24 research outputs found

    Hazard ratios (HR) for incident diabetes by income group and cardiovascular or psychosocial risk factors in older people –Hefei cohort study, China.

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    <p><a href="mailto:@1High" target="_blank">@1High</a> income- Very satisfactory income;</p><p><a href="mailto:@2Middle" target="_blank">@2Middle</a> income - Satisfactory income;</p><p><a href="mailto:@3low" target="_blank">@3low</a> - Average/Poor income or Financial problem in the last two years.</p>*<p>Nos of Diabetes/participants (%).</p>§<p>includes BMI>24, current- and ex- smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and no hobby of walking.</p>$<p>including any of worrying, feeling lonely, hypochondriasis, anxiety/depressive syndrome level, death of closely related people, horrifying experience, and less than daily visiting children/other relatives.</p>†<p><i>In the combined analysis of income with cardiovascular risk factors</i>, adjusted for age, marital status, living status, frequency of visiting children/other relatives, hypochondriasis, anxiety/depressive syndrome levels, hearing problems, and activity of daily living. <i>In the combined analysis of income with psychosocial factors</i>, adjusted for age, BMI, smoke habits, hobby of walking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hearing problems and activity of daily living.</p

    Distribution of risk factors for incident diabetes in older people – Hefei cohort study, China.

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    §<p>the participant reported their level of difficulty in questions of ADL scale. The valid response was ‘no difficulty alone’ (score 0), ‘manages alone with difficulty (score 1) cannot do alone (score 2). The scale consists of 14 items: having a bath or all-over wash, washing hands and face, putting on shoes and stockings/socks, doing up buttons and zips, dressing yourself other than the above, getting to and using the WC, getting in and out of bed, feeding self, shaving (men) or doing hair (women), cutting your own toenails, getting up and down steps, getting around the house, going out of doors alone and taking medicine.</p

    Age-and sex-adjusted hazard ratios for incident diabetes in older people – Hefei cohort study, China.

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    <p>Age-and sex-adjusted hazard ratios for incident diabetes in older people – Hefei cohort study, China.</p

    Clinical factors related to post-stroke fatigue in ischemic stroke participants.

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    <p>Data presented are n(%); Fatigue defined as Fatigue Severity Scale score ≥4; Depression, the Beck Depression Inventory Version II (BDI-II); MRS, Modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale.</p><p>Clinical factors related to post-stroke fatigue in ischemic stroke participants.</p

    Factors related to post-stroke fatigue from multivariate logistic regression models.

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    <p>Post-stroke fatigue defined as Fatigue Severity Scale score ≥4 at 13–14 days after stroke; OR = Odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; MRS, Modified Rankin scale.</p><p>Factors related to post-stroke fatigue from multivariate logistic regression models.</p

    Characteristics of ischemic stroke participants with and without post-stroke fatigue.

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    <p>Data presented are n (%) or mean (SD); Fatigue defined as Fatigue Severity Scale score ≥4; BMI, Body mass index; Family function: Family APGAR index.</p><p>Characteristics of ischemic stroke participants with and without post-stroke fatigue.</p

    Social capital linked with a poor MHS score (N = 283).

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    <p>ORs adjusted for the same factors as those in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048888#pone-0048888-t003" target="_blank">Table 3</a>.</p