1,207 research outputs found
Transients from Initial Conditions: A Perturbative Analysis
The standard procedure to generate initial conditions (IC) in numerical
simulations is to use the Zel'dovich approximation (ZA). Although the ZA
correctly reproduces the linear growing modes of density and velocity
perturbations, non-linear growth is inaccurately represented because of the ZA
failure to conserve momentum. This implies that it takes time for the actual
dynamics to establish the correct statistical properties of density and
velocity fields. We extend perturbation theory (PT) to include transients as
non-linear excitations of decaying modes caused by the IC. We focus on
higher-order statistics of the density contrast and velocity divergence,
characterized by the S_p and T_p parameters. We find that the time-scale of
transients is determined, at a given order p, by the spectral index n. The
skewness factor S_3 (T_3) attains 10% accuracy only after a=6 (a=15) for n=0,
whereas higher (lower) n demands more (less) expansion away from the IC. These
requirements become much more stringent as p increases. An Omega=0.3 model
requires a factor of two larger expansion than an Omega=1 model to reduce
transients by the same amount. The predicted transients in S_p are in good
agreement with numerical simulations. More accurate IC can be achieved by using
2nd order Lagrangian PT (2LPT), which reproduces growing modes up to 2nd order
and thus eliminates transients in the skewness. We show that for p>3 this
reduces the required expansion by more than an order of magnitude compared to
the ZA. Setting up 2LPT IC only requires minimal, inexpensive changes to ZA
codes. We suggest simple steps for its implementation.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figure
Loop Corrections in Non-Linear Cosmological Perturbation Theory II. Two-point Statistics and Self-Similarity
We calculate the lowest-order non-linear contributions to the power spectrum,
two-point correlation function, and smoothed variance of the density field, for
Gaussian initial conditions and scale-free initial power spectra, . These results extend and in some cases correct previous work in the
literature on cosmological perturbation theory. Comparing with the scaling
behavior observed in N-body simulations, we find that the validity of
non-linear perturbation theory depends strongly on the spectral index . For
, we find excellent agreement over scales where the variance \sigma^2(R)
\la 10; however, for , perturbation theory predicts deviations from
self-similar scaling (which increase with ) not seen in numerical
simulations. This anomalous scaling suggests that the principal assumption
underlying cosmological perturbation theory, that large-scale fields can be
described perturbatively even when fluctuations are highly non-linear on small
scales, breaks down beyond leading order for spectral indices . For
, the power spectrum, variance, and correlation function in the scaling
regime can be calculated using dimensional regularization.Comment: 48 pages, 19 figures, uses axodraw.sty; also available at
Loop Corrections in Non-Linear Cosmological Perturbation Theory
Using a diagrammatic approach to Eulerian perturbation theory, we
analytically calculate the variance and skewness of the density and velocity
divergence induced by gravitational evolution from Gaussian initial conditions,
including corrections *beyond* leading order. Except for the power spectrum,
previous calculations in cosmological perturbation theory have been confined to
leading order (tree level)-we extend these to include loop corrections. For
scale-free initial power spectra, the one-loop variance \sigma^2 = \sigma^2_l +
1.82 \sigma^4_l and the skewness S_3 = 34/7 + 9.8 \sigma^2_l, where \sigma_l is
the rms fluctuation of the linear density field. We also compute loop
corrections to the variance, skewness, and kurtosis for several non-linear
approximation schemes, where the calculation can be easily generalized to
1-point cumulants of higher order and arbitrary number of loops. We find that
the Zel'dovich approximation gives the best approximation to the loop
corrections of exact perturbation theory, followed by the Linear Potential
approximation (LPA) and the Frozen Flow approximation (FFA), in qualitative
agreement with the relative behavior of tree-level results. In LPA and FFA,
loop corrections are infrared divergent for spectral indices n < 0; this is
related to the breaking of Galilean invariance in these schemes.Comment: 53 pages, uuencoded and gzipped postscript file, 20 figures, 25
tables, also available at http://fnas08.fnal.gov/cumu.u
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