13 research outputs found


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    The ultimate purpose of conducting this study is to explore teaching performance of pre-service in teaching English to young learners. This is an instrumental case study, using explanatory approach which scrutinize a particular case to gain insight to an issue or theory by involving sources of information to provide in-depth study. Furthermore the findings of this research is expected to underpin realistic aims and current curricular innovation for teaching English to young learners (TEYL). The findings of this study are classified into four aspects: Teaching Aim, Teaching Reflection, Teaching Approach, and Teaching Challenges. Pre-service teachers understood their purpose in teaching English young learners. Throughout the classroom observations and interviews, it was found that pre-service teachers provided relatable tasks for young learners; they focused on course objective; they established good bond with young learners before implementing the lessons. Their challenges in Teaching are to establish parent-teacher relationship and to identify learners’ learning skills. This study is expected to contribute insights to English language teaching area about Pre-service Teachers’ Teaching Performance in Teaching English to Young Learners by immersing into the world of teaching English to Young learners


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    As higher education institutions strive to become increasingly international, English-medium teaching has become a main concern to develop students’ English proficiency in preparing them for international competition. Therefore, this study aims to investigate students’ perceptions and experience on a program called PEBUC. It is a program devised by the Faculty of Economy at Universitas Advent Indonesia (UNAI) in which the concept is derived from English Medium Instruction (EMI). It is a qualitative interview study, used to assess people’s experience, perceptions, behaviors and other aspects. Semi-structured interview was implemented to 10 informants who had experienced taking the program. The findings of this study showed two themes emerged on how students perceived the program; those themes are Promote Thinking-learning system and Stimulate Learners’ Engagement. Furthermore, there are two themes that characterize the experience of informants on the program; which are, Enhance recognition of English Language and Self-regulated learning. Meanwhile regarding the needs of program development there are two themes emerged: Learning Resources and Analysis on Students’ Prerequisites. All themes emerged from obtained sub-themes

    The inevitable surge of online learning through the lens of English education lecturers during the unprecedented times

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    The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has obliged universities worldwide to shift to other modalities such as e-learning. Lecturers feel obliged to motivate and aspire their students virtually. This study explores the perceptions and experience of English education lecturers on the inevitable surge of virtual teaching during the Pandemic. This study was a qualitative interview study utilized an interpretive description approach. The data were generated by interviewing 19 English education lecturers based on defined evaluation criteria and an online learning environment. Participants were given ten open-ended interview questions to find out how lecturers undertook online teaching during unprecedented times and perceived some changes in the teaching and learning process. The findings showed three themes emerged from lecturers’ perspectives during the shift to online learning; those themes are the need for iterative process, revamp delivery, and the need to advance technology infrastructure. In addition, there were two (themes that characterize the participants’ experiences in implementing online learning: Agility and adaptability, identification of the underlying needs. All themes in this study emerged from obtained sub-themes. These findings indicated that the inevitable surge of online learning shapes lecturers’ teaching skills and attitude in the process of shifting to other modalities

    Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge: Comparative Study Enhancing Between Semantic Mapping and Diglot Weave Techniques

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    The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is any significant difference between Semantic Mapping and Diglot Weave Techniques in enhancing the students’ vocabulary knowledge. This study is quantitative, utilizing comparative research design,a simple research design which is used to examine two techniques of teaching. In this study, the researcher treated two groups with two different techniques: Semantic Mapping and Diglot Weave. Each technique is deemed to be comparable in enhancing students’ vocabulary knowledge. On the basis of the target this study, the researcher has to decide which technique that is more effective in enhancing students’ vocabulary knowledge. The researcher found out that there is significant difference between group that was taught using Semantic Mapping technique and group that was taught using Diglot Weave Technique in enhancing students’ vocabulary knowledge. In fact, the group that acquired Diglot Weave Technique had higher gain of score than the group that acquired Semantic Mapping.Keyword - Semantic Mapping Technique, Diglot Weave Technique, Vocabulary Knowledg

    A Phenomenological Study: Speaking Anxiety Overwhelms English Learners

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    This study aims to determine the sources that cause speaking anxiety overwhelms English learners. It is qualitative in nature and focuses on learners’ speaking anxiety. The samples of the research are composed of senior high school students who deal with speaking anxiety. The primary data-gathering method is interview through semi-structured questions. The data were collected by in-depth face-to-face interview with 10 participants; the data were analyzed by determining the themes and description. The gathered data were analyzed using coding and verbatim quotes from research respondents. The results show 3 themes regarding sources that cause Speaking anxiety: Limitations of English Exposure, Fear of Negative Evaluation, and Learning Condition. It is undeniable that attitude holds an imperative role in learning to speak English. The results show two themes regarding learners’ attitude in causing them to become anxious whenever they speak English; the themes are self-inferiority and fear of making mistakes. Despite sources that cause learners to be anxious in speaking English, they find ways to reduce their anxiety in speaking English and from this study, there are two themes found regarding ways to reduce anxiety; they are: Media intervention and Establish learning support.   Keywords: Speaking Anxiety, Negative Evaluation, speaking skills Â

    Metacognitive Strategies To Enhance Students’ Listening Comprehension Ability

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    This study aims to find out the enhancement of students’ listening comprehension ability using Metacognitive strategies. It utilized experimental research design; the sample of this study were students of IPA XI from SMAN 1, Parongpong; there were 53 students involved in this study. To find out the effectiveness of Metacognitive strategies, the researchers divided the students into two classes: First class was taught using Metacognitive strategies while the second class was taught using conventional strategies. As a result of the study, there was an enhancement in students’ listening comprehension ability when taught using Metacognitive strategies. However, there was no significant different between students who were taught using Metacognitive strategies and students who were taught using conventional strategies.Keywords : Metacognitive, listening comprehension, planning, monitoring, evaluatin

    Stylistics: An Analysis of Roald Dahl’s George’s Marvelous Medicine and The Girrafe and The Pelly and Me to Provide Insights on Establishing Writing Style

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    This study aims to provide insights on establishing writing style through stylistic analysis on Roald Dahl’s George Marvelous Medicine and The Giraffe and The Pelly and Me. This is a qualitative study which focuses on literary analysis. The data was collected from those two books. Evidently this study will bring benefit to English majors to gain insights on how to establish effective writing style. The findings of this study show that Dahl has four outstanding elements for writing style: Lead Sentences, Rhyme-schemed poem, Peculiar Chosen Words, and Concept of Personification. Although Dahl’s books have great insight on establishing one’s writing style, there are some positive and negative influence that should be considered in reading Dahl’s masterpieces. Keywords: Stylistics, elements of writing style, literary analysi

    Students’ Perspective of Factors Affecting Listening

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    The teaching of listening in Indonesia is essential, a process that is considered to be indispensable. This paper explores several factors that affect students’ listening comprehension ability; which are: Limitation of Vocabulary, Teaching Strategy, Limitation of Materials and Equipment, Student’s Listening Anxiety, Exposure towards American English and culture. The main purpose of this research is to determine which factor that significantly affects students’ listening comprehension ability. After going through factor analysis, it is found that the most dominant factor that affects listening comprehension ability is Limitation of Listening Materials and Equipment. This study was conducted in three schools: SMP Negeri 1 Cisarua, Bandung, SMP Negeri III Cisarua, Bandung, SMP Negeri I Parongpong, Bandung. Key Words: Listening Comprehension Ability, Exposure towards American English and Cultur

    Daily Journal Writing to Enhance Students’ Writing Skills

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    This study aims to enhance students’ writing skills through Daily Journal writing. This research was divided into three steps: giving pre-test, giving treatment (writing daily journal), and giving posttest. The result showed significant difference between control and experimental group. Experimental participants was improved through the writing of daily journal, and the score gained by participants showed that there was a significant effect on students’ writing skills. The achievements showed that the mean difference of post-test scores between the two groups was -.45433 and for the standard error mean>was .03840 with pValue .050 (see Table 3), means that Ha is accepted and Ho is not accepted. It means, writing daily journal is strong enough to improve the students’ writing skills. Keywords: Journal Writing, Writing Skills, Daily Journal Variation

    Study On The Use Of Oral Drills And Role-Play Method In Improving Students’ Interactive Speaking Achievement

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    This study examines whether the use of Oral Drills and Role-Play method could improve students’ interactive speaking achievement. This study used quantitative research using pre-experimental method with one group pre and posttest design. The study was conducted in SMP Advent II, Setia Budi, Bandung. The participants of this study were 30 students from the first year students at SMP Advent II Setia budi, Bandung as the sample and they were grade VII at SMP Advent II Setia Budi, Bandung. This study used one experimental group as the sample. A pre-test and post-test were done. The experimental group was given treatment (Oral Drill and Role-Play Method). The data gathered was then statistically calculated and analysed. According to the interpretation, if p Value (Sig.) - (0.05) then HA is accepted and H0 is rejected and If p Value (Sig.) - (0.05) then H0 is accepted and HA is rejected. After calculating the data it was known that the p-value = 0.000 lesser than alpha 0.05. Result of the study showed that there is a significant difference in improving students’ interactive speaking achievement after using oral drills and role-play method.Keywords: Interactive Speaking, Oral Drills, Role-Play Metho