25 research outputs found
: Policy Representations with Successor Features
This paper describes , a method for representing behaviors of
black box policies as feature vectors. The policy representations capture how
the statistics of foundation model features change in response to the policy
behavior in a task agnostic way, and can be trained from offline data, allowing
them to be used in offline policy selection. This work provides a key piece of
a recipe for fusing together three modern lines of research: Offline policy
evaluation as a counterpart to offline RL, foundation models as generic and
powerful state representations, and efficient policy selection in resource
constrained environments.Comment: Accepted paper at ICLR202
Positional diffusion: Graph-based diffusion models for set ordering
Positional reasoning is the process of ordering an unsorted set of parts into a consistent structure. To address this problem, we present Positional Diffusion, a plug-and-play graph formulation with Diffusion Probabilistic Models. Using a diffusion process, we add Gaussian noise to the set elements’ position and map them to a random position in a continuous space. Positional Diffusion learns to reverse the noising process and recover the original positions through an Attention-based Graph Neural Network. To evaluate our method, we conduct extensive experiments on three different tasks and seven datasets, comparing our approach against the state-of-the-art methods for visual puzzle-solving, sentence ordering, and room arrangement, demonstrating that our method outperforms long-lasting research on puzzle solving with up to +17% compared to the second-best deep learning method, and performs on par against the state-of-the-art methods on sentence ordering and room rearrangement. Our work highlights the suitability of diffusion models for ordering problems and proposes a novel formulation and method for solving various ordering tasks
Embodied Active Perception for Spatial and Semantical Reasoning
This thesis investigates the embodied AI paradigm, its introduction into active perception and semantical reasoning pipelines, and explores its practical applications in robotics.
Central to my research is the action-perception loop, where an agent follows a policy to explore an environment while significantly enhancing its perception—key facets in real-world applications.
Embodied AI raises two challenges: (i) evaluating the performance of a policy in a real world scenario is risky, and (ii) complex tasks, e.g., rearranging objects in a room, require a deep understanding of the environment that goes beyond simple perception.
I first tackle the issue of deploying an agent on a real-world robotic platform. I propose a novel approach for evaluating agent performance through efficient offline policy evaluation without the need for direct deployment. This method is particularly relevant when deploying in the target scenario is either unethical (e.g., healthcare), expensive (e.g., robotics), or unsafe (e.g., self-driving cars).
Secondly, I delve into the complexities of spatial and semantic reasoning. Here, I introduce a novel diffusion model formulation, explicitly designed for tasks involving spatial and semantic reasoning, such as rearranging a room or solving puzzles.
In summary, this thesis presents significant contributions in the domains of active exploration, offline policy evaluation, and spatial reasoning. My findings and methodologies not only advance academic understanding but also have substantial implications for the development of real-world robotic applications
The human gut microbiota and virome: potential therapeutic implications
Human gut microbiota is a complex ecosystem with several functions integrated in the host organism (metabolic, immune, nutrients absorption, etc.). Human microbiota is composed by bacteria, yeasts, fungi and, last but not least, viruses, whose composition has not been completely described. According to previous evidence on pathogenic viruses, the human gut harbours plant-derived viruses, giant viruses and, only recently, abundant bacteriophages. New metagenomic methods have allowed to reconstitute entire viral genomes from the genetic material spread in the human gut, opening new perspectives on the understanding of the gut virome composition, the importance of gut microbiome, and potential clinical applications. This review reports the latest evidence on human gut "virome" composition and its function, possible future therapeutic applications in human health in the context of the gut microbiota, and attempts to clarify the role of the gut "virome" in the larger microbial ecosystem
The human gut microbiota and virome: Potential therapeutic implications
Human gut microbiota is a complex ecosystem with several functions integrated in the host organism (metabolic, immune, nutrients absorption, etc.). Human microbiota is composed by bacteria, yeasts, fungi and, last but not least, viruses, whose composition has not been completely described. According to previous evidence on pathogenic viruses, the human gut harbours plant-derived viruses, giant viruses and, only recently, abundant bacteriophages. New metagenomic methods have allowed to reconstitute entire viral genomes from the genetic material spread in the human gut, opening new perspectives on the understanding of the gut virome composition, the importance of gut microbiome, and potential clinical applications. This review reports the latest evidence on human gut "virome" composition and its function, possible future therapeutic applications in human health in the context of the gut microbiota, and attempts to clarify the role of the gut "virome" in the larger microbial ecosystem
Model for RT-RR variability interaction assessment
A parametric dynamic model to evaluate the dependence of the ventricular repolarization duration on the heart period and on different not measurable inputs is proposed. Its parameters were identified from the beat-to-beat series of the cardiac cycle duration (RR interval) and ventricular repolarization period (RT period). Indexes relevant to the RT-RR relationship both in time and in frequency domain were extracted and validated in human subjects during experimental conditions known to alter the RT-RR coupling and/or sympatho-vagal balance
The Role of Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) in Treating Portal Hypertension in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Liver cancer is very frequent, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for the majority of liver cancer cases. Its growing incidence has been greatly affected by the increasing prevalence of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD). The latter is a new epidemic in our era. In fact, HCC is often generated from noncirrhotic liver and its treatment benefits from surgical and nonsurgical approaches, potentially bridged by transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) use. TIPS use is an effective treatment for portal hypertension complications, but its application in patients with HCC and clinically significant portal hypertension (CSPH) remains controversial due to concerns about tumor rupture, dissemination, and increased toxicity. The technical feasibility and safety of TIPS use in HCC patients have been evaluated in several studies. Despite concerns about intraprocedural complications, retrospective studies have shown high success rates and low complication rates in TIPS placement for HCC patients. TIPS use in combination with locoregional treatments, such as transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) or transarterial radioembolization (TARE), has been explored as a treatment option for HCC patients with portal hypertension. These studies have shown improved survival rates in patients undergoing TIPS in combination with locoregional treatments. However, the efficacy and toxicity of TACE in combination with TIPS use require careful evaluation, as changes in venous and arterial flow can affect treatment outcomes and complications. The results from studies evaluating the impact of TIPS on systemic therapy and surgical options are also promising. In conclusion, the TIPS is a sufficiently safe, useful item available for physicians treating complications of portal hypertension. Moreover, a TIPS can be used in combination with locoregional therapy in HCC patients. Systemic chemotherapy can also benefit of the use of TIPS placement. A complex interplay affects TIPS use with surgery. The latter needs further data. The TIPS is a useful and safe add-on treatment, changing the natural course of HCC progression. Its use is regulated by a sophisticated physiologic and pathophysiologic flow of evidence
Farnesoid X Receptor, Bile Acid Metabolism, and Gut Microbiota
Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are characterized by the concepts of lipo- and glucotoxicity. NAFLD is characterized by the accumulation of different lipidic species within the hepatocytes. Bile acids (BA), derived from cholesterol, and conjugated and stored in the gallbladder, help the absorption/processing of lipids, and modulate host inflammatory responses and gut microbiota (GM) composition. The latter is the new “actor” that links the GI tract and liver in NAFLD pathogenesis. In fact, the discovery and mechanistic characterization of hepatic and intestinal farnesoid X receptor (FXR) shed new light on the gut–liver axis. We conducted a search on the main medical databases for original articles, reviews, meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials, and case series using the following keywords, their acronyms, and their associations: farnesoid X receptor, bile acids metabolism, gut microbiota, dysbiosis, and liver steatosis. Findings on the synthesis, metabolism, and conjugation processes of BAs, and their action on FXR, change the understanding of NAFLD physiopathology. In detail, BAs act as ligands to several FXRs with GM modulation. On the other hand, the BAs pool is modulated by GM, thus, regulating FXRs functioning in the frame of liver fat deposition and fibrosis development. In conclusion, BAs passed from their role of simple lipid absorption and metabolism agents to messengers between the gut and liver, modulated by GM
Perspective on the Role of Gut Microbiome in the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
Background and Objectives: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the leading cause of liver cancer worldwide and has a high mortality rate. Its incidence has increased due to metabolic-associated liver disease (MAFLD) epidemics. Liver transplantation and surgery remain the most resolute measures. Despite the optimistic use of multi-kinase inhibitors, namely sorafenib, the co-existence of chronic liver disease made the response rate low in these patients. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have become a promising hope for certain advanced solid tumors and, also, for advanced HCC. Unfortunately, a large cohort of patients with HCC fail to respond to immunotherapy.Materials and Methods: We conducted a narrative search on the main medical databases for original articles, reviews, meta-analyses, randomized clinical trials, and case series using the following keywords and acronyms and their associations: hepatocellular carcinoma, immunotherapy, checkpoint inhibitors, gut microbiota, and fecal microbiota transplantation.Results: ICIs are a promising and sufficiently safe treatment option for HCC. In detail, they have significantly improved survival and prognosis in these patients vs. sorafenib. Although there are several highlighted mechanisms of resistance, the gut microbiota signature can be used both as a response biomarker and as an effect enhancer. Practically, probiotic dose-finding and fecal microbiota transplantation are the weapons that can be used to increase ICI's treatment-response-reducing resistance mechanisms. Conclusion: Immunotherapy has been a significant step-up in HCC treatment, and gut microbiota modulation is an effective liaison to increase its efficacy