5 research outputs found
Additional file 2: Figure S1. of A comprehensive study of the genomic differentiation between temperate Dent and Flint maize
Metrics of the selection screens for 136 temperate inbred lines along the ten maize chromosomes based on genotyping data. (PDF 4242 kb
Additional file 7: Table S9. of A comprehensive study of the genomic differentiation between temperate Dent and Flint maize
Gene-wise level of differentiation of allele frequencies between landraces and Dent (left) and Flint (right) elite lines based on genotyping data. (XLSX 27 kb
Additional file 1: Figure S2. of A comprehensive study of the genomic differentiation between temperate Dent and Flint maize
Variation of historical recombination rates along the ten maize chromosomes. Figure S3. Gene ontology (GO) terms assigned to categories of biological processes for the candidate gene sets. Figure S4. Pathway analysis for the Dent and Flint candidate gene sets using MapMan [53]. Figure S5. Gene-wise π (left) and TD (right) values based on whole-genome sequence data of 21 temperate Dent and 19 temperate Flint lines. Figure S6. Distributions of F ST values for different genomic regions based on whole-genome sequence data of 40 elite lines. Table S1. Elite lines under study with germplasm pool assignment and data source. Table S2. Window-based statistics and thresholds according to the selected quantile based on the panel of 136 temperate inbred lines genotyped with the 600 k array. Table S4. Gene-wise statistics for all genes and for Dent and Flint candidate genes. Table S7. Landraces under study with their geographic origins. (PDF 1175 kb
Additional file 3: Table S3. of A comprehensive study of the genomic differentiation between temperate Dent and Flint maize
Gene-wise statistics for 1407 candidate genes identified in the 70 Dent (N = 876) and 66 Flint (N = 545) lines based on genotyping data. (XLSX 1238 kb
Additional file 6: Table S8. of A comprehensive study of the genomic differentiation between temperate Dent and Flint maize
Gene-wise nucleotide diversity π and F ST for flowering time candidate genes with at least 5 SNPs in the genic and 5 kb upstream region. (XLSX 24 kb