4,576 research outputs found

    Polygonal Complexes and Graphs for Crystallographic Groups

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    The paper surveys highlights of the ongoing program to classify discrete polyhedral structures in Euclidean 3-space by distinguished transitivity properties of their symmetry groups, focussing in particular on various aspects of the classification of regular polygonal complexes, chiral polyhedra, and more generally, two-orbit polyhedra.Comment: 21 pages; In: Symmetry and Rigidity, (eds. R.Connelly, A.Ivic Weiss and W.Whiteley), Fields Institute Communications, to appea

    Second-order properties and central limit theorems for geometric functionals of Boolean models

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    Let ZZ be a Boolean model based on a stationary Poisson process η\eta of compact, convex particles in Euclidean space Rd{\mathbb{R}}^d. Let WW denote a compact, convex observation window. For a large class of functionals ψ\psi, formulas for mean values of ψ(ZW)\psi(Z\cap W) are available in the literature. The first aim of the present work is to study the asymptotic covariances of general geometric (additive, translation invariant and locally bounded) functionals of ZWZ\cap W for increasing observation window WW, including convergence rates. Our approach is based on the Fock space representation associated with η\eta. For the important special case of intrinsic volumes, the asymptotic covariance matrix is shown to be positive definite and can be explicitly expressed in terms of suitable moments of (local) curvature measures in the isotropic case. The second aim of the paper is to prove multivariate central limit theorems including Berry-Esseen bounds. These are based on a general normal approximation result obtained by the Malliavin--Stein method.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AAP1086 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Traveling wave method for simulating geometric beam coupling impedance of a beamscreen with pumping holes

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    In particle accelerators, pumping holes in a vacuum chamber can be a source of unwanted broadband coupling impedance, leading to beam instabilities. Analytical methods have been previously developed to estimate the impedance of holes in circular-like chambers e.g. the beamscreen of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). More sophisticated chamber designs like that of the High Energy LHC (HE-LHC) and the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) call for a different way to calculate the impedance. We propose using decomposition of the wakefield into synchronous traveling waves and employing a numerical solver to find the impedance of each wave. This method is compared to the direct time domain wakefield calculation method and its greater sensitivity to small impedances is shown

    Pulse Shaping and Beam-Loading Compensation with the Delay Loop

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    In the drive-beam accelerator of the compact linear collider (CLIC) the trains fill every second bucket. If the bunches in the one train occupy even buckets they will occupy odd ones in the next train and vice versa. This encoding is achieved by a phase switch at the injector. An RF-kicker running at half the linac frequency and a delay loop are used to separate the trains after the acceleration. This paper shows how the delay loop and the phase switch can be used to compensate the main-linac beam loading. It is also possible to shorten the final pulse which would otherwise be fixed by geometry

    The CLIC Main Linac Lattice at 1 TeV

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    This paper presents the CLIC main linac lattice at a centre of mass energy of 1 TeV. Its aim is to show that such a lattice is feasible resulting only in a moderate emittance growth of the transported beam due to wakefield and dispersive effects. A correction method is presented that achieves this small growth. The emittance dilution due to static and dynamic effects is discussed. Finally the multibunch effects are estimated

    Update of the Status of Machine Detector Interface Studies for CLIC

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    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) study team at CERN is working on the design of an electron-positron linear collider, with the main focus on a machine with a centre-of-mass energy of Ecm=3 TeV and a luminosity of 1035cm-2s-1. Because of the high energy and high luminosity, the background in this machine is expected to be higher than in low-energy linear colliders. These backgrounds need to be carefully investigated in order to verify that the experimental conditions are acceptable. For the same reason the luminsoity spectrum needs careful consideration. This paper gives a brief update on the status of the necessary machine/detector interface studies for CLIC

    Simulations of an Intra-Pulse Interaction Point Feedback for NLC

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    Position and angle jitter of the beams at the interaction point are important sources of luminosity degradation in future linear colliders. In order to reduce their effect, intra-pulse feedbacks can be used. Some simulations are presented to evaluate a position feedback at the interaction point. The influence of angle jitter onto this feedback are investigated and possible fixes are discussed. A feedback is proposed that allows to also reduce the effect of angle jitter

    Emittance Preservation in the Main LINAC of CLIC

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    The luminosity that can be achieved in a linear collider strongly depends on the vertical emittance of the beams at the interaction point. One of the most important sources of emittance growth is the accelerating part of the main linac especially in the case of the compact linear collider, CLIC, where the wakefields are strong due to the high frequency of the accelerating structures (30 GHz). Poss ible lattices for the main linacs for centre-of-mass energies of 1 TeV and 3 TeV are presented which allow the use of BNS-damping for emittance preservation. A new ballistic beam-based alignment techn ique to keep the emittance growth below the required limit is investigated. The influence of different prealignment and field errors on the correction efficiency is investigated

    Luminosity limitations at the multi-TeV linear collider energy frontier

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    To achieve the desired high luminosity in e+ e- linear colliders with centre-of-mass energies above the TeV scale, careful optimisation of the beam parameters is necessary. Constraints arising from the RF structure design, the beam-beam interaction, the damping ring and the beam delivery system have to be taken into account and compromises between different requirements have to be found. The nature of these different constraints is discussed and the resulting limits for the luminosity are detailed

    Background at Future Linear Colliders

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    Detector background in future e+e- colliders, as will arise for example from the beam-beam interaction, will strongly affect experimental conditions. A short overview of the main background sources is given. Numerical results are presented, mainly for TESLA at a centre-of-mass energy Ecm = 0.5 TeV and for CLIC at Ecm = 3 TeV