15,392 research outputs found
Interaction in the Bimodal Galaxy Cluster A3528
X-ray and radio continuum observations of the bimodal cluster A3528 in the
Shapley Supercluster are presented. From a ROSAT PSPC pointed observation we
find a marginal tendency of the intracluster gas to be hotter in the region
between the two subclusters. This effect can be interpreted as the signature of
interaction of the subclusters. We infer that the centres of the subclusters in
A3528 will meet within a few 10^8 years. In continuum observations at 20cm and
at 90cm with the Very Large Array we find four galaxies having radio emission.
One of these galaxies shows a head-tail structure suggesting a motion of the
galaxy through the intracluster medium. The radio tail shows an imbalance
between the thermal pressure of the intra-cluster gas and the pressure of the
relativistic electrons.Comment: 8 pages, postscript file including 7 figures, accepted for
publication in M.N.R.A.
Recent developments in effective field theory
We will give a short introduction to the one-nucleon sector of chiral
perturbation theory and will address the issue of a consistent power counting
and renormalization. We will discuss the infrared regularization and the
extended on-mass-shell scheme. Both allow for the inclusion of further degrees
of freedom beyond pions and nucleons and the application to higher-loop
calculations. As applications we consider the chiral expansion of the nucleon
mass to order O(q^6) and the inclusion of vector and axial-vector mesons in the
calculation of nucleon form factors.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, invited talk given at International School of
Nuclear Physics, 29th Course "Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei", Erice, Sicily,
16 - 24 September 200
Nucleon Form Factors of the Isovector Axial-Vector Current: Situation of Experiments and Theory
The theoretical and experimental status of the isovector axial-vector current
form factors G_A(q^2) and G_P(q^2) of the nucleon is reviewed. We also describe
a new calculation of these form factors in manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral
perturbation theory (ChPT) with the inclusion of axial-vector mesons as
explicit degrees of freedom.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Talk given by M. R. Schindler at the
International Workshop "From Parity Violation to Hadronic Structure and
more...", Milos, Greece, May 16-20, 200
Losing Weight: A KECK Spectroscopic Survey of the Massive Cluster of Galaxies RX J1347-1145
We present a sample of 47 spectroscopically confirmed members of RX
J1347-1145, the most luminous X-ray cluster of galaxies discovered to date.
With two exceptions, all the galaxies in this sample have red B-R colors and
red spectral indices, with spectra similar to old local ellipticals. Using all
47 cluster members, we derive a mean redshift of 0.4509\pm 0.003, and a
velocity dispersion of 910\pm130 km/sec, which corresponds to a virial mass of
4.4 x 10^{14} h^{-1} Solar masses with an harmonic radius of 380 h^{-1} kpc.
The derived total dynamical mass is marginally consistent with that deduced
from the cluster's X-ray emission based on the analysis of ROSAT/ASCA images
(Schindler et al. 1997), but not consistent with the more recent X-ray analyses
of Allen (2000), Ettori, Allen & Fabian (2001) and Allen, Schmidt & Fabian
(2002). Furthermore, the dynamical mass is significantly smaller than that
derived from weak lensing (Fischer & Tyson 1997) and from strong lensing (Sahu
et al. 1998). We propose that these various discrepant mass estimates may be
understood if RX J1347-1145 is the product of two clusters caught in the act of
merging in a direction perpendicular to the line of sight, although there is no
evidence from the galaxy redshift distribution supporting this hypothesis. Even
with this hypothesis, a significant part of the extremely high X-ray luminosity
must still arise from non-virialized, presumably shocked, gas. Finally, we
report the serendipitous discovery of a lensed background galaxy at z=4.083
which will put strong constraints on the lensing mass determination once its
counter-image is securely identified.Comment: Minor changes to conform to version accepted by Ap
Infalling Faint [OII] Emitters in Abell 851. I. Spectroscopic Confirmation of Narrowband-Selected Objects
We report on a spectroscopic confirmation of narrowband-selected [OII]
emitters in Abell 851 catalogued by Martin et al. (2000). The optical spectra
obtained from the Keck I Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) and Keck II
Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS) have confirmed [OII]3727
emission in narrowband-selected cluster [OII] candidates at a 85% success rate
for faint (i <~ 25) blue (g-i < 1) galaxies. The rate for the successful
detection of [OII] emission is a strong function of galaxy color, generally
proving the efficacy of narrowband [OII] search supplemented with broadband
colors in selecting faint cluster galaxies with recent star formation. Balmer
decrement-derived reddening measurements show a high degree of reddening
[E(B-V) >~ 0.5] in a significant fraction of this population. Even after
correcting for dust extinction, the [OII]/Ha line flux ratio for the
high-E(B-V) galaxies remains generally lower by a factor of ~2 than the mean
[OII]/Ha ratios reported by the studies of nearby galaxies. The strength of
[OII] equivalent width shows a negative trend with galaxy luminosity while the
Ha equivalent width does not appear to depend as strongly on luminosity. This
in part is due to the high amount of reddening observed in luminous galaxies.
Furthermore, emission line ratio diagnostics show that AGN-like galaxies are
abundant in the high luminosity end of the cluster [OII]-emitting sample, with
only moderately strong [OII] equivalent widths, consistent with a scenario of
galaxy evolution connecting AGNs and suppression of star-forming activity in
massive galaxies.Comment: 11 pages (LaTeX emulateapj), 8 figures, to appear in ApJ. A version
with high resolution figures available from the lead autho
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