1,317 research outputs found

    A numerical study on water wetting associated with the internal corrosion of oil pipelines

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    Long distance pipelines are considered as the vein of the oil and gas industry on land and offshore. A well often produces water along with crude oil. The presence of water as well as dissolved gases such as CO2 and H2S introduces a serious menace of internal corrosion. It is well known that the distribution of water and oil inside the pipeline has a great influence on the corrosion rate. As a matter of fact, internal corrosion occurs when a free layer of water comes in contact with the pipe. Hence, predicting the distribution of water inside the pipe and identifying the continuous phase that directly wet the wall is of foremost importance when dealing with internal corrosion of oil pipelines. The accurate prediction of the distribution of water significantly increases the accuracy of corrosion prediction as well as the confidence regarding the integrity of the pipelines. In spite of all the great efforts toward studying different influential factors associated with the internal corrosion of steel pipelines, a large gap of knowledge is observed in predicting the water wetting. The objective of the present study is to employ a tuned two-fluid model by taking advantage of computational fluid dynamics, that is capable of predicting the distribution of water and the type of wetting (water wetting/oil wetting) at the bottom of the pipe. Furthermore, the effect of different parameters such as pipe diameter, oil density, oil viscosity and interfacial tension on the transition from water wetting to oil wetting is studied

    Numerical study of erosion in critical components of subsea pipeline: tees vs bends

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    Elbows are a vulnerable part of piping systems in erosive environments. Traditionally, plugged tees are used instead of elbows when the erosion rate is high. However, the advantage of plugged tees over elbows in large-scale pipelines is unclear. A comprehensive computational fluid dynamics study was carried out to predict the erosion rate in plugged tees and elbows. A numerical method was first used for aluminium elbows and tees with available experimental data through which the accuracy of the numerical solution was verified. After validating the model, numerical modelling was used to compare the erosion rates of plugged tees and elbows in varying geometrical conditions, ranging from 0.0254 to 0.6 m diameter carbon steel pipes transmitting multiphase gas/sand flow. The effects of internal flow velocity and sand particle size on erosion rates were also investigated. The numerical results revealed that the erosion ratio between plugged tees and elbows strongly depends on the internal diameter of the pipe, the flow velocity and particle size. Hence, the influence of these parameters should be considered for proper selection of the fittings to be used. Finally, numerical modelling of erosion in two subsea jumpers outfitted with standard elbows and plugged tees was presented

    Proposed formulas for evaluation of the equivalent material properties of a multiholed structure

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    It is widely known that the development of fine mesh in the immediate vicinity of the holes in a multiholed plate is a challenging issue. In practice, due to the amount of time consumed and the quality of the modelling, it is not desirable to model the structural characteristics of a multiholed plate in detail. In this regard, an effective means by which to avoid the unnecessary work of simulating a multiholed plate is to replace it with an equivalent solid plate while considering the decrease in stiffness associated with the increasing area of the holes. The objective of this study is to numerically and experimentally investigate the equivalent material properties of a multiholed plate of stainless steel 316L with respect to ligament efficiencies. Simple design formulas are proposed to determine the equivalent material properties of a multiholed plate that is completely perforated with closely spaced circular holes in a square or diagonal pattern by means of nonlinear finite-element method computations. It is concluded that the proposed formulas are accurate for prediction of the equivalent material properties of multiholed structures for their design and engineering

    Strength assessment of stiffened blast walls in offshore installations under explosions

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    Offshore installations are exposed to hydrocarbon explosions and/or fire accidents. Especially, explosions lead to serious damages to human, safety, and environment. To minimise and prevent the damage from explosions, blast walls are generally installed in oil and gas production structures. Typical blast walls are classified into flat, corrugated, and stiffened types. Among them, corrugated blast walls are frequently used for reasons such as construction, cost, and energy absorption. However, it has been known that a corrugated type of blast wall buckles between the web and flange under the explosion loads, and loses its stiffness. It means that the buckling phenomenon of a blast wall is closely related to the structural strength. This study investigates on the structural characteristics of a blast wall under quasi-static and dynamic (explosion) loads with or without a flat-plated stiffener. Finally, it can be concluded that the flat type of stiffeners are located at the buckling region to delay the buckling and improve the strength of blast walls

    A study on fire design accidental loads for aluminum safety helidecks

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    The helideck structure must satisfy the safety requirements associated with various environmental and accidental loads. Especially, there have been a number of fire accidents offshore due to helicopter collision (take-off and/or landing) in recent decades. To prevent further accidents, a substantial amount of effort has been directed toward the management of fire in the safety design of offshore helidecks. The aims of this study are to introduce and apply a procedure for quantitative risk assessment and management of fires by defining the fire loads with an applied example. The frequency of helicopter accidents are considered, and design accidental levels are applied. The proposed procedures for determining design fire loads can be efficiently applied in offshore helideck development projects

    Condition assessment of damaged elbow in subsea pipelines

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    The evaluation of the performance of aged structures is essential in the oil and gas industry, where inaccurate predictions of structural performance may lead to significant hazardous consequences. Elbows are critical structures subject to continuous corrosion that can lead to a burst or collapse. It is important to be able to predict both burst strength in continually corroding structures and the behaviour of the structures after critical corrosion takes place. Structural failures due to a significant reduction in wall thickness make it very complicated for pipeline operators to maintain pipeline serviceability. This paper discusses the plastic limit pressure of elbows without defects and with several local thinned areas. Finite element analysis (FEA) and the Goodall formula were used to evaluate the new formula. The results of the FEA show that the limit load of elbows under internal pressure differs with position and depth of damage. An empirical formula for the limit load of elbows with local thinned areas is proposed. Eight sizes of elbow were considered in this study, with Rm/t of 5, 6, 7.5, 9, 12, 15, 20 and 25. This range covers most of the piping used in high-pressure environments, such as nuclear and subsea situations. The method of numerical analysis was validated by experiment and with FEA results from the literature. The results of the study can be applied to both the operation and assessment of pipelines. A formula to predict the maximum burst strength of damaged elbows is presented, which will enable more accurate estimates of the time until pipelines need to be replaced or repaired

    Methods for determining the optimal arrangement of water deluge systems on offshore installations

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    Offshore installations are prone to fire and/or explosion accidents. Fires have particularly serious consequences due to their high temperatures and heat flux, which affect humans, structures and environments alike. Due to the hydrocarbon explosions caused by delayed ignition following gas dispersion, fires can be the result of immediate ignition after gas release. Accordingly, it can be difficult to decrease their frequency, which is an element of risk (risk=frequency×consequence), using an active protection system (APS) such as gas detectors capable of shutting down the operation. Thus, it is more efficient to reduce the consequence using a passive protection system (PSS) such as water spray. It is important to decide the number and location of water deluge systems, thus the aim of this study is to introduce a new procedure for optimising the locations of water deluge systems using the water deluge location index (WLI) proposed herein. The locations of water deluge systems are thus optimised based on the results of credible fire scenarios using a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool. The effects of water spray and the effectiveness of the WLI are investigated in comparison with uniformly distributed sprays

    Nonlinear structural behaviour and design formulae for calculating the ultimate strength of stiffened curved plates under axial compression

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    Cylindrically curved and stiffened plates are often used in ship and offshore structures. For example, they can be found in the cambered decks, fore and aft side shells and circular bilge parts of ships. A number of studies have investigated curved plates in which the buckling/ultimate strength is increased according to the curvature under various loading scenarios and design formulas. However, information regarding the nonlinear structural behaviour and design formulas for calculating the ultimate strength of the stiffened curved plates is currently limited. In this paper, a series of finite element analyses are performed on stiffened curved plates with varying geometric parameters. The existing curvatures are also analysed to clarify the effects of these parameters on the buckling/post-buckling characteristics and collapse behaviour under axial compression. The results are used to derive closed-form expressions to predict the ultimate compressive strength of curved stiffened plates for marine applications

    Thermoelectric properties of Al-doped mesoporous ZnO thin films

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    Al-doped mesoporous ZnO thin films were synthesized by a sol-gel process and an evaporation-induced self-assembly process. In this work, the effects of Al doping concentration on the electrical conductivity and characterization of mesoporous ZnO thin films were investigated. By changing the Al doping concentration, ZnO grain growth is inhibited, and the mesoporous structure of ZnO is maintained during a relatively high temperature annealing process. The porosity of Al-doped mesoporous ZnO thin films increased slightly with increasing Al doping concentration. Finally, as electrical conductivity was increased as electrons were freed and pore structure was maintained by inhibiting grain growth, the thermoelectric property was enhanced with increasing Al concentration. © 2013 Min-Hee Hong et al

    Effect of surfactant concentration variation on the thermoelectric properties of mesoporous ZnO

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    The electrical and thermal conductivities and the Seebeck coefficient of mesoporous ZnO thin films were investigated to determine the change of their thermoelectric properties by controlling surfactant concentration in the mesoporous ZnO films, because the thermoelectric properties of mesoporous ZnO films can be influenced by the porosity of the mesoporous structures, which is primarily determined by surfactant concentration in the films. Mesoporous ZnO thin films were successfully synthesized by using sol-gel and evaporation-induced self-assembly processes. Zinc acetate dihydrate and Brij-76 were used as the starting material and pore structure-forming template, respectively. The porosity of mesoporous ZnO thin films increased from 29% to 40% with increasing surfactant molar ratio. Porosity can be easily altered by controlling the molar ratio of surfactant/precursor. The electrical and thermal conductivity and Seebeck coefficients showed a close correlation with the porosity of the films, indicating that the thermoelectric properties of thin films can be changed by altering their porosity. Mesoporous ZnO thin films with the highest porosity had the best thermoelectric properties (the lowest thermal conductivity and the highest Seebeck coefficient) of the films examined. © 2013 Min-Hee Hong et al
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