22,161 research outputs found

    Política editorial da Embrapa Informática Agropecuária: uma proposta.

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    O que é política editorial. objetivos. Princípios e diretrizes. Público e veículos. Política editorial da unidade-proposição. Missão. Objetivos. Projetos prioritários em p e d. Infra-estrutura computacional para transferência de informação. Modelagem e simulação. Público-alvo. Escopo e áreas temáticas.Linha editorial. Veículos. Autorias. Processo editorial. Divulgação da produção científica.bitstream/CNPTIA/10054/1/doc29.pdfAcesso em: 29 maio 2008

    Near-barrier Fusion Induced by Stable Weakly Bound and Exotic Halo Light Nuclei

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    The effect of breakup is investigated for the medium weight 6^{6}Li+59^{59}Co system in the vicinity of the Coulomb barrier. The strong coupling of breakup/transfer channels to fusion is discussed within a comparison of predictions of the Continuum Discretized Coupled-Channels model which is also applied to 6^{6}He+59^{59}Co a reaction induced by the borromean halo nucleus 6^{6}He.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. A talk given at the FUSION06: International Conference on Reaction Mechanisms and Nuclear Structure at the Coulomb barrier, March 19-23, 2006, San Servolo, Venezia, Ital

    Experimental realization of the Yang-Baxter Equation via NMR interferometry

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    The Yang-Baxter equation is an important tool in theoretical physics, with many applications in different domains that span from condensed matter to string theory. Recently, the interest on the equation has increased due to its connection to quantum information processing. It has been shown that the Yang-Baxter equation is closely related to quantum entanglement and quantum computation. Therefore, owing to the broad relevance of this equation, besides theoretical studies, it also became significant to pursue its experimental implementation. Here, we show an experimental realization of the Yang-Baxter equation and verify its validity through a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) interferometric setup. Our experiment was performed on a liquid state Iodotrifluoroethylene sample which contains molecules with three qubits. We use Controlled-transfer gates that allow us to build a pseudo-pure state from which we are able to apply a quantum information protocol that implements the Yang-Baxter equation.Comment: 10 pages and 6 figure

    Catálogo de recursos em informação agropecuária na internet: desenvolvimento de website.

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    O presente trabalho sintetiza o processo de desenvolvimento do site do Catálogo de Recursos em Informação Agropecuária (CRIA) na internet. Enfoques relativos ao design do site, organização e armazenamento da informação são descritos. O site CRIA pretende contribuir para a qualificação, a dissemincação e o acesso a recursos de infofrmação demandada, pelos diversos segmentos do agronegócio, utilizando a rede internet como infra-estrutura de comunicação.bitstream/item/76670/1/CNPTIA-COM.TEC.-2-99.pd

    Optical spectra of a quantum dot in a microcavity in the nonlinear regime

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    The optical emission spectrum of a quantum dot in strong coupling with the single mode of a microcavity is obtained in the nonlinear regime. We study how exciton-exciton interactions alter the emission spectrum of the system, bringing the linear Rabi doublet into a multiplet structure that is strongly dependent on the cavity-exciton energy detuning. We emphasise how nonlinearity can be used to evidence the genuine quantum nature of the coupling by producing satellites peaks of the Rabi doublet that originate from the quantized energy levels of the interactions.Comment: Low quality figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. B. 78 (2008