381 research outputs found
On the symmetry of minimizers in constrained quasi-linear problems
We provide a simple proof of the radial symmetry of any nonnegative minimizer
for a general class of quasi-linear minimization problems.Comment: 18 page
On a result by Boccardo-Ferone-Fusco-Orsina
Via a symmetric version of Ekeland's principle recently obtained by the
author we improve, in a ball or an annulus, a result of
Boccardo-Ferone-Fusco-Orsina on the properties of minimizing sequences of
functionals of calculus of variations in the non-convex setting.Comment: 5 page
Soliton dynamics for the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with magnetic field
The semiclassical limit of a nonlinear focusing Schr\"odinger equation in
presence of nonconstant electric and magnetic potentials V,A is studied by
taking as initial datum the ground state solution of an associated autonomous
elliptic equation. The concentration curve of the solutions is a
parameterization of the solutions of a Newton ODE involving the electric force
as well as the magnetic force via the Lorenz law of electrodynamics.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure
Spike solutions for a class of singularly perturbed quasilinear elliptic equations
By means of a penalization scheme due to del Pino and Felmer, we prove the
existence of single-peaked solutions for a class of singularly perturbed
quasilinear elliptic equations associated with functionals which lack of
smoothness. We don't require neither uniqueness assumptions on the limiting
autonomous equation nor monotonicity conditions on the nonlinearity. Compared
with the semilinear case some difficulties arise and the study of concentration
of the solutions needs a somewhat involved analysis in which the Pucci-Serrin
variational identity plays an important role.Comment: will appear in: Nonlinear Anal. TM
Symmetry of n-mode positive solutions for two-dimensional H\'enon type systems
We provide a symmetry result for n-mode positive solutions of a general class
of semi-linear elliptic systems under cooperative conditions on the
nonlinearities. Moreover, we apply the result to a class of H\'enon systems and
provide the existence of multiple n-mode positive solutions.Comment: 8 page
Multiple solutions to logarithmic Schrodinger equations with periodic potential
We study a class of logarithmic Schrodinger equations with periodic potential
which come from physically relevant situations and obtain the existence of
infinitely many geometrically distinct solutions.Comment: 3 pages, corrigendum to version
Unbounded critical points for a class of lower semicontinuous functionals
In this paper we prove existence and multiplicity results of unbounded
critical points for a general class of weakly lower semicontinuous functionals.
We will apply a suitable nonsmooth critical point theory
Critical nonlocal systems with concave-convex powers
By using the fibering method jointly with Nehari manifold techniques, we
obtain the existence of multiple solutions to a fractional -Laplacian system
involving critical concave-convex nonlinearities provided that a suitable
smallness condition on the parameters involved is assumed. The result is
obtained despite there is no general classification for the optimizers of the
critical fractional Sobolev embedding.Comment: 22 page
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