitar. Setelah dilakukan proses desain, dihasilkan 3 model pilihan desain dan satu diantaranya menjadi sebuah siteplan yang digunakan sebagai gambar acuan dalam proses pembuatan gambar kerja. Siteplan dilengkapi dengan gambar tampak potongan, perspektif, detail desain, dan rencana penanaman.AbstractEast Jakarta is the largest administrative city in the province of DKI Jakarta. The increasing space of urban development causes the capacity and the carrying capacity of the urban environment to decrease, thus triggering the emergence of social problems, ecosystems of the land, and aquatic environment. The riparian landscape is an important aspect of the urban landscape. The riparian landscape of Cipinang River has ecological, aesthetic, and social functions. Community is the key to create sustainable social life in the community park. To know the needs of people in a community park is important as well as in a park design process, it could be grasped through the study of people preferences. Therefore, it is important too to study the community park design based on user preference to create a community park that is functional, aesthetic, ecological, and sustainable. The design process will be carried out through several stages, namely: stage of data collection, analysis and synthesis phase, concepts, and  design. The concept is “Olah Raga dan Olah Jiwa” which Water Spinach’s form as a design concept. It was chosen in addition to preserving and maintaining the riparian landscape environment, also to provide sports spaces, recreation areas. After the design process is carried out, there will be three models of design choices and one of them will be a siteplan that is used as a reference image in the process of making work drawings. A siteplan will be equipped with section plan, perspective, design details, and planting plan


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    Residential development in urban areas was requiring extensive landscape changes. This development caused the decreases of urban green land. The high rate of CO2 in the atmosphere is one impact of the reduction of green land in urban area.The existing plants are unable to sequester the amount of CO2 in atmosphere. Plans especially trees are landscape elements which can reduce CO2 in the atmosphere through the photosynthesis process. With this research we can see and know how large the benefits of tree for carbon storage and sequestration in residential. This research was held in two residential that Bukit Cimanggu City and Yasmin, Tanah Sareal, Bogor. Analysis was done to spatial data using ArcView and CITYgreen5.4 extension. This report showed that the greater of trees canopy and trees number then the greater of the amount of carbon storage and sequestration. The result of this research are tabular data and spatial data with simulations examples of open green space (trees) from analysis area in each residential.Residential development in urban areas was requiring extensive landscape changes. This development caused the decreases of urban green land. The high rate of CO2 in the atmosphere is one impact of the reduction of green land in urban area.The existing plants are unable to sequester the amount of CO2 in atmosphere. Plans especially trees are landscape elements which can reduce CO2 in the atmosphere through the photosynthesis process. With this research we can see and know how large the benefits of tree for carbon storage and sequestration in residential. This research was held in two residential that Bukit Cimanggu City and Yasmin, Tanah Sareal, Bogor. Analysis was done to spatial data using ArcView and CITYgreen5.4 extension. This report showed that the greater of trees canopy and trees number then the greater of the amount of carbon storage and sequestration. The result of this research are tabular data and spatial data with simulations examples of open green space (trees) from analysis area in each residential

    Persepsi dan Preferensi Masyarakat terhadap Tingkat Kenyamanan Taman Merdeka Metro sebagai Ruang Interaksi Sosial di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The covid-19 pandemic has resulted in changes in people's behavior, activities, and social space, thus triggering changes in the comfort level of visitors in the Merdeka Park area. This study aims to identify and analyze the comfort level of Merdeka Park as a social interaction space based on perceptions and preferences; and make recommendations for the design of Merdeka Park based on the results of the analysis of community perceptions and preferences. The analysis was used in this research are spatial analysis and descriptive analysis using quantitative and qualitative methods. Based on the results of the study, the comfort level of Merdeka Park is included in the very comfortable category as a social interaction space. The percentage of park comfort value is 84.1% which is generated from the average percentage of all parameters. The park's carrying capacity is 58 people per day with the addition of playing and sport rooms, as well as the addition of lawn facilities. The recommended design in this study is improving facilities, adding facilities, structuring vegetation, and adding vegetation


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    This is an evaluation of roadside greenery. This evaluation was held in five main road in IPB Darmaga Campus. The aim of this activity is to identify and assess the condition of roadside greenery in IPB Darmaga. This activity was conducted as one part of the series efforts to optimize the effectiveness of roadside greenery function. The evaluation results can be used as a material consideration in the development of streetscape further. Evaluate the condition of roadside greenery by considering five aspects, such as: (1) road type and position on the road, (2) landscape regulatory and road geometry, (3) characteristics and plant growth requirements, (4) the desired function of planting and (5) psychological effects that expected from planting . They are five aspects consideration in the street scape plants application, that has been formulated by Lestari (2005). The comparative method was used to measure suitability and compatibility roadside greenery in Kampus IPB Darmaga based on landscape regulations that contained in five aspects above. Based on them, the evaluation found an information that many planting design of roadside greenery in IPB Darmaga Campus is less accordance with the planting design guidelines and principles. This was caused by disruptions due to the planting design that is too diverse in plant species selection without an appropriate arrangement with the environment. Recommended solutions to overcome this problem is by creating a more organized and themed planting design. It is more supportive for realization of the desired planting function. Recommended theme in this case is a theme that support campus visual and activity. The embodiment of such planting brings the consequence of the reduction, replacement, or addition by a more suitable plants. This activity is not an easy thing to do, it needs consideration for make it optimal and sustainable


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    ABSTRACTIncreasing numbers of vehicles wil lincrease the concentration of carbondioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Bogor Botanical Gardens was chosen as study site because it is one of urban forest in Bogor City with an important role in absorbing carbondioxide (CO2). Therefore to calculate carbondioxide (CO2) that was absorbed by canopy trees in Bogor Botanical Garden used the software ArcView3.2 and extensions CITYgreen 5.0. Based on the result of the analysis CITYgreen 5.0 obtained information stating that existing condition in Bogor Botanical Gardens has carbondioxide (CO2) sequestration potential by 134,61 tons/year and it is able to absorb carbondioxide (CO2) emissions only 0,06 % of carbondioxide (CO2) emitted by motor vehicles at this time. Bogor Botanical Gardens with the first scenario could increase the carbondioxide (CO2) sequestration potential from existing condition by 117,06%. The first scenario is able to absorb carbondioxide (CO2) emissionsby 0,055% carbondioxide (CO2) emitted by motor vehicles in 2040. Then the second scenario was made to increase the carbondioxide (CO2) sequestration potential. The second scenario could increase the carbondioxide (CO2) sequestration potential from the existing condition in the Bogor Botanical Gardens by 267,88%. The second scenario is able to absorb carbondioxide (CO2) emissions by 0,094% sof carbondioxide (CO2) emitted by motor vehicles in 2040.Keywords: Bogor Botanical Garden,Carbondioxide (CO2) emission, Carbondioxide (CO2) sequestration, CITYgreen 5.

    Kajian Place Dependence Warisan Budaya Wujud pada Sumbu Filosofi di Kota Yogyakarta

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    Yogyakarta City has a privilege in the history of the Mataram Kingdom relics either tangible or intangible. One of them is the philosophy axis. The philosophy axis is manifested in the form of a path that has historical objects as the elements of forming a city. The main elements are Tugu Yogyakarta, Malioboro Street, Zero Kilometer, and South Square is now being used in the open space of the city. The aims of this study were to examine the place dependence on the four historical objects with the respondents. The study has already done using qualitative and quantitative methods. The main of qualitative methods by distribution questionnaires involve the perception of natives, newcomers, and tourists as much as 327 respondents. Other qualitative methods were done by using a descriptive approach to the literature review and interviews, as well as field observation. Quantitative methods by using a non-parametric of different test with Mann-Whitney U for testing of perception between two samples. The results of this study, perception between the natives and newcomers was no difference. The results showed that place dependence obtained the doubtful value of 83.33%, the disagree value of 8.33% and the agreed value of 8.33%. The importance of place dependence as a recommendation in planning is the preservation of tangible cultural heritage and increasing the dimensions of place attachment in public space, especially the Zero Kilometer which has the weakest value. Finally, Yogyakarta City would be realized by UNESCO as one of World Heritage City about cultural heritage. Keywords: historical objects, perception, place dependence, public space, tangible cultural heritage Diterim


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    Sustainable regional development is one of the government program, but in Indonesia there has been no direct assessment for the sustainable region. This is caused by the assessment tools that available now is not completed yet. Objectives of the study were to compare some assessment tools to formulate the considered best tools; to analyze the practice of one of the green assessment tools in Indonesia, specifically sustainable regional development assessment tools for a residential area in Bogor City; and to give an overview for the residential area that has green concept development generally in Indonesia and Bogor City in particular. Result of this study shows that the assessment tools in Indonesia still needs improvement, and that the green concept of the researched residential area is not suitable with criteria from assessment tools. Thus recommendation is proposed, based on minimum score of the existing assessment tools

    Psychological Effects of Walking and Relaxed Sitting in Urban Greenspaces During Post-pandemic: A Case Study in Bogor City, Indonesia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the world order from the beginning of 2020 to the end of 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on changes in healthy living practices, such as decreased physical exercise and increased stress, compromising psychological well-being. The psychological impacts of walking and relaxing in urban green spaces on IPB University students are investigated in this study. Bogor City Alun-Alun, Sempur Park, and Heulang Park were used for the experiment. Participants completed 15 minutes of walking and relaxed sitting before and after the experiment, and the psychological impacts were assessed using Profiles of Mood States (POMS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) before and after the experiment. The results indicate that physical activity improves psychological wellness. These findings give scientific evidence for the psychologically relaxing effects of walking and relaxed sitting, as well as recommendations to support the development and construction of therapeutic urban green spaces


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    Harmony between settlement and environment is basis of ecological movement recent-ly. It is necessary to examine ecodesign criteria of settlement landscape. The objectives of study are identify critical component and ideal criteria of landscape ecodesign in urban settlement. In this study there was assessment of two settlements landscape as test-cases to illustrate the use of criterias that has been developed. Analytical Hierar-chy Process (AHP) was used as method to identify critical component. Result of AHP was used to assess test-cases and specify ideal criteria. The result showed critical com-ponent of landscape ecodesign in urban settlement is water (29.6%) and alternative priorities of landscape ecodesign is community participation (38.4%). The ecodesign accomplishment classified in high, moderate, and low level. Test-cases accomplishment was in moderate level (score 2.50 to 4.98). This result indicate both of regions has not fully implement ecodesign criteria. The ideal landscape ecodesign of settlement was maximum condition from sixteen subcomponents in design criteria