43 research outputs found


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    Collaborative process characteristics have three dimensions: actors, activities and action’s logic. The aim of this paper is to present a virtual portal’s model that helps managing consortiums. Our model based on dynamic e-collaboration and it has a modular structure, multilayer approach. System’s functionality of virtual enterprise is collaborative model is concern on users’ login, based on role and access control, searching and providing distributed resources, accessibility, metadata management and improved information’s management. Our proposal for developing solution offers a functional architecture of a virtual enterprise using dynamic e-collaboration and shared space.dynamic e-collaboration, multilayer solution, modular approach


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    The main paradigm that marks the literature dedicated to consumer’s satisfaction is the Expectation Disconfirmation Paradigm. A lot of theories explaining the nature and the development of consumer’s satisfaction from various perspectives fall under the umbrella of this paradig

    Management of Achalasia of the cardia

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    IMSP SCR, secţia chirurgie toracicăAchalasia cardiei reprezintă o patologie rară cu etiologie neclară până în prezent. Lucrarea reprizintă o sinteză a datelor din literatura de specialitate cu referire la metodele contemporane de diagnostic şi tratament ale achalasiei cardiei. În lucrare sunt abordate aspectele etiopatogenetice, clinice şi paraclinice, posibilităţile tratamentului conservativ şi chirurgical. Dat fiind faptul că efectele tratamentului farmacologic în achalasie sunt temporare, aceasta este rezervat pentru pacienţii ce prezintă contraindicaţii la tratamentul chirurgical. Datele literaturii demonstrează elocvent eficienţa combinaţiei miotomiei cu un procedeu antireflux. The etiology and pathogenesis of achalasia are still unknown. The article presents the recent data about management of achalasia, with etiologic and pathogenic considerations, treatment peculiarity – pharmacotherapy and surgery, esophageal myotomy combined with an antireflux procedure

    The Economic Role of Tourism and the Dimension of the Touristic Phenomenon on a National and Global Scale

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    Nowadays tourism represents a quite distinct field of human activity, a component of highest importance of the economic and social life for an ever larger number of countries on the globe. Tourism evolves constantly due to the changes occurring in contemporary civilization, its dynamics integrating in the general process of development


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    Tourism is a complex activity involving a combination of material (accommodation, transport, tourist attractions) and psychological (specific attitudes, desires, human emotions) elements. In literature, there are numerous definitions demonstrating the complexity and importance of the tourism phenomenon. In general, entrepreneurship in tourism means enterprises, complex activities at both macro- and micro-economic levels. The concept of opportunity is a main theme in entrepreneurship. The goals of this paper concern the identification of reasons and resources necessary to establish a tourism firm. The paper analyses these aspects between 2005 and 2013 to identify possible changes during the years from the perspective of the Romanian enterpriser behaviour. The research method consisted in Eurostat and Romania statistic data collection, processing and interpretation. One of the issues related to Eurostat was the lack of complete data on tourism: we found only data regarding entrepreneurship in hotels and restaurants in 2005, which limited our study options and prevented us from approaching other tourisms sectors such as travel agencies, tour-operators, rural tourism and agri-tourism, bread & breakfasts, motels, and camping sites. The study on 2013 relied on a questionnaire applied online to accommodation units in Romania, and involved a wider range of Romanian tourism operators. Result analysis pointed out the fact that Romanian entrepreneurs wish to be financially independent, to be their own bosses, and to make more money – all important reasons in launching a tourism business in both 2005 and 2013. Analysis of financial resources used by Romanian entrepreneurs in tourism shows that most of the funds used by Romanian entrepreneurs in the field come form their own resources and from families and friends; bank credits, European funds or support from the authorities represent a smaller share in both studied years

    An Integrated Solution for Pavement Management and Monitoring Systems

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to present a holistic platform for pavement monitoring and maintenance management (PMMP). Our solution tries to exploit new technologies in order to design, integrate and implement an automated and portable visual road inspection system for traffic-speed pavement distress monitoring and analysis that can be installed on non-specialized vehicles. PAV3M developed based on solution based on PMMS requirements and recommendation made in EU programs as a modular decomposition based on business process analysis. For road monitoring and maintenance we opted for LCCA methods. Our solution includes Risk management module

    Begin again: election campaign and own opinions among first-time voters in Romania

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    Objective: This article analyzes under what circumstances first‐time voters are likely to be influenced by the election campaign or by their opinion prior to campaign in their vote choice. Methods: It uses individual‐level data from an original online survey conducted among Romanian first‐time voters in the November 2019 presidential election. Results: The results indicate that those who trust politicians, find the campaign informative and use social media are influenced by election campaign. Those with higher political knowledge and interest follow their precampaign attitudes in casting the vote. Conclusion: The study reveals the existence of distinct causal mechanisms for young voters who are influenced at the polls by the election campaign or by their own attitude prior to campaign. This indicates the necessity to include the existence of an opinion prior to campaign in future analytical frameworks about voting behavior


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    The title compound, C16H11N3O2, displays a trans configuration with respect to the azo group. The mol­ecule is non-planar; the maleimide ring forms a dihedral angle of 42.35 (4)° with the benzene ring bonded to its N atom and the mean plane of this benzene ring is rotated by 21.46 (8)° with respect to the azo group mean plane, which, in turn, forms a dihedral angle of 24.48 (7)° with the ‘terminal’ benzene ring. Mol­ecules in the crystal are π–π stacked along the [100] direction with a mean inter­planar distance of 3.857 (1) Å. In addition, C—H⋯O inter­actions link them into double layers parallel to the ac plane

    Diverticulii esofagieni intratoracici. Tratament videotoracoscopic

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    Department of Surgery no. 4, Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPhBackground. Esophageal intratoracic diverticula (EID) represent a rare pathology. The position of EID on the esophageal tract implies different surgical tactics. Thoracotomy has been the intervention of choice. Videothoracoscopy (VTS) has suggested positive results in the treatment of this pathology. Objective of the study. Analysis of the advantages of VTS in comparrison with the traditional surgical approach in the treatment of EID. Material and Methods. The study involved 27 patients aged between 45 and 65 years, diagnosed with EID, hospitalized in the Thoracic Surgery Ward of the Clinical Republican Hospital "Timofei Mosneaga" during the period 2000-2021. The mean diameter of the EID was 7 cm. The average duration of the onset of symptoms was 6 months. Results. This study shows the advantages of VTS compared to the traditional thoracotomy. The duration of the VTS procedure was 2h 30 min., compared to 3h for the thoracotomy. The average duration of hospitalization was 5 days for the VTS and 11 days for thoracotomy. The patients received surgical treatment: 12 patients underwent VTS (4 - midthoracic diverticula, 8 - epiphrenic diverticula) and 15 were treated through thoracotomy. Conclusion. The traditional method has been the mainstay of treatment in patients with EID, yet in the last few years the minimally invasive technique is used to a greater extent. A VTS approach for the management of EID is safe and effective when performed by surgeons experienced in VTS esophageal surgery.Introducere. Diverticulii esofagieni intratoracici (DEI) reprezintă o patologie rară. Poziționarea pe traiectul esofagian implică și diferite tactici chirurgicale. În studiul dat toracotomia a fost intervenția de elecție, iar videotoracoscopia (VTS) a sugerat rezultate pozitive în tratamentul acestei patologii. Scopul lucrării. Analiza avantajelor metodei VTS comparativ cu abordul chirurgical tradițional în tratamentul DEI. Material și Metode. Studiul a inclus 27 pacienți cu DEI, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 45 si 65 ani, internați în Secția Chirurgie Toracică a IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican ”Timofei Moșneaga”, în perioada anilor 2000-2021. Dimensiunile medii ale diametrului DEI a constituit 7 cm, iar durata medie a debutului clinic a fost de 6 luni. Rezultate. În cadrul studiului au fost evidențiate avantajele metodei VTS, comparativ cu metoda tradițională. Durata abordului VTS a constituit în mediu 2 h 30 min., comparativ cu 3h în cadrul toracotomiei. Durata medie de spitalizare o constituie 5 zile în cazul VTS și 11 zile abord prin toracotomie. Dintre toți pacienții supuși tratamentului chirurgical, 12 au fost tratați prin intermediul VTS (4 – diverticuli mediotoracici, 8 – diverticuli epifrenici), iar 15 au fost supuși tratamentului chirurgical prin toracotomie. Concluzii. Metoda tradițională până în prezent este de elecție, cu toate acestea în ultimii ani, tehnica VTS este utilizată pe larg în această patologie. Abordarea VTS în managementul DEI este eficientă atunci, când este efectuată de chirurgi cu experiență în tehnicile VTS în patologia esofagiană

    Application of UAS Technology for the Development of Precision Agriculture

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    Precision agriculture often uses digital techniques such as satellites, UAS (unmanned aerial systems) and sensors to optimize agricultural production processes while reducing negative environmental impacts. Smart agriculture is data-driven, so a UAS can accurately receive and fairly distribute this information, allowing producers to take action based on individual soil circumstances. The paper aims to highlight the main advantages of UAS used in agriculture, depending on the type of wing (single-rotor, multi-rotor, fixed-wing and VTOL) and the sensors used. Also, within the work, the stages of making the digital orthophoto map at the Hoia farm, belonging to USAMV Cluj-Napoca, were analysed, with a view to further analyses on the state of the vegetation, using a DJI Phantom 4 Pro UAS model. Vegetation status can be assessed and quantified by different vegetation indices from images acquired in the visible, red and near-infrared spectral bands. Depending on their formulation, they can show a strong correlation with land cover and leaf and green area index (LAI and GAI), crop nitrogen uptake (QN), chlorophyll content, water stress detection, plant structure, photosynthesis, yield and growing conditions. Modern agricultural technology plays a vital role in increasing productivity to meet the demand for food for a growing global population, conservation and management of agricultural resources