32 research outputs found

    Use of anti-TNF-α biotech drugs in rheumatoid arthritis and its immunogenicity

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    La inmunogenicidad es una prueba que se deben realizar como parte de la evaluación de fármacos biotecnológicos y principalmente en los más ampliamente usados como por ejemplo en artritis reumatoid

    Genes and proteins associated with chemotherapeutic resistance in breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is the main type of cancer that affects women in the world. Treatment with chemotherapeutic agents for this type of cancer depends to a large extent on the phenotypic characteristics that appear in the tumor, such as some receptors. The treatment of breast cancer is complex since not all patients respond adequately to it and this is partly due to mechanisms of resistance to treatment. The resistance either acquired or intrinsic to chemotherapeutics against breast cancer is related to multiple genes and proteins that are actively involved in the development of resistance mechanisms, which may be inhibiting the binding of the drug to the target receptor, inhibiting the gene expression of the receptors, activating signaling pathways, inducing the action of transporters that expel the drug from the cell, etc. As a result of this review, the mechanisms of chemotherapeutic resistance in breast cancer derived from genes and proteins related to say disease are described, including genes related to different types of breast cancer, as well as with different therapeutic strategies. These genes and their products of expression include a wide range of interactions and activations of signalling pathways that trigger a poor response to treatment, which translates into a worse prognosis, higher risk of prevalence and death, favouring breast cancer to be the main cause of cancer death in women. Objective: Conduct an updated review of genes and proteins, that have been associated with conferring resistance to the different chemotherapeutic agents used for the treatment of breast cancer, including the mechanism of resistance and the type of cancer in which it is generated. Method: The search for indexed articles in the PubMed (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/) and ScienceDirect (http://www.sciencedirect.com) databases was performed, using the words “Breast cancer resistance” as a search criterion, articles published in the period 2015-2017 were selected

    Perspective on the Genetic Response to Antiparasitics: A Review Article

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    Background: Drugs’ pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics can be af- fected by diverse genetic variations, within which simple nucleotide poly- morphisms (SNPs) are the most common. Genetic variability is one of the factors that could explain questions like why a given drug does not have the desired effect or why do adverse drug reactions arise. Methods: In this retrospective observational study, literature search limits were set within PubMed database as well as the epidemiological bulletins published by the Mexican Ministry of Health, from Jan 1st 2001 to Mar 31st 2017 (16 years). Results: Metabolism of antiparasitic drugs and their interindividual re- sponses are mainly modified by variations in cytochrome P450 enzymes. These enzymes show high frequencies of polymorphic variability thus af- fecting the expression of CYP2C, CYP2A, CYP2A6, CYP2D6, CYP2E6 and CYP2A6 isoforms. Research in this field opens the door to new person- alized treatment approaches in medicine. Conclusion: Clinical and pharmacological utility yield by applying phar- macogenetics to antiparasitic treatments is not intended as a mean to im- prove the prescription process, but to select or exclude patients that could present adverse drug reactions as well as to evaluate genetic alterations which result in a diversity of responses, ultimately seeking to provide a more effective and safe treatment; therefore choosing a proper dose for the ap- propriate patient and the optimal treatment duration. Furthermore, phar- macogenetics assists in the development of vaccines. In other words, the aim of this discipline is to find therapeutic targets allowing personalized treatments

    Review: The Role Of Hyperleptinemia In Chronic Degenerative Diseases

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    Leptin is a protein that belongs to the family of cytokines, it’s mainly produced by adipose tissue and its main function is to inform the nervous system about the amount of such tissue present in the organism, it also participates in the regulation of the neuroendocrine function and in the control of food intake; however, this molecule can also act in other tissues because their receptors are present in them. It has been identified that abnormal values of this protein can lead to have or aggravate some pathologies, such as cardiovascular, inflammatory, cancer, etc; since leptin is considered as a hormone that has proliferative, mitogenic, antiapoptotic and proinflammatory activity. Hyperleptinemia is a condition presented when leptin levels are above the normal level in the bloodstream (1-15 ng/ml) usually caused by physiological disorders such as obesity. Hyperleptinemia has been associated with several chronic degenerative diseases, where it has a strong relationship with the molecular basis of these diseases, either by direct action on the tissue or by its chemotactic ability to attract other molecules involved in the development of the disease. Because of these, abnormal levels of leptin in the body can be considered as a marker of disease, as described in this review

    Los medicamentos esenciales en México: el caso de los medicamentos genéricos

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    México no desarrolla sus políticas de salud de manera aislada. En el año 2011 la Organización mundial de la Salud (OMS), a través de su directora Margaret Chan, expresó que: “Los países podrían ahorrarse alrededor de un 60% de gastos farmacéuticos si en lugar de medicamentos originales comprasen productos genéricos” . La Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos contempla el derecho a la salud en su artículo 4o y la premisa principal de este artículo se ha mantenido constante desde su primera publicación en 1917. En el año de 1997 cuando los medicamentos genéricos fueron distribuidos en el mercado mexicano no existía una norma técnica que describiera las pruebas y los procedimientos a los que debía someterse un medicamento para ser considerado genérico. Dichas pruebas fueron establecidas en la NOM-177-SSA1-1998 Que establece las pruebas y procedimientos para demostrar que un medicamento es intercambiable. Requisitos a que deben sujetarse los terceros autorizados, que entró en vigor hasta 1999. Este capítulo revisa la historia e impacto de los medicamentos esenciales y los medicamentos genéricos en nuestro país

    La leptina en la carcinogénesis mamaria vías de señalización

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    Abstract: High levels of leptin in obese women represent a very important risk factor to the development and progression of breast cancer. This adipocytokine acts like a growth factor in the development and progression of neoplastic cells by the activation of the signaling pathway JAK2/STAT3. Different techniques such as immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR, as well as the use of cell lines such as MCF-7 (Michigan Cancer Foundation, breast cancer cell line) have led to the understanding of the mechanisms that are activated by leptin in breast cancer. These mechanisms include several genes involved in cellular apoptosis, division and proliferation, transcription factors and angiogenesis. Obesity is now recognized as a risk factor for the development and progression of breast cancer. This review presents an overview of leptin, its receptors, its relationship with adiponectin, and the molecular mechanisms involved between obesity and breast cancer

    Historia de la regulación de los medicamentos genéricos en México: 1977 a la fecha

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    Esta es una revisión del desarrollo histórico de la legislación en materia de medicamentos genéricos en México, con especial énfasis en la evolución del Cuadro Básico de Medicamentos desde 1975 hasta la actualidad y en la Norma Oficial Mexicana 177 versiones 1998 y 2013. Se discute también el impacto que tienen estos insumos para la salud en la economía nacional, puesto que México está considerado como el primer exportador de medicamentos en América Latina. Se revisa el uso de la prueba in vitro de disolución como una herramienta necesaria tanto en la fase de investigación y desarrollo, como en la de la producción industrial de medicamentos. Asimismo, se revisa el sistema de clasificación biofarmacéutica, un modelo que puede ser usado como guía para definir una prueba de intercambiabilidad. Los medicamentos genéricos son un insumo de especial importancia para el Estado mexicano porque son un elemento clave para abatir el gasto en salud pública

    Blastocystis: Biología, Subtipos genéticos, patología y Tratamiento

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    Blastocystis es un chromista, unicelular, anaerobio, eucarionte que vive en el tracto intestinal de diversos hospederos incluyendo el humano. Existen diferentes morfologías del organismo, cada una con variaciones en morfología y tamaño, presentando varios subtipos (STs) de los cuales han sido identificados por estudios moleculares y epidemiológicos, que han puesto de manifiesto una diferencia significativa en la distribución de los subtipos a través de los huéspedes y regiones geográficas. En el tratamiento contra la infección de Blastocystis, se han usado una gran variedad de fármacos, sin embargo, se ha reportado una ineficacia de estos en el parásito.Blastocystis is a chromista, unicellular, anaerobic eukaryote living in the intestinal tract of different hosts including humans. There are different morphologies of the organism, each with variations in morphology and size, featuring several subtypes (STs) of which at molecular and epidemiological studies that have revealed a significant difference in the distribution of subtypes by guests and geographic regions have been identified. In the treatment of Blastocystis infection, have been used a variety of drugs, however, it has been reported in the inefficacy of these parasite. Furthermore, it has been a change in the biological behavior Blastocystis when treated to a drug, which is suggested to be due to, the possible resistance of the parasite to the drugs, which makes Blastocystis an organism even more pathogenic as well as the secretion of cysteine proteases, which play an important role in its pathogenesis. In this work recent advances in biology, pathogenesis, genetic variants and treatment and biological behavior to a drug and its association to various diseases is shown

    NF-κb e IKK asociadas con baja respuesta al tratamiento con compuestos de platino en cáncer epitelial de ovario

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    El cáncer de ovario representa la octava neoplasia más recurrente en las mujeres y es el segundo cáncer ginecológico más común, siendo éste el responsable de aproximadamente 140.000 muertes al año en todo el mundo. En México, en el 2003 se registraron más de 4,000 casos nuevos y representó la cuarta causa de muerte por cáncer en la población femenina. La edad promedio en la que ésta enfermedad se presenta mayoritariamente oscila entre los 50 y los 70 años de edad.El cáncer de ovario es la neoplasia ginecológica que presenta mayor letalidad, debido a que tiene pocos síntomas en etapas iniciales y a la presencia de mecanismos que obstaculizan el tratamiento con cisplatino y carboplatino. Estos mecanismos involucran genes que participan en los procesos de apoptosis, proliferación y protección celular, ejemplo de ello son los miembros de la familia de NF-kB/IKK, genes que a últimas fechas se han asociado a la baja respuesta a la quimioterapia y a cánceres ováricos agresivos (Tipo II)