53 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Food And Beverage Service terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah

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    The Effect of Food Service Quality and Beverage Service on Customer Satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel     The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles of Food and Beverage Service together on customer satisfaction at Grand Dafam Rohan Hotel Sharia, knowing the influence of the reliability and dimensions of the Food and Beverage Service on the customer satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Hotel, Sharia, knowing the effect of the responsiveness dimension of Food and Beverage Service on the customer satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel, knowing the influence of the assurance dimension (assurance) Food and Beverage Service on the customer satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel, knowing the influence of the dimensions of empathy (emphaty) Food and Beverage Service on the customer satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel, and knowing the influence of the dimensions of empathy (emphaty) Food and Beverage Service on the satisfaction of Grand Hotel customers Dafam Rohan Syariah. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. In this study, the samples taken were some customers of Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel. In this study the number of samples taken 100 people. The sampling method in this study was purposive sampling. The method of data analysis uses descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Linear Regression analysis results show that Reliability (Reliability), Responsiveness (Responsiveness), Assurance (Empowerment), Empathy (Emphaty), and Physical Evidence (Tangibles) affect jointly on Customer Satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel (probability value (sig.) F-count (0,000) <Level of Significant (0.05)) and Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, and Physical Evidence (Tangibles) partially influence on the Customer Satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel (probability value (sig.) t-count (0,000) <Level of Significant (0.05)). The conclusion that Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, and Physical Proof (Tangibles) influences both jointly and partially on the Customer Satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel. This can be interpreted, if Reliability (Reliability), Responsiveness (Responsiveness), Assurance (Empowerment), Empathy (Emphaty), and Physical Evidence (Tangibles) increases together or partially, then the Customer Satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel increased.   &nbsp

    Analisis Vegetasi Nepenthes Spp. di Hutan Penelitian Universitas Borneo Tarakan

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    -The research was purpose to find out the species diversity index, evenness index, abundance and dominance Nepenthes spp. in the forests of Borneo Tarakan University. The research explorative-descriptive has been implemented in the forest of Borneo Tarakan University. Sampling using a plot size of 10 x 10 m plots of 150 samples.Vegetation sampling with analysis techniques plot. Data were analyzed using the Shannon-wiener diversity index, evenness index Eveness, and important value index. Results showed the greatest diversity index of 1.05 means that moderate levels of diversity, the spread of the number of individuals of each species being and stability of the community. The lowest diversity is 0.68. Evenness index was highest of 0,76 means that Nepenthes vegetation in a state somewhat balanced. Lowest evenness index is 0,49. Abundance was highest of 367 individuals. Results of the highest importance value index N.ampularia by 105,56%

    Pengaruh Reward Dan Punishment Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Kinerja (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Panin Bank Tbk. Area Mikro Jombang)

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    This research aims to examine the influence of reward and punishment partially on motivation, and explains the influence of reward, punishment, motivation partially to performance. This research is an explanatory research that use a quantitative approaching method and used 47 employees of Panin Bank Tbk. Jombang Micro Area as research sample. The research instruments used a questionnaire and documentations. The data analysis used statistic descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result of descriptive analysis shows that reward, punishment, motivation and performance are well perceived by the employees. The analysis reveals that partially reward gives significant effect to the motivation with beta coefficient of reward is 0,337, and the value of signification is 0,024. Partially punishment gives no significant effect to the motivation with beta coefficient of punishment is 0,147 and the value of signification is 0,313. Partially reward, punishment and motivation have effect significantly on the performance. It can be seen from the value of beta coefficient of reward is 0,227 and the value of signification is 0.042, and then the beta coefficient of punishment is 0,210 and the value of signification is 0,047. Beta coefficient of the work motivation is 0,561 and the value of signification is 0.000

    Pemanfaatan katekin ekstrak gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb) sebagai pengawet alami terhadap karakteristik mie basah

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    Ekstak gambir merupakan ekstrak dari sari getah yang diekstraksi dari daun tanaman gambir dan mengandung senyawa antioksidan yang berfungsi sebagai pengawet pangan.  Guna meningkatkan ketahanan simpan pangan dan meminilisir penggunaan pengawet sintetis dilakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian konsentrasi ekstrak gambir terhadap nilai gizi dan ketahanan simpan mie pangsit. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metoda Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan (persentase ekstrak gambir) yaitu 0% (kontrol, 0,1%, 0,2%, 0,3% dan 0,4%  dengan 5 kali ulangan. Peningkatan penggunaan ekstrak gambir menyebabkan peningkatan nilai kadar air menjadi 34,706%, kadar abu 0,0443%, antioksidan 18,82% dan total fenol 84%. Hasil perlakuan  optimal didapatkan pada perlakuan 0,2% untuk uji organoleptik warna, rasa, aroma, dan tekstur disukai dengan nilai berturut-turut 3,50; 4,00; 4,13 dan 4,24.  Sedangkan untuk ketahanan simpan mie basah  sampai hari ke-4  cemaran mikroba (angka lempeng total) mengandung 9,8x105koloni/g dan memenuhi standard SNI 2987:2015 (mie basah)

    Sistem Informasi Inventaris Perlengkapan pada Kantor Bupati Dharmasraya dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Visual Basic 6.0 dan Database Mysql

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      Inventarisasi merupakan kegiatan untuk mencatat dan menyusun barang-barang atau bahan yang ada secara benar menurut ketentuan yang berlaku. Dan inventarisasi dilakukan dalam rangka penyempurnaan pengurusan dan pengawasan yang efektif terhadap barang-barang milik kantor. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan ditemukan beberapa masalah diantaranya pengolahan data masih bersifat manual dimana belum menggunakan database untuk penyimpanan data. Dalam pengolahan data inventaris perlengkapan Kantor Bupati Dharmasraya dibutuhkan banyak waktu dan tenaga karena data inventaris perlengkapan yang terdaftar dientrikan ke komputer menggunakan Microsoft Excel tanpa ada penggunaan database. Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dan mengefektifkan sistem kontrol inventaris perlengkapan maka dikembangkanlah sistem pengolahan data inventaris perlengkapan yang masih bersifat manual menjadi sistem informasi inventaris perlengkapan Visual Basic.6.0 supaya informasi data inventaris perlengkapan dapat diakses oleh petugas dengan cepat dan sistem yang lebih efektif. Dengan dikembangkannya sistem informasi inventaris perlengkapan diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan pengolahan data inventaris perlengkapan, serta memudahkan dalam melakukan pencarian data inventaris perlengkapa


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    Abstract : This research is about the effect of procedure videos in listening comprehension achievement. The used of procedure videos is to make the students more interested in English and motivated the teacher to find or to create a new method and materials in English, especially in listening class. The research objective was to know whether or not there was a significant effect of using Procedure Videos. The research design was quasi Experimental with post test only Control group design, the subject was the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Giri Banyuwangi 2011/2012 . The samples were the Experimental group (X-4) and the Control Group (X-1) determined by using cluster random sampling technique. The data were analyzed by using independent sample t-test of 5% significance level. The result of this research indicates that there is a significant effect of using Procedure Videos on the tenth grade students’ listening comprehension achievement at SMAN 1 Giri Banyuwangi in the 2011/2012 academic year. Key Words: procedure video, and listening comprehension achievement
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