58,101 research outputs found
Note on thermodynamic fermion loop under constant magnetic field
The one-loop effective potential of a thermodynamic fermion loop under
constant magnetic field is studied. As expected, it can be interpreted
literally as a discretized sum of -dimensional energy density above the
Dirac sea. Large/small mass expansions of the potential are also examined.Comment: 8 page
Quantum Group and -Virasoro Current in Fermion Systems
We discuss a generalization of the quantum group \su to the -Virasoro
algebra in two-dimensional electrons system under uniform magnetic field. It is
shown that the integral representations of both algebras are reduced to those
in a (1+1)-dimensional fermion. As an application of the quantum group
symmetry, we discuss a model of quantum group current on the analogy of the
Hall current.Comment: 20 pages, Latex. Title change
Landau Levels and Quantum Group
We find a quantum group structure in two-dimensional motions of a
nonrelativistic electron in a uniform magnetic field and in a periodic
potential. The representation basis of the quantum algebra is composed of
wavefunctions of the system. The quantum group symmetry commutes with the
Hamiltonian and is relevant to the Landau level degeneracy. The deformation
parameter of the quantum algebra turns out to be given by the fractional
filling factor ( odd integer).Comment: (revised version), 10 pages, OS-GE-36-9
Quantum Group Symmetry and Quantum Hall Wavefunctions on a Torus
We find a quantum group structure in two-dimensional motion of
nonrelativistic electrons in a uniform magnetic field on a torus. The
representation basis of the quantum algebra is composed of the quantum Hall
wavefunctions proposed by Haldane-Rezayi at the Landau-level filling factor
( odd). It is also shown that the quantum group symmetry is
relevant to the degenerate Landau states and the deformation parameter of the
quantum algebra is given by the filling factor.Comment: 9 pages, OS-GE-39-9
Quantum Deformation of igl(n) Algebra on Quantum Space
We study quantum deformed and algebras on a quantum space
discussing multi-parametric extension. We realize elements of deformed
and algebras by a quantum fermionic space. We investigate a map
between deformed algebras of our basis and other basis.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, version published in Mod. Phys. Lett.
Pion Production Model - Connection between Dynamics and Quark Models
We discuss the difficulties in testing the hadron models by using the N^*
parameters extracted from the empirical amplitude analyses of the pi-N and
gamma-N reaction data. As an alternative or perhaps a more advantageous
approach, we present a Hamiltonian formulation that can relate the pion
production dynamics and the constituent quark models of N^* structure. The
application of the approach in investigating the Delta and N^*(S_{11})
excitations is reviewed. It is found that while the Delta excitation can be
described satisfactory, the pi-N scattering in S_{11} channel can not be
described by the constituent quark models based on either the
one-gluon-exchange or one-meson-exchange mechanisms. A phenomenological
quark-quark potential has been constructed to reproduce the S_{11} amplitude.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Proceedings of NSTAR2000
workshop held at Jefferson Laboratory, Feb., 200
PCAC Relation and Pion Production-Absorption in Nuclei
Nuclear PCAC relation is studied in the framework of the effective theory of
nuclear interaction, in which the interaction of real pion
production-absorption is expressed by many-body operators, and does not include
the one-nucleon operator as was assumed in the conventional works, while the
effective axial-vector current includes the one-nucleon current in contrast to
the former interaction. This problem is investigated under the simple linear
-model. Results are as folows: 1) The theory describes consistently the
PCAC relation and the pion production-absorption process. 2) The conventional
interpretation of the effective pion source function as the interaction
Hamiltonian of pion production-absorption does not hold. 3) The effective pion
source function still includes the one-nucleon operator for the pion
production-absorption at threshold effectively, which may justify the
conventional theory.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure
Monte-Carlo Study of Bound States in a Few-Nucleon System - Method of Continued Fractions -
We propose a new type of Monte-Carlo method which enables us to study the
excited state of many-body systems.Comment: ReVTeX: 25 pages, 10 Postscript figures,2 tables, uses epsf.sty:to be
published in Prog. Theor. Phys. vol.10
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