47 research outputs found
«Conselho de amigo, aviso do céu»: contributos para a análise semântico-pragmática dos atos ilocutórios de conselho e de aviso em confronto com o de ameaça
Com base em exemplos de um corpus oral de Português Europeu, o presente texto discute a organização e funcionamento do ato ilocutório de conselho e de aviso, destacando as semelhanças e diferenças entre eles e os atos de discursos como ameaças e promessas, avisos hipotéticos e ameaças condicionais. Depois da análise das noções do “querer dizer NN” de Grice e de “uptake” de Austin, destacamos a importância da relação entre intenção e convenção na análise dos atos ilocutórios de Searle com o levantamento das regras que determinam os indicadores de força ilocutória. A interpretação dos valores ilocutórios na sequencialidade das intervenções destaca a relação entre práticas discursivas e figuração.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Additional file 2: Table S2. of Comprehensive analysis and discovery of drought-related NAC transcription factors in common bean
Predicted promoter elements of common bean NAC genes. (XLSX 65Â kb
Additional file 7: Figure S1. of Comprehensive analysis and discovery of drought-related NAC transcription factors in common bean
Phylogenetic relationship of common bean NAC genes with drought-related NAC genes from other species. The phylogenetic tree was constructed in MEGA6.0 using the neighbor-joining method with 1000 bootstrap replicates. Each common bean drought-related NAC protein is indicated by a red dot. Sequences of drought-related NAC genes from other species downloaded from NCBI: CarNAC1(ACA96935), CarNAC2(ACA96936), CarNAC3(FJ356671), CarNAC4(ACS94037), CarNAC5(ACS94038), CarNAC6(ACS94039), CcNAC1(AHJ38168), CcNAC2(AHJ38169), SNAC2(XP_015620920), SNAC3(XP_015615070), ONAC022(AK107090), ONAC045(AK067922), OsNAC6(EAY76735), OsNAC10(XP_015645677), OsNAC44(AIQ84824), OsNAC52(AAT44250), OMTN2(XP_015633922), OMTN3(XP_015620576), OMTN4(XP_015643121), OMTN6(XP_015648318), TaNAC2(AAU08786), TaNAC47(KT345698), TaNAC67(KF646593), HvsNAC1(JF796130), ZmNAC55(AFW67212), ZmNAC111(NP_001183815), ZmSNAC1(AEY78612), SbSNAC1(AGG40203), MsNAC(HM237304), StNAC2(NP_001275015), ANAC002(At1g01720), ANAC016(At1g34180), ANAC019(At1g52890), ANAC030(At1g71930), ANAC047(At3g04070), ANAC055(At3g15500), ANAC069(At4g01550), ANAC072(At4g27410), ANAC087(At5g18270), ANAC096(At5g46590). (TIF 3509Â kb
Additional file 4: Table S4. of Comprehensive analysis and discovery of drought-related NAC transcription factors in common bean
Expression data of NAC genes in common bean. (XLSX 38Â kb
<i>De Novo</i> Assembly of the Common Bean Transcriptome Using Short Reads for the Discovery of Drought-Responsive Genes
<div><p>The common bean (<i>Phaseolus vulgaris</i> L.) is one of the most important food legumes, far ahead of other legumes. The average grain yield of the common bean worldwide is much lower than its potential yields, primarily due to drought in the field. However, the gene network that mediates plant responses to drought stress remains largely unknown in this species. The major goals of our study are to identify a large scale of genes involved in drought stress using RNA-seq. First, we assembled 270 million high-quality trimmed reads into a non-redundant set of 62,828 unigenes, representing approximately 49 Mb of unique transcriptome sequences. Of these unigenes, 26,501 (42.2%) common bean unigenes had significant similarity with unigenes/predicted proteins from other legumes or sequenced plants. All unigenes were functionally annotated within the GO, COG and KEGG pathways. The strategy for <i>de novo</i> assembly of transcriptome data generated here will be useful in other legume plant transcriptome studies. Second, we identified 10,482 SSRs and 4,099 SNPs in transcripts. The large number of genetic markers provides a resource for gene discovery and development of functional molecular markers. Finally, we found differential expression genes (DEGs) between terminal drought and optimal irrigation treatments and between the two different genotypes Long 22-0579 (drought tolerant) and Naihua (drought sensitive). DEGs were confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR assays, which indicated that these genes are functionally associated with the drought-stress response. These resources will be helpful for basic and applied research for genome analysis and crop drought resistance improvement in the common bean.</p></div
Annotation of common bean unigenes.
<p>a), GO annotation of common bean unigenes. The results are summarized in three main categories: biological process, cellular component, and molecular function. In total, 11,580 genes have been assigned 50 GO terms. In some cases, one gene has multiple terms. b), COG functional annotations of common bean unigenes. A, RNA processing and modification; B, Chromatin structure and dynamics; C, Energy production and conversion; D, Cell cycle control, cell division, chromosome partitioning; E, Amino acid transport and metabolism; F, Nucleotide transport and metabolism; G, Carbohydrate transport and metabolism; H, Coenzyme transport and metabolism; I, Lipid transport and metabolism; J, Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis; K, Transcription; L, Replication, recombination and repair; M, Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis; N, Cell motility; O, Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones; P, Inorganic ion transport and metabolism; Q, Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism; R, General function prediction only; S, Function unknown; T, Signal transduction mechanisms; U, Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport; V, Defense mechanisms; Y, Nuclear structure; Z, Cytoskeleton. c), Histogram presentation of KEGG classification of unigenes. The all unigenes were assigned X pathways within X clades under five major categories: I, Metabolism; II, Genetic information processing; III, Environmental information processing; IV, Cellular processes; V, Organismal systems.</p
Number of DEGs in the different genotypes.
<p>The numbers of DEGs that were exclusively up- or down-regulated in one genotype are shown in each circle. The numbers of DEGs with common or opposite tendency of expression changes between different genotypes are shown in the overlapping regions. The total numbers of up- or down-regulated gene in each genotype are shown outside of the circles.</p
Phenotype of Long 22-0579 and Naihua genotypes after drought-stress treatment.
<p>Phenotype of Long 22-0579 and Naihua genotypes after drought-stress treatment.</p
Relative expression levels of 16 DEGs.
<p>The relative gene expression levels as expressed by 2<sup>−△△CT</sup> were determined separately for each treatment as the mean±S. A, <i>comp13117_c0_seq1</i>; B, <i>comp19490_c0_seq1</i>; C, <i>comp18282_c0_seq1</i>; D, <i>comp40404_c0_seq1</i>; E, <i>comp18253_c0_seq1</i>; F, <i>comp18888_c3_seq1</i>; G, <i>comp18293_c0_seq1</i>; H, <i>comp19585_c0_seq1</i>; I, <i>comp16965_c0_seq1</i>; J, <i>comp40354_c0_seq1</i>; K, <i>comp19389_c0_seq1</i>; L, <i>comp38170_c0_seq1</i>; M, <i>comp11891_c1_seq1</i>; N, <i>comp18632_c0_seq1</i>; O, <i>comp19229_c0_seq1</i>; P, <i>comp18242_c0_seq1</i>.</p