4 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Berbasis Aplikasi Media Sosial dalam Mendukung Penerapan Bidang Ilmu Jurnalistik di Era Digital

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    The use of Social Media (Medsos) applications and the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has developed and is influential in various fields of human life. The use of computers in the digital era is part of the life of Catholic Youth. The correct use of computers in various OMK activities can increase effectiveness, efficiency and measurability. The existence of the journalistic field can influence the ability and increase the creative power and sensitivity of OMK in filling public spaces. However, various journalistic activities such as reporting and publication carried out by OMK through various means such as social media are often still constrained by aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. This causes various OMK activities to not be able to make a positive and real contribution so that journalistic training is needed. The aim of training for OMK is to enrich knowledge, shape attitudes and improve skills for various ICT-based journalistic activities. Journalistic training methods include the first stage: pre-training (questionnaire), the second stage: training implementation (lectures, writing practice, presentations), and the third stage: training evaluation (interviews and questionnaires). The results of journalism training showed good and very good values ​​in the cognitive aspects of 35 people or 71.42%, affective 42 people or 85.71%, and psychomotor 36 people or 73.46% so it is hoped that OMK can improve various journalistic activities by utilizing ICT in the digital era so that it becomes professional.The use of Social Media (Medsos) applications and the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has developed and is influential in various fields of human life. The use of computers in the digital era is part of the life of Catholic Youth. The correct use of computers in various OMK activities can increase effectiveness, efficiency and measurability. The existence of the journalistic field can influence the ability and increase the creative power and sensitivity of OMK in filling public spaces. However, various journalistic activities such as reporting and publication carried out by OMK through various means such as social media are often still constrained by aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. This causes various OMK activities to not be able to make a positive and real contribution so that journalistic training is needed. The aim of training for OMK is to enrich knowledge, shape attitudes and improve skills for various ICT-based journalistic activities. Journalistic training methods include the first stage: pre-training (questionnaire), the second stage: training implementation (lectures, writing practice, presentations), and the third stage: training evaluation (interviews and questionnaires). The results of journalism training showed good and very good values ​​in the cognitive aspects of 35 people or 71.42%, affective 42 people or 85.71%, and psychomotor 36 people or 73.46% so it is hoped that OMK can improve various journalistic activities by utilizing ICT in the digital era so that it becomes professional

    Analysis of Supermarket Product Purchase Transactions With the Association Data Mining Method

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    The development of business world is entering the era of big data. In meeting supermarkets' sales and purchase targets, the management needs to improve themselves in managing the goods available in the store. The research aims to determine the pattern of purchases that occur in a transaction, find out related and related products in supermarkets, and improve supermarket services to customers. The method applied uses the association rules approach to data mining. Several purchasing data from customers have been able to be analyzed by displaying a diagram as a visualization of the number of specified association rules. The processing results show a relationship above 90%: sugar and coffee with a confidence of 94.4%, shirts and trousers with a confidence of 93.4%, and sugar, milk, and coffee with a confidence of 92.0%. Decisions that can be taken by supermarket management in providing places and goods need to consider and follow product relationships and proximity based on the highest confidence value to provide services to customers effectively and efficiently

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Dalam Pemanfaatan Media Interaktif Live Worksheets dan E-Quiz

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    Pandemi Covid-19 telah menghasilkan model pembelajaran inovatif di sekolah dari tatap muka atau luar jaringan (luring) berubah online atau dalam jaringan (daring). Guru dan siswa mengalami kendala serta keterbatasan dalam interaksi belajar-mengajar di sekolah sehingga dapat mereduksi kualitas pembelajaran. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dibutuhkan workshop pemanfaatan media interaktif Live Worksheets dan E-Quiz. Berdasarkan interview bersama kepala sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Atas Frater Makassar diketahui informasi bahwa beberapa guru belum memiliki kemampuan teknologi dan masih memiliki keterbatasan perangkat sehingga siswa kurang termotivasi belajar serta kurang kreativitas dalam penggunaan aplikasi online di masa pandemi. Metode workshop meliputi penjelasan materi, pemberian tugas, pembahasan tugas, penilaian tugas dan evaluasi. Tujuan workshop adalah meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam melaksanakan tugas di sekolah. Hasil workshop  menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 70% peserta telah mampu mengunakan Live Worksheets dengan baik, 90% peserta telah mampu menggunakan Kahoots! dengan sangat baik, 85% peserta telah mampu menggunakan Quizwhizzerr dengan sangat baik, dan 80% peserta telah mampu menggunakan Rumah Belajar dengan baik. Workshop Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru telah mampu memberikan pemahaman dalam menerapkan metode belajar-mengajar yang membantu meningkatkan kinerja belajar siswa