7,484 research outputs found

    Thermal evolution and lifetime of intrinsic magnetic fields of Super Earths in habitable zones

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    We have numerically studied the thermal evolution of various-mass terrestrial planets in habitable zones, focusing on duration of dynamo activity to generate their intrinsic magnetic fields, which may be one of key factors in habitability on the planets. In particular, we are concerned with super-Earths, observations of which are rapidly developing. We calculated evolution of temperature distributions in planetary interior, using Vinet equations of state, Arrhenius-type formula for mantle viscosity, and the astrophysical mixing length theory for convective heat transfer modified for mantle convection. After calibrating the model with terrestrial planets in the Solar system, we apply it for 0.1--10M⊕10M_{\oplus} rocky planets with surface temperature of 300~\mbox{K} (in habitable zones) and the Earth-like compositions. With the criterion for heat flux at the CMB (core-mantle boundary), the lifetime of the magnetic fields is evaluated from the calculated thermal evolution. We found that the lifetime slowly increases with the planetary mass (MpM_p) independent of initial temperature gap at the core-mantle boundary (ΔTCMB\Delta T_{\rm CMB}) but beyond a critical value Mc,pM_{c,p} (∼O(1)M⊕\sim O(1)M_{\oplus}) it abruptly declines by the mantle viscosity enhancement due to the pressure effect. We derived Mc,pM_{c,p} as a function of ΔTCMB\Delta T_{\rm CMB} and a rheological parameter (activation volume, V∗V^*). Thus, the magnetic field lifetime of super-Earths with Mp>Mp,cM_p > M_{p,c} sensitively depends on ΔTCMB\Delta T_{\rm CMB}, which reflects planetary accretion, and V∗V^*, which has uncertainty at very high pressure. More advanced high-pressure experiments and first-principle simulation as well as planetary accretion simulation are needed to discuss habitability of super-Earths.Comment: 19pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Saturated torque formula for planetary migration in viscous disks with thermal diffusion: recipe for protoplanet population synthesis

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    We provide torque formulae for low mass planets undergoing type I migration in gaseous disks. These torque formulae put special emphasis on the horseshoe drag, which is prone to saturation: the asymptotic value reached by the horseshoe drag depends on a balance between coorbital dynamics (which tends to cancel out or saturate the torque) and diffusive processes (which tend to restore the unperturbed disk profiles, thereby desaturating the torque). We entertain here the question of this asymptotic value, and we derive torque formulae which give the total torque as a function of the disk's viscosity and thermal diffusivity. The horseshoe drag features two components: one which scales with the vortensity gradient, and one which scales with the entropy gradient, and which constitutes the most promising candidate for halting inward type I migration. Our analysis, which is complemented by numerical simulations, recovers characteristics already noted by numericists, namely that the viscous timescale across the horseshoe region must be shorter than the libration time in order to avoid saturation, and that, provided this condition is satisfied, the entropy related part of the horseshoe drag remains large if the thermal timescale is shorter than the libration time. Side results include a study of the Lindblad torque as a function of thermal diffusivity, and a contribution to the corotation torque arising from vortensity viscously created at the contact discontinuities that appear at the horseshoe separatrices. For the convenience of the reader mostly interested in the torque formulae, section 8 is self-contained.Comment: Affiliation details changed. Fixed equation numbering issue. Biblio info adde

    Modification of Angular Velocity by Inhomogeneous MRI Growth in Protoplanetary Disks

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    We have investigated evolution of magneto-rotational instability (MRI) in protoplanetary disks that have radially non-uniform magnetic field such that stable and unstable regions coexist initially, and found that a zone in which the disk gas rotates with a super-Keplerian velocity emerges as a result of the non-uniformly growing MRI turbulence. We have carried out two-dimensional resistive MHD simulations with a shearing box model. We found that if the spatially averaged magnetic Reynolds number, which is determined by widths of the stable and unstable regions in the initial conditions and values of the resistivity, is smaller than unity, the original Keplerian shear flow is transformed to the quasi-steady flow such that more flattened (rigid-rotation in extreme cases) velocity profile emerges locally and the outer part of the profile tends to be super-Keplerian. Angular momentum and mass transfer due to temporally generated MRI turbulence in the initially unstable region is responsible for the transformation. In the local super-Keplerian region, migrations due to aerodynamic gas drag and tidal interaction with disk gas are reversed. The simulation setting corresponds to the regions near the outer and inner edges of a global MRI dead zone in a disk. Therefore, the outer edge of dead zone, as well as the inner edge, would be a favorable site to accumulate dust particles to form planetesimals and retain planetary embryos against type I migration.Comment: 28 pages, 11figures, 1 table, accepted by Ap

    Toward a Deterministic Model of Planetary Formation VII: Eccentricity Distribution of Gas Giants

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    The ubiquity of planets and diversity of planetary systems reveal planet formation encompass many complex and competing processes. In this series of papers, we develop and upgrade a population synthesis model as a tool to identify the dominant physical effects and to calibrate the range of physical conditions. Recent planet searches leads to the discovery of many multiple-planet systems. Any theoretical models of their origins must take into account dynamical interaction between emerging protoplanets. Here, we introduce a prescription to approximate the close encounters between multiple planets. We apply this method to simulate the growth, migration, and dynamical interaction of planetary systems. Our models show that in relatively massive disks, several gas giants and rocky/icy planets emerge, migrate, and undergo dynamical instability. Secular perturbation between planets leads to orbital crossings, eccentricity excitation, and planetary ejection. In disks with modest masses, two or less gas giants form with multiple super-Earths. Orbital stability in these systems is generally maintained and they retain the kinematic structure after gas in their natal disks is depleted. These results reproduce the observed planetary mass-eccentricity and semimajor axis-eccentricity correlations. They also suggest that emerging gas giants can scatter residual cores to the outer disk regions. Subsequent in situ gas accretion onto these cores can lead to the formation of distant (> 30AU) gas giants with nearly circular orbits.Comment: 54 pages, 14 Figures; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa
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