51 research outputs found
In the business world, especially in the supermarket business, competition cannot be separated, the number of supermarkets that are established will make business competition increasingly tight in the supermarket industry. Competitive advantage is now the spearhead of a business. PB Supermarket is one of the supermarkets that is included in the minimarket category which is equivalent to Alfamart, Indomart and other minimarkets in Metro City. This study aims to determine the steps of PB Supermarkets in applying their competitive advantage. After knowing the steps of PB Supermarkets in implementing competitive advantage, it will be analyzed in the perspective of Islamic economics. Judging from its type, this research is a descriptive field research. In the data collection method, researchers used interviews or interviews, documentation, and observation. As for the results of this study, namely that PB Supermarkets have a high competitive industrial environment, it can be seen that there are many supermarkets standing in Metro City. Based on the SWOT analysis PB Swalayan also has good strengths and opportunities to cover weaknesses and face threats. To face a high competitive environment, PB Swalayan applies competitive advantage in the form of improving service quality, providing goods that are needed by the community or a complete target market, and conducting promotional programs in the form of prize draws, and what is prioritized in PB Swalayan's competitive advantage is lower prices compared to its competitors. The competitive advantage applied by PB Supermarkets is in accordance with Islamic Economics or Islamic business ethics, namely the principles of honesty, trustworthiness, tolerance, and fulfilling contracts and promises, and not using methods that are prohibited by religion
Sistem Pakar Penyakit Padi Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Di Desa Giling, Pati Jawa Tengah
Tanaman padi sebagai penghasil beras, dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat dunia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan makanan pokok. Selain itu, ada beberapa sumber makanan pengganti beras. Di antaranya ada jagung, umbiumbian dan sagu. Tetapi padi lebih popular dari pada sumber makanan yang lain. Walau ada di beberapa tempat di dunia ini, beras bukan makanan pokok sehari-hari. Saat petani dihadapkan dengan suatu penyakit padi, mereka hanya bertanya dengan teman sesama petani lain dalam menentukan cara pengendalian atau pengobatannya. Padahal, tiap penyakit padi memiliki cara pengendalian yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, aplikasi ini dibuat untuk membantu para petani dalam menentukan cara pengendalian dari gejala yang sedang dihadapi. Disini juga ada pengetahuan tentang penyakit padi. Metode analisa perancangan sistem yang digunakan adalah UML (Unified Modeling Language). Bahasa pemograman menggunakan PHP serta database yang digunakan adalah MYSQL hasil akhir dari Sistem Pakar Berbasis Web agar dapat meminimalisir kerusakan dari penyakit padi yang akan menurunkan hasil panen
Berganti perilaku adalah bagian dari perilaku konsumen, memahami peralihan perilaku tidak kalah penting daripada memahami perilaku konsumen. Peralihan perilaku yang dialami oleh konsumen sangat menarik untuk dipahami karena perbedaan prinsip agama di atasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku konsumen non muslim di kota Metro dalam memilih bank Islam dan mengungkap perilaku switching konsumen non muslim di bank syariah kota Metro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi, dan observasi lapangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perilaku konsumen non muslim pada umumnya mereka tidak begitu paham tentang sistem di Bank Islam. Selain itu, pertimbangan konsumen non-muslim dalam memilih bank syariah adalah sistem layanan di bank syariah tidak kalah dengan bank konvensional tersebut, keberadaan kelompok referensi juga merupakan alasan konsumen non-muslim dalam memilih bank. Sementara, peralihan perilaku yang dilakukan oleh konsumen non muslim karena program pembagian keuntungan, layanan, fasilitas dan reputasi bank syariah lebih kompetiti
Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang kendala-kendala yang ada pada kantor kepala desa Tanjung Raja terkait dengan administrasi kependudukan. Data yang digunakan ialah melalui observasi dan wawancara di kantor kepala desa Tanjung Raja. Berdasarkan studi yang dilakukan terdapat kendala administrasi berupa pencatatan data Kartu Keluarga (KK), pencatatan data mutasi warga, dan pembuatan surat keterangan/surat pengantar. Kendala yang dimaksud adalah pencarian data/informasi yang terhambat karena masih menggunakan sistem pembukuan. Pencarian data KK/data mutasi warga membutuhkan waktu 3-4 menit. Sistem pembukuan tersebut masih dapat digunakan dengan melakukan perbaikan pada sistem pencatatannya sehingga untuk mencari data/informasi dapat dilakukan dengan cepat. Mengingat saat ini merupakan era digital, penulis menyarankan untuk menggunakan software pencatatan data penduduk yang diadopsi dari internet bernama population. Penggunaan software tersebut bisa diaplikasikan di kantor kepala desa Tanjung Raja karena terdapat faktor-faktor yang mendukung, diantaranya adalah hardware, software dan brainware
Human resource development is considered to be one of the most effective ways to improve company performance and productivity. With the development of human resources, it is hoped that the technical skills and professional skills of employees can be improved. However, the success of the program implementation cannot be carried out immediately during implementation, but can be seen from the results of the employees' work after participating in human resource development whether there have been changes or not. Based on the results of research and discussion related to this research, the authors conclude that: BMT Assyafi'iyah Metro Lampung City in improving employee performance is through human resource development, namely by means of transfer, promotion, supervision, work motivation and coaching. career. Human resource development carried out by BMT Assyafi'iyah Metro Lampung City can improve employee performance. The provision of career coaching has an impact on the increasing work performance of employees, this is evident from the provision of internships and training. Supervision has an impact on employees so that employees are more honest in carrying out their duties. So that it is hoped that there will be no deviations by employees. And also the employees are more disciplined in various ways, one of which is the punctuality and accuracy of the targets given. Granting a job transfer has an impact on employees so that they become more responsible for the tasks that have been assigned to these employees
Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan Learning Based on Religious Moderation in Multicultural Campus
This research explores the application of Al-Islam and Kemuhamadiyahan learning based on religious moderation. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. Data collection by observing, interviewing and documenting. Data analysis using the interactive model popularized by Miles and Huberman includes data condensation, presenting data and drawing conclusions. Testing the validity of the data using triangulation techniques: time triangulation, source triangulation, method triangulation, and investigator triangulation. So, this research found that implementing Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah learning was based on religious moderation. The results of this research are that implementing AI-Islam and Kemuhamadiyahan learning based on religious moderation is generally carried out with two types of knowledge, namely learning in and outside the classroom. Classroom learning by implementing AIK education guidelines at PTMA and AIK Multicultural. Meanwhile, activities outside the school are integrated with campus activities, namely Matras, Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM), Tapak Suci (TS), Christian Student Association (PMK), seminars, field studies, mabit activities and seminars. The AI-Islam and Kemuhamadiyahan learning model based on religious moderation is one form of operationalization of the ultimate goal of Islamic education, namely empowering humans
Financial institutions are currently needed by all people because financial institutions are considered to be quicker in providing business capital loans. Previously, conventional banks were the only financial institutions operating in the financial sector or loans to the community before Islamic financial institutions, now with the development of financial institutions sharia society mostly prefers sharia finance rather than conventional, plus BMT which operates in the middle to lower class, this is what causes many people to take Islamic financial institutions because they prioritize family systems, so this study focuses on: 1). How is the application of murabahah financing at BMT As-Salam to brick businesses in the Ngreco Kandat Kediri village, 2). What is the role of murabahah financing at BMT As-Salam towards brick business in the Ngreco Kandat Kediri village, 3). How did the brick business increase in the Kandat Kediri Ngreco village after obtaining murabahah financing at BMT As-Salam. Research on the role of murabahah financing in brick business uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a type of case study research that refers to the interpretive postpositivistic thinking paradigm. The technique of collecting data is in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the application of murabahah financing at BMT As-Salam is very different where loans for business capital of bricks that should use mudharabah or musyarakah at BMT These salads use murabaha. Besides that the role of BMT As-Salam is very influential on brick business and before BMT As-Salam arrived, brick entrepreneurs still had difficulty finding capital to improve their business but after taking murabahah financing at BMT As-Salam, their efforts experienced an increase and prosperity life
Performance and Diet Digestibility of Male Garut Lamb Fed Ipomea reptans Seed
The experiments aimed to study about the performance and diet digestibility of male Garut lamb were a diet containing Ipomea reptans seeds. Twenty two Garut sheeps at the age of 6-8 months with an average body weight of 16.17±1.33 kg were divided into four diet treatments containing 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% Ipomea reptans seed and maintained for 10 weeks to measure the performance and digestibility of the diet. The study was conducted experimentally and the data collected and tested by Duncan’s test. The results showed that the use of Ipomea reptans seeds up to 30% increased (P<0.05) feed intake, average daily gain, dry and organic matter digestibility, but it had no effect on feed conversion. In Conclusion, the use of Ipomea reptans seed up to 30% yielded the best performance and diet digestibility and produced the same quality of diet
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