51 research outputs found
Indicators of obesity and the educational attainment of the Czech female population
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the relationship between selected indicators of obesity and the highest completed level of education in the adult female population of the Czech republic. As basic indicators of obesity, these following parameters were selected and measured via the bioimpedance method on the device InBody 720: BMI, WHR (waist-to-hip ratio), % body fat, % skeletal muscle mass, fitness score. The educational attainment of the tested women was inquired by a questionnaire. Based on the responses, we subsequently divided our sample into four categories according to the level of education: primary education, secondary education-apprenticeship, secondary education-graduate diploma, and university. The research was realized within the project CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0044. The measurements on the device InBody 720 and the accompanying survey were conducted between 2011-2013 in different regions of the Czech Republic. The sample consisted of 754 women divided into 3 age groups (18-39, 40-59, 60+ years). Based on the results (p<0.05), we can say that average values of the indicators obesity (BMI: 22.76, 24.88, 26.49 kg/m2, WHR: 0.85, 0.88, 0.90 and % body fat: 25.76, 30.23, 34.62%) increase with the increasing age of examined women. The average values of the fitness score (75.53, 73.86, 70.04 points) and % skeletal muscle mass (40.78, 38.15, 33.95%) decrease with increasing age. With regard to the educational attainment, women with secondary education-apprenticeship achieved the worst results. In contrast, the values in university educated women were the best in most indicators of obesity
The effect of smoking on visceral fat accumulation in Czech men and women
Many studies indicate that smoking is one of risk factors influencing the accumulation of visceral fat (VFA). The mechanism by which smoking contributes to the accumulation of visceral fat is not yet fully understood, but it is assumed that smoking increases the level of plasma cortisol, causes imbalance between male and female sex hormones in women, and decreases testosterone levels in men (Chiolero et al., 2008). The objection of this study was to evaluate the effect of smoking on the accumulation of VFA in the population of the Czech Republic. The research included 1,412 individuals of both genders divided into categories of smokers vs nonsmokers and physically active vs. physically inactive. VFA was measured by the device InBody 720 and information about physical activity and smoking was collected via a questionnaire. We supposed that smokers would have a higher percentage of VFA than non-smokers. The results showed that smokers had a higher amount of VFA, but the difference was not statistically significant. In contrast, statistically significant differences were found in the waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and total % body fat. Physically active individuals had a much more favourable results than physically inactive individuals. Remarkably, the amount of VFA, WHR and % body fat tended to be smaller in smoking men than in non-smoking men, but higher in smoking women than in non-smoking women
Effect of 6-Month Fascia-Oriented Training on the Dynamics of Changes and the Height of Vertical Jump in Well-Trained Junior Female Volleyball Players
Based on the research review, fascia-oriented training may positively influence sports performance. Its component focused on the “catapult” mechanism can increase the capability of the connective tissue to store and release kinetic energy, which is involved in various movement actions, activities and skills including the jumping skills in volleyball. The study was conducted to assess the effect of the 6-month fascia-oriented training on the height of the vertical jump in well-trained junior female volleyball players. 16 players (age 17.31 ± 0.98; height 173 ± 5.26; weight 65.25 ± 6.75), members of one team competing in the national league, were randomly assigned for the training group (TG) and control group (CG). TG participated in a supervised 25-minute fascia-oriented training twice a week for six months. To measure the height of the jump, the force plate Bertec FP6012-15-4000 was used. Three testing measures were executed: pre-test, mid-test and post-test with three trials of the standing vertical countermovement jump with all arm movement. The study presupposed that after three months, the height of jump may rise slightly more in TG than in CG. After six months, a statistically significant increase was expected in TG compared to CG. Based on the results of the study, we conclude that the 6-month fascia-oriented training focused on the development of the height of vertical jump in well-trained junior volleyball players neither complied with the assumed dynamics in changes nor was statistically significantly beneficial. However, the dynamics of the changes indicate that fascia-oriented training may positively influence the stability and efficiency of the jumping performance during the game season
The relationship between relative sitting height and flexibility in the Czech adult population
The aim of this research was to describe the relationship between the level of flexibility (sit-and-reach test) and relative sitting height (sitting height/body height ratio). The survey was conducted between 2011-13 in 1370 individuals (739 women and 631 men) divided into 6 age groups: 18-29 (n=451), 30-39 (n=310), 40-49 (n=248), 50-59 (n=147) 60-69 (n=164) and 70+ years (n=50). Flexibility was measured using the sit-andreach test, according to the methodology of Eurofit (3 attempts, only the best one was recorded). The values of relative sitting height were computed from the ratio between sitting height and total body height. he results showed that there is a significant correlation between the examined variables (r = 0.213), i.e. a proportionally longer trunk and shorter legs may have an impact on the result of sit-and-reach test, but the correlation is low (r2 = 0.045). This finding indicated that the result in the sit-and-reach test can be influenced by more factors than only by pure flexibility.The project "Creating a research team for the purpose of determining the level of physical activity (inactivity) in selected age groups of the population of men and women in the Czech Republic" (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0044) is financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic
Selected somatic parameters by socio-cultural characteristics of Czech adult population
Results of Czech adult (older than 18 years) population testing are presented. Five somatic parameters were determined: body height (BH), body weight (BW), BMI (BMI), fat tissue percentage (%FAT), and waist hips rate (WHR), which were measured by machine Inbody 720, with some socio-cultural characteristics. Questionnaires were used to examine parameters of individual sport activity, life status, education level and magnitude of settlement. The presented results show negative trends. All observed parameters seem to be more or less mutually connected. The values of watched characteristics (except BH) increase according higher age, both in groups of males and of females, too. Parameter BH shows that secular trend in Czech population continues, when younger generations are taller like olders. Majority of adult Czech population does not practice any sport activity. This prevailing inactivity of the population influenced negatively our watched somatic paramaters. Those individuals who are single or possess good education levels, have better results in all observed parameters. Magnitude of settlement determines only slight differences in these watched parameters. These results are part of The project "Creating a research team for the purpose of determining the level of physical activity (inactivity) in selected age groups of the population of men and women in the Czech Republic" (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0044) and is financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic
Physical activity as a determinant of diseases, back and joint pains in adult Czech population
In this contribution it was shown that the Czech adult population has a relationship between selected kinds of individual physical activity and civilization diseases (smoking and alcohol consumption), back and join pains. In this research is involved 5862 adult (over 18 years of age) Czech people of both sexes. Watched parameters were gained by questionnaire (totally 19 questions) from which we are discussing an influence of sport practicing (yes or not), character of the work (physical, physical and sedentary, sedentary or do not work) and kind of transportation to work (walking, biking, public transport, car or does not travel) on smoking, alcohol consumption, back and joints pains. Results demonstrated that over 72% of Czech adult population do not practise any sport. There were found only slight differences between watched parameters (smoking, alcohol consumption, back and joints pains) and those who are physically active or inactive. Back pains have over 70% of people, more often those not sporting. Join pains have about 55% and there are not any significant differences among groups. Very negative effects would be expected because of alcohol consumption – over 80% answered ‘yes I take alcoholic drinks’; more positive seems to be parameter smoking, about 22% of the sports group were practising smokers, while among non sporting it was about 32%. The parameter ‘character of the work’ does not show great differences; those who work physically smoke the least, those who do not work drink alcohol less like others. Also parameter transportation to work does not show any great differences; only those who use bike have significantly lower joints pains.Presented results are part of the project "Creating a research team for the purpose of determining the level of physical activity (inactivity) in selected age groups of the population of men and women in the Czech Republic" (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0044) is financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic
Elasto-plastic material model of oak at two moisture content levels
The mechanical properties of wood show a very high dependence on the moisture content (MC). A consideration of MC in numerical simulations increases the applicability of such prediction with respect to application and moisture states of the wood material. The goal of this work is to develop an accurate orthotropic elasto-plastic model for oak wood (Quercus robur L.) at two different MC levels applicable for finite element analysis (FEA). To achieve this goal, the following steps were carried out: (a) in-house standard specimens tests in compression, tension, and shear and in all three orthogonal directions, followed by three-point bending, where all specimens were conditioned to a 12 and 25.6% MC, prior to the mechanical test; (b) integration of all obtained material characteristics into the consistent numerical material models; (c) validation of the developed material models by comparing the numerically predicted values with the experimental ones; and (d) iterative calibration of the material models by adjusting the individual material characteristics to minimize error using a reference. Material models were successfully developed with the following mean relative errors: 5.2% for 12% MC and 5.8% for 25.6% MC, respectively. Both numerical material models consistently predicted the oak elasto-plastic response that can be easily integrated into any FEA.OA-hybri
Evaluation of untrustworthy journals: Transition from formal criteria to a complex view
Not all the journals included in credible indices meet the ethical rules of COPE, DOAJ, OASPA, and WAME, and there may also be trustworthy journals excluded from these indices, which means they cannot be used as whitelists for trustworthy journals. Equally, the many methods suggested to determine trustworthiness are not reliable because they include questionable criteria. The question arises whether valid criteria for identifying an untrustworthy journal can be determined and whether other assessment procedures are necessary. Since 2017, the Masaryk University Campus Library has been developing a suitable evaluation method for journals. A list of 19 criteria based on those originally suggested by Beall, COPE, DOAJ, OASPA, and WAME were reduced to 10 objectively verifiable criteria following two workshops with librarians. An evaluation of 259 biomedical journals using both the list of 19 and then 10 criteria revealed that 74 journals may have been incorrectly assessed as untrustworthy using the longer list. The most common reason for failure to comply was in the provision of sufficient editorial information and declaration of article processing charges. However, our investigation revealed that no criteria can reliably identify predatory journals. Therefore, a complex evaluation is needed combining objectively verifiable criteria with analysis of a journal's content and knowledge of the journal's background
Predictors of children´s successful defence against adult attacker
Background & Study Aim The paper is based on the presumption that the probability of successful defence of a child against an adult attacker is influenced by diversity of variables with different predictive values. The aim of the study is to find the best predictors and determine their impact on children’s chance to defend themselves. Material & Methods The research sample consisted of n=48 students (n=40 female, n=8 male) from three secondary schools. The average age was 16.6 years. Six self-defence experts performed ex-post evaluation of each video recorded scenario. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, Classification trees C&RT and Logistic regression were used for analysis. Results Correlation between increasing personal score obtained by evaluation of selected criteria and the probability of a successful defence was confirmed by the high correlation rs=0.735 significance level of p < 0,050. Active defence, Escape and Technical means respectively, were found the best predictors out of the total number of six evaluation criteria. Communication and Safe distance keeping varied in the fifth position depending on the selected statistical method. Guard position was found the weakest predictor. Conclusions There are 13.88 times higher odds of successful defence when children are dealing with an adult attacker actively. The activity should be aimed at looking for an escape route as there are 7.69 times higher odds of successful defence when the child is trying to escape. Finally, there are 3.75 times higher odds of successful defence when the child uses appropriate technical means to distract attacker’s attention
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