147,867 research outputs found
Heat kernel transform for nilmanifolds associated to the Heisenberg group
We study the heat kernel transform on a nilmanifold of the Heisenberg
group. We show that the image of under this transform is a direct
sum of weighted Bergman spaces which are related to twisted Bergman and
Hermite-Bergman spaces.Comment: Revised version; to appear in Revista Mathematica Iberoamericana, 28
Discontinuous resistance change and domain wall scattering in patterned NiFe wires with a nanoconstriction
A nonlinear current-voltage (I-V) characteristic was observed in patterned NiFe wires with a central "bow-tie" point contact constriction. By passing a dc current through the wire, a sharp resistance drop was obtained for current densities in the range of 1.1-1.4 x 10(7) A/cm(2). This is attributed to current-induced domain wall drag, resulting in displacement of a domain wall away from the constriction. A maximum current-induced resistance change of 0.079% was obtained for a 100-nm constriction, which is comparable with the magnetoresistance due to domain wall scattering in NiFe
FFT-LB modeling of thermal liquid-vapor systems
We further develop a thermal LB model for multiphase flows. In the improved
model, we propose to use the FFT scheme to calculate both the convection term
and external force term. The usage of FFT scheme is detailed and analyzed. By
using the FFT algorithm spatiotemporal discretization errors are decreased
dramatically and the conservation of total energy is much better preserved. A
direct consequence of the improvement is that the unphysical spurious
velocities at the interfacial regions can be damped to neglectable scale.
Together with the better conservation of total energy, the more accurate flow
velocities lead to the more accurate temperature field which determines the
dynamical and final states of the system. With the new model, the phase diagram
of the liquid-vapor system obtained from simulation is more consistent with
that from theoretical calculation. Very sharp interfaces can be achieved. The
accuracy of simulation results are also verified by the Laplace law. The FFT
scheme can be easily applied to other models for multiphase flows.Comment: 34 pages, 21 figure
Opportunistic Relaying in Time Division Broadcast Protocol with Incremental Relaying
In this paper, we investigate the performance of time division broadcast protocol (TDBC) with incremental relaying (IR) when there are multiple available relays. Opportunistic relaying (OR), i.e., the “best” relay is select for transmission to minimize the system’s outage probability, is proposed. Two OR schemes are presented. The first scheme, termed TDBC-OIR-I, selects the “best” relay from the set of relays that can decode both flows of signal from the two sources successfully. The second one, termed TDBC-OIR-II, selects two “best” relays from two respective sets of relays that can decode successfully each flow of signal. The performance, in terms of outage probability, expected rate (ER), and diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT), of the two schemes are analyzed and compared with two TDBC schemes that have no IR but OR (termed TDBC-OR-I and TDBC-OR-II accordingly) and two other benchmark OR schemes that have no direct link transmission between the two sources
A study of physical processes for space radiation protection
The determination of stopping power for monatomic molecules and water vapor is addressed. Intermediate and low energy protons are considered
Comparison of different measures for quantum discord under non-Markovian noise
Two geometric measures for quantum discord were recently proposed by Modi et
al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 080501 (2010)] and Dakic et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett.
105, 190502 (2010)]. We study the similarities and differences for total
quantum correlations of Bell-diagonal states using these two geometry-based
quantum discord and the original quantum discord. We show that, under
non-Markovian dephasing channels, quantum discord and one of the geometric
measures stay constant for a finite amount of time, but not the other geometric
measure. However, all the three measures share a common sudden change point.
Our study on critical point of sudden transition might be useful for keeping
long time total quantum correlations under decoherence.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures submitted for publicatio
Annealing-induced Fe oxide nanostructures on GaAs
We report the evolution of Fe oxide nanostructures on GaAs(100) upon pre- and post-growth annealing conditions. GaAs nanoscale pyramids were formed on the GaAs surface due to wet etching and thermal annealing. An 8.0-nm epitaxial Fe film was grown, oxidized, and annealed using a gradient temperature method. During the process the nanostripes were formed, and the evolution has been demonstrated using transmission and reflection high energy electron diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. These nanostripes; exhibited uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. The formation of these nanostructures is attributed to surface anisotropy, which in addition could explain the observed uniaxial magnetic anisotropy
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