64 research outputs found

    Wage Work for Women: The Menstrual Cycle and the Power of Water

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    We hypothesise that women's participation in wage (off-farm) work is reduced when their greater water needs due to the menstrual cycle are not met because their household has poor access to water. For testing, we use the data from rural villages in China. Controlling for village fixed effects, poor access to water is found to decrease the probability of wage work participation of affected (pre-menopause) women by about 10 percentage points, a large effect. As expected, there is no adverse causal impact of poor household access to water for women post-menopause, or for men, ceteris paribus.wage work, women, menopause, water engineering, rural development, China

    The Gender Education Gap in China: The Power of Water

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    We investigate girls' school dropout rates, bringing forward a novel variable: access to water. We hypothesise that a girl's education suffers when her greater water need for female hygiene purposes after menarche is not met because her household has poor access to water. For testing we use data from rural villages in the China Health and Nutrition Survey. We find that menarche is associated with an increase in the school dropout rate, and indeed the effect is weaker for girls who have good access to water. Water engineering can thus contribute significantly to reducing gender education gaps in rural areas.education, gender gaps, menarche, water, China

    Understanding the Labour Market for Older Workers: A Survey

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    The paper asks why retirement can be so abrupt in countries such as France (½% of the workforce over 65), yet staged in Japan (8% over 65). We find part of the answer in tax laws that prevent people working and receiving a pension, and make little allowance for fair pension increases if retirement is deferred. While these laws have begun to change, we find another part of the answer in employment protection laws. These laws coupled with inflexible collectively agreed wages make employers choosy about hiring the old. The advent of "age discrimination" law reinforces employment protection and may well reduce older workers' hiring opportunities especially where wages are rigid.mandatory retirement, deferred pay, age discrimination, older workers

    Wage Dispersion in a Partially Unionized Labor Force

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    Wage Dispersion in a Partially Unionized Labor Force This paper critiques Card’s (2001) method for analyzing wage dispersion in a partially unionized labor market based on a disaggregation of the population into skill categories. We argue that disaggregation is a good idea, the use of skill categories less so. We offer a modified model in which each worker is assigned a union-membership probability, a predicted union wage, and a predicted nonunion wage. Our model provides a natural three-way decomposition of variance, and is also suited to counterfactual analysis. By way of an application, we examine the effect of de-unionization on wage dispersion in the United Kingdom between 1983 and 1995, reporting that the decline in membership accounts for only about one-fifth of the observed increase in wage dispersion.wage dispersion, three-way variance decomposition, bivariate kernel density smoothing, union membership, deunionization.

    Wage Dispersion in a Partially Unionized Labor Force

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    Taking as our point of departure a model proposed by David Card (2001), we suggest new methods for analyzing wage dispersion in a partially unionized labor market. Card's method disaggregates the labor population into skill categories, which procedure entails some loss of information. Accordingly, we develop a model in which each worker individually is assigned a union-membership probability and predicted union and nonunion wages. The model yields a natural three-way decomposition of variance. The decomposition permits counterfactual analysis, using concepts and techniques from the theory of factorial experimental design. We examine causes of the increase in U.K. wage dispersion between 1983 and 1995. Of the factors initially considered, the most influential was a change in the structure of remuneration inside both the union and nonunion sectors. Next in importance was the decrease in union membership. Finally, exogenous changes in labor force characteristics had, for most groups considered, only a small negative effect. We supplement this preliminary three-factorial analysis with a five-factorial analysis that allows us to examine effects from the wage-equation parameters in greater detail.wage dispersion, three-way variance decomposition, bivariate kernel density smoothing, union membership, deunionization, factorial experimental design

    Job Satisfaction and the Labor Market Institutions in Urban China

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    The determinants of worker job satisfaction are estimated using a representative survey of three major cities in China. Legally segregated migrants, floaters, earn significantly less than otherwise equivalent non-migrants but routinely report greater job satisfaction, a finding not previously reported. We confirm a positive role for membership in the communist party but find that it exists only for non-migrants suggesting a club good aspect to membership. In contrast to earlier studies, many controls mirror those found in western democracies including the "paradox of the contented female worker."job satisfaction, internal migrants, party membership, China

    Job satisfaction and the labor market institutions in urban China

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    The determinants of worker job satisfaction are estimated using a representative survey of three major cities in China. Legally segregated migrants, floaters, earn significantly less than otherwise equivalent non-migrants but routinely report greater job satisfaction, a finding not previously reported. We confirm a positive role for membership in the communist party but find that it exists only for non-migrants suggesting a club good aspect to membership. In contrast to earlier studies, many controls mirror those found in western democracies including the paradox of the contented female worker

    HRM Practices and Performance of Family-Run Workplaces: Evidence from the 2004 WERS

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    This paper analyses HRM practices of family-run workplaces using the 2004 WERS. Family-ownership and management within workplaces in the corporate sector is our focus. This family-run group represents nationally about 26% of workplaces and 14% of employment. We find that employees in this group have stronger feelings of job security and loyalty, which we relate to family companies' HRM practices such as stronger support for long-term employment – an "inclusivity" linked to long-term orientation. We also find that family-owned and managed workplaces have better financial and quality performance measures than non-family, to which family-related HRM practices contribute.job security, loyalty, family business, HRM practices, financial performance

    Worker participation and firm performance : evidence from Germany and Britain

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    This paper examines the Freeman-Lazear works council/worker involvement model against the empirical backdrop of two different industrial relations systems: the British voluntaristic system, and the German system of mandatory works councils. We find that in nonunion British firms worker involvement increases economic performance, but in the union firms there are negative effects. The implication is that local distributive conflict can cause the wrong level of worker involvement to be chosen, as predicted by the model. ln Germany, where centralized collective bargaining reduces local distributive conflict, we find that a mandate can be advantageous, again as predicted by the model. However, the straitjacket of a mandate is shown to disadvantage small German firms

    Quantum Pieri rules for isotropic Grassmannians

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    We study the three point genus zero Gromov-Witten invariants on the Grassmannians which parametrize non-maximal isotropic subspaces in a vector space equipped with a nondegenerate symmetric or skew-symmetric form. We establish Pieri rules for the classical cohomology and the small quantum cohomology ring of these varieties, which give a combinatorial formula for the product of any Schubert class with certain special Schubert classes. We also give presentations of these rings, with integer coefficients, in terms of special Schubert class generators and relations.Comment: 59 pages, LaTeX, 6 figure
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