429 research outputs found
Anisotropy and interaction effects of strongly strained SrIrO3 thin films
Magneto-transport properties of SrIrO thin films epitaxially grown on
SrTiO, using reactive RF sputtering, are investigated. A large anisotropy
between the in-plane and the out-of-plane resistivities is found, as well as a
signature of the substrate cubic to tetragonal transition. Both observations
result from the structural distortion associated to the epitaxial strain. The
low-temperature and field dependences of the Hall number are interpreted as due
to the contribution of Coulomb interactions to weak localization, evidencing
the strong correlations in this material. The introduction of a contribution
from magnetic scatters, in the analysis of magnetoconductance in the weakly
localized regime, is proposed as an alternative to an anomalously large
temperature dependence of the Land\'{e} coefficient
Building capacity for public and population health research in Africa : the consortium for advanced research training in Africa (CARTA) model
Background: Globally, sub-Saharan Africa bears the greatest burden of disease. Strengthened research
capacity to understand the social determinants of health among different African populations is key to
addressing the drivers of poor health and developing interventions to improve health outcomes and health
systems in the region. Yet, the continent clearly lacks centers of research excellence that can generate a strong
evidence base to address the region’s socio-economic and health problems.
Objective and program overview: We describe the recently launched Consortium for Advanced Research
Training in Africa (CARTA), which brings together a network of nine academic and four research institutions
from West, East, Central, and Southern Africa, and select northern universities and training institutes.
CARTA’s program of activities comprises two primary, interrelated, and mutually reinforcing objectives: to
strengthen research infrastructure and capacity at African universities; and to support doctoral training
through the creation of a collaborative doctoral training program in population and public health. The
ultimate goal of CARTA is to build local research capacity to understand the determinants of population
health and effectively intervene to improve health outcomes and health systems.
Conclusions: CARTA’s focus on the local production of networked and high-skilled researchers committed to
working in sub-Saharan Africa, and on the concomitant increase in local research and training capacity of
African universities and research institutes addresses the inability of existing programs to create a critical
mass of well-trained and networked researchers across the continent. The initiative’s goal of strengthening
human resources and university-wide systems critical to the success and sustainability of research
productivity in public and population health will rejuvenate institutional teaching, research, and administrative
Rift Valley fever outbreak, Mauritania, 1998: seroepidemiologic, virologic, entomologic, and zoologic investigations.
A Rift Valley fever outbreak occurred in Mauritania in 1998. Seroepidemiologic and virologic investigation showed active circulation of the Rift Valley fever virus, with 13 strains isolated, and 16% (range 1.5%-38%) immunoglobulin (Ig) M-positivity in sera from 90 humans and 343 animals (sheep, goats, camels, cattle, and donkeys). One human case was fatal
Memristive and neuromorphic behavior in a Li x CoO 2 nanobattery
International audienceThe phenomenon of resistive switching (RS), which was initially linked to non-volatile resistive memory applications, has recently also been associated with the concept of memristors, whose adjustable multilevel resistance characteristics open up unforeseen perspectives in cognitive computing. Herein, we demonstrate that the resistance states of Li(x)CoO2 thin film-based metal-insulator-metal (MIM) solid-state cells can be tuned by sequential programming voltage pulses, and that these resistance states are dramatically dependent on the pulses input rate, hence emulating biological synapse plasticity. In addition, we identify the underlying electrochemical processes of RS in our MIM cells, which also reveal a nanobattery-like behavior, leading to the generation of electrical signals that bring an unprecedented new dimension to the connection between memristors and neuromorphic systems. Therefore, these LixCoO2-based MIM devices allow for a combination of possibilities, offering new perspectives of usage in nanoelectronics and bio-inspired neuromorphic circuits
Vandetanib for the Treatment of Advanced Medullary Thyroid Cancer Outside a Clinical Trial: Results from a French Cohort
A randomized phase III trial demonstrated that vandetanib treatment is effective in patients with metastatic medullary thyroid cancer (MTC), leading to regulatory approval, but its use may be associated with toxicities that require specific monitoring and management. The objective of the present study performed in France was to describe the toxicity profile and efficacy of vandetanib treatment when given outside any trial.
Sixty-eight patients were treated with vandetanib in the frame of a temporary use authorization (ATU) in France from August 2010 to February 2012, when the drug was available on request for patients with locally advanced or metastatic MTC. Patients were registered by the French health authorities, and characteristics, treatment parameters, toxicity profile, and efficacy were retrospectively reviewed. Eight patients were excluded from the analysis because vandetanib treatment was not administered (n=3), had been given in a trial before ATU (n=3), or was given for a non-MTC cancer (n=2).
Data from the 60 MTC patients were analyzed. Mean age was 58 years (range 11-83 years), 39 patients were male, and six had hereditary MTC. Fifty-six (93%) had metastatic disease in the mediastinum (82%), bones (65%), liver (53%), or lung (53%), and four had only locally advanced disease. At the time of study evaluation, with a median follow-up of 20 months and a median duration of treatment of 9.7 months (range 0.3-36 months), 15 patients were continuing vandetanib treatment (range 18-36 months). Median progression-free survival was 16.1 months. Twenty-five patients discontinued treatment for disease progression (range 0.3-29 months). Best tumor response was a complete response in one patient, a partial response in 12 (20%), stable disease in 33 (55%), and progression in seven patients (12%). All patients had at least one adverse event (AE) during treatment. The main AEs were skin toxicity, diarrhea, and asthenia. Sixteen patients (27%) discontinued treatment for toxicity, and one patient died from vandetanib-induced cardiac toxicity.
Vandetanib is an effective option for patients with advanced MTC. AEs should be monitored carefully and should be minimized by educating both patients and care providers and by applying symptomatic treatment and dose reduction
Radiation hardness qualification of PbWO4 scintillation crystals for the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2010 IOPEnsuring the radiation hardness of PbWO4 crystals was one of the main priorities during the construction of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS experiment at CERN. The production on an industrial scale of radiation hard crystals and their certification over a period of several years represented a difficult challenge both for CMS and for the crystal suppliers. The present article reviews the related scientific and technological problems encountered
Full-wave modeling of broadband near field scanning microwave microscopy
The authors would like to thank professor Dr. Gabriel Gomila from Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya
(IBEC) and Universitat de Barcelona for the fruitful discussion and support, as well as to Dr. Georg Gramse from
Johannes Kepler University Linz for the experimental data. B.W. thanks the funding from the China Scholarship
Council (CSC) for the support of his research at Queen Mary University of London, UK. Y.H. would like to thank
EU-FP7 Nanomicrowave project for the financial support
Search for neutral B meson decays to two charged leptons
The decays are searched for in 3.5 million hadronic events, which constitute the full LEP I data sample collected by the L3 detector. No signals are observed, therefore upper limits at the 90\%(95\%) confidence levels are set on the following branching fractions: % \begin{center}% {\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} \begin{tabular}{lccccclcccc}% % Br & & & & ; & \hspace*{5mm} & Br & & & & ; \\% Br & & & & ; & \hspace*{5mm} & Br & & & & ; \\% Br & & & & ; & \hspace*{5mm} & Br & & & & . \\% % \end{tabular}% } \end{center}% % The results for and are the first limits set on these decay modes
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