844 research outputs found

    Interaction Effect of Gender and Neutralization Techniques on Information Security Policy Compliance: An Ethical Perspective

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    The study examines the following research question - does gender impact the efficacy of moral beliefs, and security policy understandability on security policy compliance intentions differently for various neutralization techniques? The empirical analysis conducted with data gathered from students using hypothetical scenarios suggest that gender does play a role in security policy noncompliance, however its significance is dependent upon the underlying neutralization technique. The paper provides several novel and important contributions. First, the study is among the first to extend the ethical decision making theory by suggesting that moral intensity is a function of neutralization, and individual factors such as perceived weight, value and one’s gender. Second, and more importantly the study is among the first to emphasize on the interplay between the ethics, gender, and neutralization techniques, as different ethical perspectives appeal differently to females than to males. The study has several important managerial implications as well

    How Do Social Networking Sites Users Become Loyal? A Social Exchange Perspective

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    Since its emergence as a new electronic communication media supported by Web 2.0, social media has become a popular means of communication among the public. Among different types of social media that depend on user-generated content (UGC), social networking sites (SNS) are becoming the best-known communication mode. While many researchers have examined significant factors affecting SNS users’ behaviors and their impact on SNS usage, the current research extends the traditional concept of IS loyalty and examines factors impacting SNS users’ creation of SNS loyalty through a lens of social exchange theory (SET) and satisfaction. A total of 291 college students participated in an empirical test. The findings indicate that SET has an effect on creation of loyalty in the context of Facebook, which is currently the most popular SNS. Implications of these findings and limitations of the research are discussed

    Does Trustworthy Social Networking Sites Draw User’s Persistency Behaviors? Examining Role of Trust in Social Networking Sites Continuance Usage

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    While many researchers pointed out the importance of trust on Information Systems (IS) usage, this study explored the role of trust on usage of CMC media in the context of social networking sites (SNS). Social exchange theory (SET) and the expectation confirmation model of IS continuance (ECM-IS) were employed in the research model. The research model investigated SNS users’ continuous usage behaviors under antecedents from supporting theories and the impact of trust on all those antecedents simultaneously. The empirical research findings, using a Web survey in the context of Facebook, which is the most popular SNS, revealed that users trust in SNS impacts on overall perceptions of SNS and their usage. Discussions and limitation of research is addressed

    Does the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Adoption Matter? Exploring Patterns of EMR Implementation and its Impact on Hospital Performance

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    We aimed to explore the patterns of electronic medical records (EMR) adoption and its effects on hospital performance. We analyzed hospital-level panel data from 2008 to 2013 using Bayesian regression and the Naïve Bayes model. Our research analysis revealed 38 different adoption patterns for 1,919 hospitals that completed EMR implementation (having all of the four components) and 42 different investment patterns for 1,341 hospitals that could not complete the EMR implementation. We examined the hospitals’ EMR adoption patterns that were not completed; but predicted as completed using the Naïve Bayes model. Our results revealed that the hospitals that completed EMR adoption showed higher performance in terms of patient recommendation and net patient revenue than those that did not complete EMR adoption. More importantly, most of hospitals that observed as “not completed” but predicted as “completed” showed lower performance in terms of patient recommendation as well as net patient revenue

    Seasonal Prevalence of Mosquitoes, Including Vectors of Brugian Filariasis, in Southern Islands of the Republic of Korea

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    A survey of mosquitoes, including the vector status of Brugia malayi filariasis and their relative larval density, was conducted from 2002 to 2005 at several southern remote islands of Jeollanam-do (province), Gyeongsangnam-do, and Jeju-do, Korea, where filariasis was previously endemic. Overall, a total of 9 species belonging to 7 genera were collected. Ochlerotatus togoi (formerly known as Aedes togoi), Anopheles (Hyrcanus) group, and Culex pipiens were the predominant species captured at all areas. Oc. togoi larvae were most frequently collected at salinity levels <0.5% during June and July, with densities decreasing sharply during the rainy season in August. The most likely explanation for the eradication of filariasis in these areas is suggested to be an aggressive treatment program executed during the 1970s and the 1990s. However, high prevalence of the vector mosquitoes may constitute a potential risk for reemerging of brugian filariasis in these areas

    Understanding telemedicine service users’ perceptions: A text mining analysis on social media discussion

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    Telemedicine has drawn noticeable attention due to the advancement of information technology, and it saw a surge in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study is aimed at understanding telemedicine users’ perceptions on their care services, as well as identifying the aspects of telemedicine that can be improved to enhance users’ experience and satisfaction. Specifically, we utilized a topic modeling approach with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to analyze telemedicine-related discussion posts on Reddit to discover the topics and themes that telemedicine service users are interested in, as well as the perceptions that users have of those topics and themes. 11 topics and 6 themes were discovered by the LDA algorithm. Lastly, we provide our suggestions and insights on how telemedicine services and practitioners can implement the themes, as well as directions for future study

    Identification of Influential Factors that Affect Students\u27 Behaviors in Traditional Classes Versus Technology-Mediated Learning (TML) Classes

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    Learning environments are rapidly changing from the traditional setting to include the use of multimedia technology in the classroom. In the past, researchers studied how the use of technology as a learning tool affects students’ learning and performance. There are, however, few studies that report students’ learning behavior in technology based learning environments. The purpose of this study is to find out whether or not there are any unique behaviors exhibited by students that are related to a different learning environment. In this study, two researchers observed two undergraduate elementary statistics classes (traditional class versus Technology-Mediated Learning (TML) class), and documented student behavioral differences between them. The data included quantitative and qualitative observations based on specific behavior categories. The results of the analysis lead to identification of six influential factors that affect students’ learning behaviors in different learning environments. Implications of res ts for both educators and administrators are discussed

    What Information Propagates among the Public when an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is Initiated? A theory-driven approach

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    Since the popularity of blockchain-based cryptocurrency investments has increased among the public, people have directly purchased cryptocurrency through the cryptocurrency market or joined initial coin offering (ICO) projects. This research explores what informational cues are captured before, during, and after ICO projects that can be considered as signals and a fulfillment of information asymmetry. We adopted two theoretical underpinnings to achieve our research goal - agency and signaling theory. Using information from Twitter, we selected the best-performing ICO project based on the highest return on investment (ROI). Then, we extracted 5,085 tweets related to the selected ICO project. Tweets are categorized by pre-ICO, during and post-ICO, by topic, and dispersion. Analyzing the tweets, we found multiple categories of informational cues for each ICO project. Implications and limitations are discussed


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    The purpose of the current research is to explore the concept of non-fungible tokens created by blockchain technology and its applicability in the Metaverse. Metaverse is a hypothesized and an iteration of the real world. Metaverse is not a new concept. The concept itself has appeared in the 1990s and some of the online games tried to realize the Metaverse world (e.g., Second Life and Cyworld). Nowadays, Metaverse becomes feasible under supported by technologies, including virtual reality, augmented reality, cloud computing, Internet-of-Things, 5G, and Big Data. In Metaverse, there is no doubt that residents in Metaverse may trade or transact assets or goods with one another. Our research tries to tie the concept of non-fungible tokens in Metaverse as the best digital asset to secure the originality of the goods in Metaverse. Detailed discussions are made in the following section

    Exploring Satisfaction with and Trust in Social Networking Sites through the Lens of Fan Pages: Uncertainty Reduction and General Systems Theory Perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to examine social networking sites (SNS) users’ overall satisfaction with and trust in SNS, as related to their activities of visiting fan pages. We employ two theories—uncertainty reduction theory (URT) and general systems theory (GST)—to examine antecedents affecting overall satisfaction with and trust in SNS. Using a web-based survey, we analyzed 200 SNS users who follow at least one company’s fan page, and utilized seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) models to empirically test our hypotheses. Our findings indicate that uncertainty reduction strategies supported by URT are significantly associated with perceived usefulness of companies’ posts in their fan pages. In turn, perceived usefulness of those posts promotes more visits to the fan page. Finally, users’ perceived usefulness of fan page posts eventually accounts for the overall satisfaction with and trust in SNS. The implications and limitations are discussed at the end of this study
