6 research outputs found

    Cadets’ Perception and Effectivity of Quiz-Based Maritime English Teaching in V-Class During Covid-19 Pandemic Time

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    Education across Indonesia has declared a lockdown temporarily due to Covid 19 pandemic. E-learning was forced to be conducted to fulfil the education objectives. Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta (STIMARYO) as one of academic institutions was impacted and had to search new alternatives for its academic delivery. Virtual class named as V-class as a Moodle-based platform was the way forward. This study was aimed to gain an effective information on cadets’ perception toward the implementation of V-class specifically on the use of Maritime English Quiz-based instruction. Further it aimed to find correlation between cadet’s perception on V-class and cadet’s final score on quiz. The respondents were 45 cadets of Nautical Science and Ship Machinery Departments of Academic year 2020/2021. Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlation test were performed to analyze the collected data. The study revealed that cadet’s perception on STIMARYO V-class through the quiz-based instruction in Maritime English was satisfying. Thus, it led them to be self-directed learners that affected their learning motivation. Although it was medium correlation of r =0,464, p=0,004, it proved that cadet’s perception contributes to their learning success.  Eventhough some drawbacks were also existed, in pandemic situation, they were normal to occur

    Path Analysis in the Application of Occupational Health and Safety in the Ship Machinery Laboratory

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of learning attitudes, learning knowledge and learning motivation on the Application of Occupational Health and Safety using path analysis. The method used in this study is the quantitative method with a correlational research type. The population in this study is cadets of the Ship Machinery Study Program, at Yogyakarta Maritime High School. Sample The selection of research samples is carried out using the saturated sampling method or census method, which is all members of the sample population. The data analysis method uses path analysis with the Smartpls3 SEM model. Based on the results of the study, there was a significant positive direct influence of learning attitudes on the learning motivation of cadets. Learning attitudes have a positive and significant effect on the Application of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in the Ship Machinery Laboratory. Furthermore, there is a significant positive direct influence of learning knowledge on the learning motivation of cadets. Learning knowledge has a positive and significant effect on the Application of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in the Ship Machinery Laboratory. Learning motivation has a positive and significant effect on the Application of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in the Ship Machinery Laboratory


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    ABSTRAKDengan adanya perbedaan latar belakang seperti pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, usia, pengalaman organisasi sebelumnya akan memunculkan mind set yang berbeda beda dalam berorganisasi khususnya saat pelaksanaan rapat masjid. Tujuan dari PKM ini adalah adalah untuk melakukan pendampingan dalam pelaksanaan organisasi takmir masjid pada proses pembuatan konsep draf rapat. Tempat pelaksanaan PKM yaitu Organisasi Takmir di Masjid Nurul Islam dusun Jetis Sinduadi Mlati Sleman Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan pengabdian ini adalah pengamatan lingkungan, observasi organisasi takmir masjid, pengamatan metode yang digunakan dan pendampingan pembuatan konsep draf rapat. Hasil pengabdian Masyarakat diperoleh bahwa pendampingan pembuatan konsep draf rapat di organisasi Takmir Masjid Nurul Islam dilakukan dengan konsultasi dengan Ketua Takmir dengan maksud memberikan masukan atau teoritis agar memudahkan dalam melakukan pembuatan konsep draf rapat, sebanyak 88.88% menyatakan puas terhadap proses pendampingan dalam pelaksanaan organisasi takmir masjid pada proses pembuatan konsep draf rapat. Kata kunci: pendampingan; takmir masjid; draft rapat ABSTRACTWith differences in backgrounds such as education, work experience, age, previous organizational experience will bring up different mind sets in organization, especially during mosque meetings. The purpose of this Community Service is to assist in the implementation of the mosque takmir organization in the process of drafting a meeting draft. The place of implementation of Community Service is the administrator organization at the Nurul Islam Mosque, Jetis Sinduadi hamlet, Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The methods used in carrying out this service are environmental observation, observation of the mosque administrator organization, observation of the methods used and assistance in making meeting concepts. The results of community service were obtained that assistance in making meeting concepts in the administrator Nurul Islam Mosque organization was carried out in consultation with the Chairman of the administrator to provide input or theoretical to facilitate the creation of meeting concepts, as many as 88.88% expressed satisfaction with the mentoring process in the implementation of the mosque takmir organization in the process of drafting the meeting draft. Keywords: assistance; administrator mosque; meeting draf


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    ABSTRAKPedoman pembagian kerja (division of work) di dalam suatu organisasi akan dapat membantu ketepatan tugas dan tanggungjawab yang diberikan kepada masing-masing anggota dalam suatu organisasi. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM)  ini adalah untuk melakukan pelatihan terhadap pengurus Masjid Nurul Islam terkait pemahaman division of work masing-masing bagian selain itu melakukan pendampingan dalam pembuatan plan program kerja seksi dakwah takmir dalam rencana pelaksanaan Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPA) untuk dewasa. PKM ini dilaksanakan pada Tanggal  07 Agustus 2023-07 Maret 2024 yang bertempat di Masjid Nurul Islam Dusun Jetis Sinduadi Mlati Sleman Yogyakarta. Sasaran PKM adalah anggota yang tergabung dalam Organisasi Takmir Masjid Nurul Islam dengan jumlah peserta 14 orang. Alur PKM yaitu melakukan pengamatan/observasi lingkungan terkait kebutuhan, penyampaian materi, dan pendampingan pembuatan Konsep Implementasi Pelaksanaan TPA Dewasa dan pembuatan kinerja Seksi dakwah Organisasi Takmir Masjid. Hasil dari PKM ini adalah terlaksananya penyampain materi terkait pemahaman division of work masing-masing bagian Organisasi takmir Masjid Nurul Islam diantaranya penasehat, ketua, sekretaris, bendahara, sarana dan prasarana, dakwah / phbi, humas, keamanan. Terlaksananya pendampingan dalam pembuatan plan program kerja seksi dakwah takmir dalam rencana pelaksanaan Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPA) untuk dewasa mulai dari metode mengajar, pembuatan formulir pendaftaran, persiapan sebelum pembelajaran diantaranya terkait sistem pendanaan, sistem pembayaran, administrasi peserta termasuk pembuatan blanko penggolongan kelas, blanko presensi pembelajaran, blanko daftar kemajuan pembelajaran.. Kata kunci: division of work; plan program kerja; taman pendidikan al-quran. ABSTRACTGuidelines for the division of work in an organization will be able to help the accuracy of tasks and responsibilities given to each member of an organization. The purpose of this community service is to conduct training for the management of the Nurul Islam Mosque related to understanding the division of work of each section in addition to assisting in making a work program plan for the Dakwah Takmir section in the implementation plan of the Al-Quran Education Park for adults. The community service will be held on August 7, 2023-March 7, 2024. The target of the community service is members who are members of the Nurul Islam Mosque Takmir Organization with a total of 14 participants. The flow of community service is to make environmental observations related to needs, deliver material, and assist in making the Concept of Implementation of Adult Landfill Implementation and making the performance of the Da'wah Section of the Takmir Masjid Organization. The result of this community service is the implementation of the material presentation related to the understanding of the division of work of each part of the Nurul Islam Mosque Takmir organization including advisors, chairman, secretary, treasurer, facilities and infrastructure, da'wah / phbi, public relations, security. The implementation of assistance in making a work program plan for the dakwah takmir section in the implementation plan of the Al-Quran Education Park for adults starting from teaching methods, making registration forms, preparation before learning including related to the funding system, payment system, participant administration including making class classification blanks, learning attendance blanks, learning progress list blanks. Keywords: division of work; work program plan; al-quran education par

    Efforts To Optimize Loading and Unloading Equipment

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the efforts made to optimize loading and unloading equipment to facilitate loading and unloading in MV. Isa Golden. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The results of the study include efforts made to optimize the maintenance of loading and unloading equipment by planning loading and unloading maintenance on a scheduled basis by following the maintenance checklist that has been determined by the ship management, evaluating at safety meetings or deck meetings to provide solutions to problems if found and provide answers or solutions to each problem,  Make coordination in parts of the organization in dividing 2 (two) groups in loading and unloading equipment maintenance activities or other maintenance so that it can run well following the job description. Mualim I is obliged to compile crane spare parts to make it easier to supervise spare parts that are not available. View lists of equipment and spare parts that expire and make replacements if there is equipment that expires or is used by making and submitting a list of spare parts requests to the compan

    Deep Marine Map Utilization Management Supports the Use And Operation Of ECDIS On KM Ships. HODASCO 19

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    This study aims to determine the use of nautical maps in supporting the use and operation of ECDIS on KM Ships. HODASCO 19 in the management of navigating on board. This research was carried out for one year on the KM Ship. HODASCO 19 with ship's type general cargo owned by PT Mandiri Sejahtera Abadi Line. This research uses an analytical descriptive method with a qualitative type of approach content. How to collect data through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed the use of navigation using ECDIS nautical maps on board KM ships. HODASCO 19 in the management of navigating includes users who are more familiar, users who cannot accidentally change navigation information, are cheaper and faster to produce, have a wider availability of official raster charts and are more accurate for finding location points