190 research outputs found
The potential for high performance HgCdTe arrays at 4 microns
The potential of existing technology at Rockwell International in terms of the goals for astronomical detector arrays in the 3 to 5 micron interval is evaluated. Measurements have been obtained for a number of samples of HgCdTe diodes manufactured by Rockwell International. All the diodes reported on here had cutoff wavelengths at high temperatures of 4.6 to 4.7 microns. Although no confirming measurements were made, the cutoff wavelength is expected to move to 5 microns or beyond at the low temperatures of our tests. Diode sizes ranged from 20 to 150 microns. The test program yielded full diode curves and relative response at 3.4 microns for the sample diodes as a function of temperature. Dark currents are quoted below as the current passing through the diode with a back bias of 50 mV. The various diode types showed a wide range of behavior, both with regard to dark current and responsibility. The test results for one of the best diode types are illustrated. This detector has a size of 148 microns and a cutoff wavelength of 4.61 microns
This study was contemplated to determine the comparative beneficial effects of hypertonic saline solution and sterile saline solution in induced endotoxic shock in dogs. For this purpose, 12 healthy Mongrel dogs were randomly divided into two equal groups (A and B). All the animals were induced endotoxaemia by slow intravenous administration of Escherichia coli endotoxins 0111:B4. Group A was treated with normal saline solution @ 90 ml/kg BW, while group B was given hypertonic saline solution @ 4 ml/kg BW, followed by normal saline solution @ 10 ml/kg BW. Different parameters were observed for evaluation of these fluids including clinical and haematological parameters, serum electrolytes, mean arterial pressure, and blood gases at different time intervals up to 24 hours post treatments. After infusion of respective fluids, all parameters returned to baseline values in both the groups but group B showed better results than group A except bicarbonates, which better recovered in group A. Thus, it was concluded that a small-volume of hypertonic saline solution could be effectively used in reversing the endotoxaemia. Moreover, it provides a rapid and inexpensive resuscitation from endotoxic shock
Uncovering local aggregated air quality index with smartphone captured images leveraging efficient deep convolutional neural network
The prevalence and mobility of smartphones make these a widely used tool for
environmental health research. However, their potential for determining
aggregated air quality index (AQI) based on PM2.5 concentration in specific
locations remains largely unexplored in the existing literature. In this paper,
we thoroughly examine the challenges associated with predicting
location-specific PM2.5 concentration using images taken with smartphone
cameras. The focus of our study is on Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, due to
its significant air pollution levels and the large population exposed to it.
Our research involves the development of a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
(DCNN), which we train using over a thousand outdoor images taken and
annotated. These photos are captured at various locations in Dhaka, and their
labels are based on PM2.5 concentration data obtained from the local US
consulate, calculated using the NowCast algorithm. Through supervised learning,
our model establishes a correlation index during training, enhancing its
ability to function as a Picture-based Predictor of PM2.5 Concentration (PPPC).
This enables the algorithm to calculate an equivalent daily averaged AQI index
from a smartphone image. Unlike, popular overly parameterized models, our model
shows resource efficiency since it uses fewer parameters. Furthermore, test
results indicate that our model outperforms popular models like ViT and INN, as
well as popular CNN-based models such as VGG19, ResNet50, and MobileNetV2, in
predicting location-specific PM2.5 concentration. Our dataset is the first
publicly available collection that includes atmospheric images and
corresponding PM2.5 measurements from Dhaka. Our code and dataset will be made
public when publishing the paper.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Nature Scientific Report
Impact of early pericardial fluid chymase activation after cardiac surgery
INTRODUCTION: Chymase is a highly destructive serine protease rapidly neutralized in the circulation by protease inhibitors. Here we test whether pericardial fluid (PCF) chymase activation and other inflammatory biomarkers determine intensive care unit length of stay, and explore mechanisms of chymase delivery by extracellular vesicles to the heart.
METHODS: PCF was collected from adult patients (17 on-pump; 13 off-pump) 4 h after cardiac surgery. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) containing chymase were injected into Sprague-Dawley rats to test for their ability to deliver chymase to the heart.
RESULTS: The mean intensive care unit (ICU) stay and mean total length of stay was 2.17 ± 3.8 days and 6.41 ± 1.3 days respectively. Chymase activity and 32 inflammatory markers did not differ in on-pump vs. off-pump cardiac surgery. Society of Thoracic Surgeons Predicted Risk of Morbidity and Mortality Score (STS-PROM), 4-hour post-surgery PCF chymase activity and C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 6 (CXCL6) were all independent predictors of ICU and total hospital length of stay by univariate analysis. Mass spectrometry of baseline PCF shows the presence of serine protease inhibitors that neutralize chymase activity. The compartmentalization of chymase within and on the surface of PCF EVs was visualized by immunogold labeling and transmission electron microscopy. A chymase inhibitor prevented EV chymase activity (0.28 fmol/mg/min vs. 14.14 fmol/mg/min). Intravenous injection of PCF EVs obtained 24 h after surgery into Sprague Dawley rats shows diffuse human chymase uptake in the heart with extensive cardiomyocyte damage 4 h after injection.
DISCUSSION: Early postoperative PCF chymase activation underscores its potential role in cardiac damage soon after on- or off-pump cardiac surgery. In addition, chymase in extracellular vesicles provides a protected delivery mechanism from neutralization by circulating serine protease inhibitors
Inhibition of human tumour prostate PC-3 cell growth by cannabinoids R(+)-Methanandamide and JWH-015: Involvement of CB2
Largest ancient fortress of South-West Asia and the western world?:Recent fieldwork at Sasanian Qaleh Iraj at Pishva, Iran
The article presents recent works at Qale Iraj, near Varamin, Iran. My short contribution is on the Middle Persian ostraka found at the site
Validity and reliability of Arabic version of the ID Pain screening questionnaire in the assessment of neuropathic pain
Diagnosis of neuropathic pain (NP) can be challenging. The ID Pain (ID-P) questionnaire, a screening tool for NP, has been used widely both in the original version and translated forms. The aim of this study was to develop an Arabic version of ID-P and assess its validity and reliability in detecting neuropathic pain. The original ID-P was translated in Arabic language and administered to the study population. Reliability of the Arabic version was evaluated by percentage observed agreement, and Cohen’s kappa; and validity by sensitivity, specificity, correctly classified, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Physician diagnosis was considered as the gold standard for comparing the diagnostic accuracy. The study included 375 adult patients (153 [40.8%] with NP; 222 [59.2%] with nociceptive pain). Overall observed percentage agreement and Cohen’s kappa were >90% and >0.80, respectively. Median (range) score of ID-P scale was 3 (2–4) and 1 (0–2) in the NP group and NocP group, respectively (p<0.001). Area under the ROC curve was 0.808 (95% CI, 0.764–0.851). For the cut-off value of ≥2, sensitivity was 84.3%, specificity was 66.7%, and correct classification was 73.9%. Thus, the Arabic version of ID-P showed moderate reliability and validity as a pain assessment tool. This article presents the psychometric properties of the Arabic version of ID Pain questionnaire. This Arabic version may serve as a simple yet important screening tool, and help in appropriate management of neuropathic pain, specifically in primary care centers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Crosstalk between Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 and Cannabinoid Receptor CB2 in Modulating Breast Cancer Growth and Invasion
Cannabinoids bind to cannabinoid receptors CB(1) and CB(2) and have been reported to possess anti-tumorigenic activity in various cancers. However, the mechanisms through which cannabinoids modulate tumor growth are not well known. In this study, we report that a synthetic non-psychoactive cannabinoid that specifically binds to cannabinoid receptor CB(2) may modulate breast tumor growth and metastasis by inhibiting signaling of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12. This signaling pathway has been shown to play an important role in regulating breast cancer progression and metastasis.We observed high expression of both CB(2) and CXCR4 receptors in breast cancer patient tissues by immunohistochemical analysis. We further found that CB(2)-specific agonist JWH-015 inhibits the CXCL12-induced chemotaxis and wound healing of MCF7 overexpressing CXCR4 (MCF7/CXCR4), highly metastatic clone of MDA-MB-231 (SCP2) and NT 2.5 cells (derived from MMTV-neu) by using chemotactic and wound healing assays. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms using various biochemical techniques and confocal microscopy revealed that JWH-015 treatment inhibited CXCL12-induced P44/P42 ERK activation, cytoskeletal focal adhesion and stress fiber formation, which play a critical role in breast cancer invasion and metastasis. In addition, we have shown that JWH-015 significantly inhibits orthotopic tumor growth in syngenic mice in vivo using NT 2.5 cells. Furthermore, our studies have revealed that JWH-015 significantly inhibits phosphorylation of CXCR4 and its downstream signaling in vivo in orthotopic and spontaneous breast cancer MMTV-PyMT mouse model systems.This study provides novel insights into the crosstalk between CB(2) and CXCR4/CXCL12-signaling pathways in the modulation of breast tumor growth and metastasis. Furthermore, these studies indicate that CB(2) receptors could be used for developing innovative therapeutic strategies against breast cancer
Loss-of-function mutations in TNFAIP3 leading to A20 haploinsufficiency cause an early-onset autoinflammatory disease
Systemic autoinflammatory diseases are driven by abnormal activation of innate immunity. Herein we describe a new disease caused by high-penetrance heterozygous germline mutations in TNFAIP3, which encodes the NF-B regulatory protein A20, in six unrelated families with early-onset systemic inflammation. The disorder resembles Behçet\u27s disease, which is typically considered a polygenic disorder with onset in early adulthood. A20 is a potent inhibitor of the NF-B signaling pathway. Mutant, truncated A20 proteins are likely to act through haploinsufficiency because they do not exert a dominant-negative effect in overexpression experiments. Patient-derived cells show increased degradation of IBα and nuclear translocation of the NF-B p65 subunit together with increased expression of NF-B-mediated proinflammatory cytokines. A20 restricts NF-B signals via its deubiquitinase activity. In cells expressing mutant A20 protein, there is defective removal of Lys63-linked ubiquitin from TRAF6, NEMO and RIP1 after stimulation with tumor necrosis factor (TNF). NF-B-dependent proinflammatory cytokines are potential therapeutic targets for the patients with this disease
Chymase-Dependent Generation of Angiotensin II from Angiotensin-(1-12) in Human Atrial Tissue
Since angiotensin-(1-12) [Ang-(1-12)] is a non-renin dependent alternate precursor for the generation of cardiac Ang peptides in rat tissue, we investigated the metabolism of Ang-(1-12) by plasma membranes (PM) isolated from human atrial appendage tissue from nine patients undergoing cardiac surgery for primary control of atrial fibrillation (MAZE surgical procedure). PM was incubated with highly purified 125I-Ang-(1-12) at 37°C for 1 h with or without renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors [lisinopril for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), SCH39370 for neprilysin (NEP), MLN-4760 for ACE2 and chymostatin for chymase; 50 µM each]. 125I-Ang peptide fractions were identified by HPLC coupled to an inline γ-detector. In the absence of all RAS inhibitor, 125I-Ang-(1-12) was converted into Ang I (2±2%), Ang II (69±21%), Ang-(1-7) (5±2%), and Ang-(1-4) (2±1%). In the absence of all RAS inhibitor, only 22±10% of 125I-Ang-(1-12) was unmetabolized, whereas, in the presence of the all RAS inhibitors, 98±7% of 125I-Ang-(1-12) remained intact. The relative contribution of selective inhibition of ACE and chymase enzyme showed that 125I-Ang-(1-12) was primarily converted into Ang II (65±18%) by chymase while its hydrolysis into Ang II by ACE was significantly lower or undetectable. The activity of individual enzyme was calculated based on the amount of Ang II formation. These results showed very high chymase-mediated Ang II formation (28±3.1 fmol×min−1×mg−1, n = 9) from 125I-Ang-(1-12) and very low or undetectable Ang II formation by ACE (1.1±0.2 fmol×min−1×mg−1). Paralleling these findings, these tissues showed significant content of chymase protein that by immunocytochemistry were primarily localized in atrial cardiac myocytes. In conclusion, we demonstrate for the first time in human cardiac tissue a dominant role of cardiac chymase in the formation of Ang II from Ang-(1-12)
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