1,618 research outputs found
Spaces with torsion from embedding and the special role of autoparallel trajectories
As a contribution to the ongoing discussion of trajectories of spinless
particles in spaces with torsion we show that the geometry of such spaces can
be induced by embedding their curves in a euclidean space without torsion.
Technically speaking, we define the tangent (velocity) space of the embedded
space imposing non-holonomic constraints upon the tangent space of the
embedding space. Parallel transport in the embedded space is determined as an
induced parallel transport on the surface of constraints. Gauss' principle of
least constraint is used to show that autoparallels realize a constrained
motion that has a minimal deviation from the free, unconstrained motion, this
being a mathematical expression of the principle of inertia.Comment: LaTeX file in src, no figures. Author Information under
http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Paper also at
On a low energy bound in a class of chiral field theories with solitons
A low energy bound in a class of chiral solitonic field theories related the
infrared physics of the SU(N) Yang-Mills theory is established.Comment: Plain Latex, 8 pages, no figure
Wilsonian effective action for SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with Cho-Faddeev-Niemi-Shabanov decomposition
The Cho-Faddeev-Niemi-Shabanov decomposition of the SU(2) Yang-Mills field is
employed for the calculation of the corresponding Wilsonian effective action to
one-loop order with covariant gauge fixing. The generation of a mass scale is
observed, and the flow of the marginal couplings is studied. Our results
indicate that higher-derivative terms of the color-unit-vector
field are necessary for the description of topologically stable knotlike
solitons which have been conjectured to be the large-distance degrees of
freedom.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, v2: minor improvements, one reference added,
version to appear in PR
Weyl group, CP and the kink-like field configurations in the effective SU(3) gauge theory
Effective Lagrangian for pure Yang-Mills gauge fields invariant under the
standard space-time and local gauge SU(3) transformations is considered. It is
demonstrated that a set of twelve degenerated minima exists as soon as a
nonzero gluon condensate is postulated. The minima are connected to each other
by the parity transformations and Weyl group transformations associated with
the color su(3) algebra. The presence of degenerated discrete minima in the
effective potential leads to the solutions of the effective Euclidean equations
of motion in the form of the kink-like gauge field configurations interpolating
between different minima. Spectrum of charged scalar field in the kink
background is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, added references for sections 1 and
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