4 research outputs found
ABSTRAK Pelaksanaan lelang PLTS di Sinjai telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2013 dan telah memberikan banyak pertanyaan tentang penggunaan media online dalam prosesnya terutama dengan adanya lelang berulang kali bahkan kasusnya sampai ke ranah hukum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan penggunaan media online serta transparansi dalam proses lelang PLTS di Pulau Sembilan Kabupaten Sinjai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui interview, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan dipilih secara purposive sampling sebanyak 23 orang. Data dianalisa secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media online merupakan suatu bagian upaya untuk mewujudkan proses pengadaan barang dan jasa pemerintah yang lebih efisien dan transparan sesuai visi dan misi Kabupaten Sinjai, walau belum sepenuhnya bias mendukung open government dan open data. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah keterbatasan infrastruktur seperti ruangan khusus untuk server, gangguan koneksi internet yang sering terjadi, serta sistem yang digunakan sepenuhnya belum bisa memberikan informasi secara mendetail tentang proses lelang yang dilakukan. Untuk itu penelitian ini menyarankan agar tempat untuk server ditata dengan baik dari aspek keamanan dan aksesibilitas, meminimalisasi gangguan jaringan, dan terus mengupdate sistem lelang secara online sehingga penentuan pemenang lelang selanjutnya lebih terbuka
The design of wearable medical device for triaging disaster casualties in developing countries
Disasters create mass casualties and the number of\ud
casualties usually surpasses the capability of medical resources,\ud
hence, medical teams must attach paper triage to casualties for\ud
determining the priority of treatments based on the severity of\ud
their condition. However, since casualties??? condition could change\ud
at anytime, the paper triage cannot provide the latest information\ud
of their health condition. Therefore, we have developed a wearable\ud
medical device that can continuously monitor the health\ud
condition of casualties. It is a lightweight and low-cost wearable\ud
electronic triage with sensing system that can monitor the vital\ud
sign of casualties and classify them into three levels of severe\ud
conditions, i.e., major, delayed, and minor status. The electronic\ud
triage is mainly built from a low-power 8-bit microcontroller unit,\ud
RF units, and sensors including pulse oximetry and thermocouple\ud
breath sensor. This electronic triage has been developed using\ud
low-cost electronic components that are available in developing\ud
countries such as Indonesia, so that, our electronic triage can\ud
be easily manufactured and maintained locally. Furthermore, we\ud
have also developed a simple android-based mobile application\ud
for data acquisition, priority classification, data storage and data\ud
transfer to medical record server in hospitals
Performance Evaluation of ZigBee-based Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Patients??? Pulse Status
Recently, the wireless sensor network has been widely deployed for medical care purpose. We have developed a wireless sensor network that can monitor the patients??? pulse status for triage purpose, so that a medical team can monitor remotely the health condition of patient and they can treat the patient based on severity of patients??? health condition. We developed an electronic triage operating as a sensor node (SN) tagged in patient???s arm. The SN consists of microcontroller ATmega328P, ZigBee and pulse sensor to detect patient???s pulse. Operating as an electronic triage, the pulse rate from sensor is classified into three categories of severe condition, i.e. major, minor and normal status by the microcontroller in SN and sent to the coordinator node (CN) through ZigBee interface. Our system can be deployed in emergency room, triage room, pre/post-op surgery in hospital as well as in disaster area. This paper aims to evaluate the performance of the ZigBee-based wireless sensor network that we developed. We evaluate the effective distance between CN and SN to deliver patients??? pulse rate via ZigBee as well as the effective number of SNs that can be accommodated by single CN. The experimental results shown that the effective distance between CN and SN to deliver the pulse rate data is less than 30 meters and the maximum number of SNs can be accommodated by a single CN is 3 (three) nodes