172 research outputs found

    Metal surface tolerant conformal low-profile plastic embedded antennas for automotive applications

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    Mit der rasanten Zunahme drahtloser Dienste und dem Einsatz von Antennendiversitätstechniken zur Erzielung höherer Datenraten oder Dienstzuverlässigkeit ist die Zahl der in Pkw zu installierenden Antennen nicht mehr unbedeutend und nimmt weiter zu. Gleichzeitig wird es immer schwieriger, geeignete Montageplätze für diese Antennen zu finden, da die Zahl der Montageplätze im Auto nicht parallel zur Zahl der zu installierenden Antennen gewachsen ist; Autos sind nach wie vor meist Metallkästen, mit einigen wenigen Kunststoffteilen und Glasscheiben die die Integration von Antennen ermöglichen. Die meisten dieser Teile wurden bereits zu diesem Zweck verwendet, die B-Säulen-Kunststoffabdeckungen wurden jedoch bisher nicht für die Antennenintegration berücksichtigt. In dieser Arbeit werden nicht nur die Vorteile der B-Säulen-Kunststoffabdeckungen als Antenneneinbauort gegenüber anderen Orten hervorgehoben, sondern auch die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen untersucht, insbesondere der begrenzte Platz für die Antennenintegration und die unmittelbare Nähe der eingebauten Antenne zum Metallchassis des Fahrzeugs. Letzteres führt zu einer starken elektromagnetischen Kopplung zwischen der Antenne und der Fahrzeugkarosserie, was sich auf die Antenneneigenschaften wie Impedanzanpassung und realisierten Gewinn auswirkt. In den folgenden Kapiteln werden die zugrundeliegenden Entwurfsprinzipien, die Theorie und die Messungen neuartiger, flacher, konformer und metalloberflächentoleranter Mobilfunkantennen vorgestellt, nämlich die Einzelband-Di-Patch-Antenne und eine koplanar gestapelte, mit Mikrostreifenleitungen gekoppelte Multibandantenne, die die oben genannten Herausforderungen adressieren und überwinden. Zusätzlich wird in der zweiten Hälfte dieser Arbeit eine high impedance surface basierte Dipolantennenlösung vorgestellt. Die Simulations- und Messergebnisse der nicht integrierten und der integrierten Versionen der vorgestellten Antennen, einschließlich der LTE-MIMO-Datenratenmessungen, die im vorletzten Kapitel vorgestellt werden, sprechen nicht nur für die Eignung dieser Antennen für flache, metallnahe Oberflächenanwendungen im Allgemeinen, sondern zeigen auch, dass die B-Säulen- Kunststoffabdeckungen einen sehr geeigneten neuen Antennenintegrationsort für mobile Kommunikationsanwendungen im Automobil darstellen.With a rapid increase in the number of wireless services, and the utilization of antenna diversity techniques to achieve enhanced data rates or service reliability, the number of antennas that need to be installed in passenger cars is not insignificant any more, and only sees a rising trend. At the same time, finding suitable mounting locations for these antennas has become ever more challenging, because the number of such locations on a car has not grown parallelly to the number of antennas that need to be installed; cars are still mostly metal boxes, with a few plastic parts and the glass windows that allow for antenna integration. While most of these parts have already been utilized for embedding antennas, the plastic parts that were overlooked till now were the B-column plastic covers. In addition to highlighting the advantages of using the B-column plastic covers as an antenna embedding location over other locations, this work takes a comprehensive look into the challenges associated with the same, specifically the limited space for antenna integration and the close proximity of the embedded antenna to the car metal chassis. The latter introduces a strong electro- magnetic coupling between the antenna and the car body, consequently impacting antenna properties like impedance matching and realized gain. The upcoming chapters present the underlying design principles, theory, and measurements of novel, low-profile, conformal and metal surface tolerant mobile communications antennas, namely, the single band di-patch antenna and a co-planar stacked microstrip line coupled multi-band antenna, that suitably address and overcome the aforementioned challenges. Additionally, a high impedance surface based dipole antenna solution is also presented in the later half of this thesis. The simulation and measurement results of the bare and the integrated versions of the presented antennas, including LTE-MIMO data rate measurements presented in the penultimate chapter, not only speak for the suitability of these antennas for low-profile, close-to-metal surface applications in general, but also show that the B-column plastic covers present a highly suitable new antenna integration location for automotive mobile communications applications

    Extract Class Refactoring by analyzing class variables

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    Software maintenance activities often cause design erosion and lead to increased software complexity and maintenance costs. Extract Class Refactoring attempts to address design erosion by identifying and pulling out extraneous functionalities from a class and distributing them to new classes. This thesis extends previous research in this area by improving a metric known as Structural Similarity between Methods (SSM) used during Extract Class Refactoring. The improved metric, called Variable based Similarity between methods (VSM), establishes similarities between methods based on the variables they share, and on how they use these variables. Strongly connected methods are then allocated into new classes. The thesis also introduces another metric, Cognate Members Metric (CMM), which identifies those members of a class that are only used in combination with each other, and hence, probably belong together in a separate class. Additionally, this work extends and modifies existing refactoring processes for extracting classes. A software prototype that performs Extract Class Refactoring has been developed to substantiate the research. A few Case studies are discussed and comparison and analysis of results of refactoring using the new and older approaches of the Extract Class Refactoring process are presented

    Semi-Automatic Sanitizer and Thermal Scanner

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    War of humanity against COVID-19 is stretching at this stage of time. In this paper, a solution has been proposed to sanitize the narrow roads and public areas with a robotic solution. Robot design proposed in this paper can be operated using a remote and that saves human beings from direct possible face off with COVID– 19 virus.. This Semi-Automatic machine proposed in the work has a built-in thermal scanner to scan the locals and also a walkie talkie to give further instructions to the person being scanned.Robot also has a carriage section that can transport medicine and food to the infected area. With this one robot, a large area such as slums, narrow roads, schools, and buildings etc. can be covered

    Cloud Data Security using Authentication and Encryption Technique

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    Cloud Computing has been envisioned as the next generation architecture of IT Enterprise In cloud computing application software and databases are moving to the centralized large data centers This mechanism brings about many new challenges which have not been well understood Security and privacy concerns however are among the top concerns standing in the way of wider adoption of cloud In cloud computing the main concern is to provide the security to end user to protect files or data from unauthorized user Security is the main intention of any technology through which unauthorized intruder can t access your file or data in cloud We have designed one proposed design and architecture that can help to encrypt and decrypt the file at the user side that provide security to data at rest as well as while moving In this research paper we have used the Rijndael Encryption Algorithm along with EAP-CHA

    Implementing Cloud Data Security by Encryption using Rijndael Algorithm

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    Cloud computing emerges as a new computing paradigm which aims to provide reliable, customized and QoS guaranteed dynamic computing environments for endusers. However, adopting a cloud computing paradigm may have positive as well as negative effects on the data security of service consumers. In a cloud computing environment, data and the application is controlled by the service provider. This leads to a natural concern about data safety and also its protection from internal as well as external threats. The major issues in cloud computing is the security of data being stored on the provider's cloud and privacy while the data is being transmitted. This paper deals with the methods of providing security by data encryption and to ensure that unauthorized intruder can't access your file or data in cloud

    Transfer Matrix Analysis

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    Vibration analysis of arbitrary shaped structures has been of interest to structural designers for several decades. Dynamic behavior of these structures is strongly dependent on boundary conditions, geometrical shapes, material properties, different theories, and various complicating effects. Closed-form solutions are possible only for a limited set of simple boundary conditions and geometries. For analysis of arbitrary shaped structures, several numerical methods, such as finite element method, finite difference method, boundary element method, and so on, are usually applied. In this paper, we have tried to put some light on the methods of calculation of methods to find out the vibration in structural members by taking advantages Transfer Matrix Methods in calculating the vibration in Multi-Storied Buildings, the various beam actions in a given beam with some given loading criteria and also used to compute the natural frequency of a shaft under torsional vibration. Computer-Aided Analysis has also been provided to calculate the vibration in a multi-storied building

    Survey on Efficient Audit Service to Ensure Data Integrity in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud computing is an internet based computing which provides different users an opportunity to store their data in the cloud While data outsourcing relieves the owner of the burden of the local data storage and maintenance but as they have no longer physical possession of outsourced data makes data integrity protection a very challenging task This paper explores the secure cryptographic hash function along with some other techniques that can be used by TPA to ensure the integrity of data stored in the cloud at regular intervals or on user reques

    Monitoring Data Integrity while using TPA in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud Computing is the arising technology that delivers software, platform and infrastructure as a service over a network. Cloud minimizes the burden of users by allowing them to remotely store their data and eliminates the need of local storage and maintenance. Even though benefits are higher but while storing data in cloud, correctness of data and security are major concerns as there are many chances for CSP to behave unfaithfully towards users regarding the status of their outsourced data. In order to overcome the threat of integrity, user can entrust third party auditor to assess the risk of outsourced data when needed .For this, in our proposed scheme we are using SHA-2 which is cryptographic hash function to verify integrity of data along with XOR mechanism, Station-to-Station key protocol for key generation and mutual authentication with TPA

    A Survey: Hierarchal Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been grown immensely in the past few decades. Researcher had proposed a number of routing protocols for WSN. WSN has two type of architecture layered and cluster architecture. We classify various clustering approaches based on different criterion in section [3]. Hierarchical Clustering protocols discussed in section [4] have extensively been used to achieve network scalability, energy efficiency and network lifetime. In this paper we discuss the challenges in design of WSN, advantages and objectives of clustering, various clustering approaches. We present a detailed survey on proposed clustering routing protocol in WSN literature