298 research outputs found
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Object-oriented views: a novel approach for tool integration in design environments (dissertation)
Object-oriented databases have been proposed to serve as the data management component of integrated design environments. One central database represents a bottleneck, however, requiring all design tools to work on the same information model and preventing the extensibility of the system over time. In this dissertation, I propose a view-based object server that successfully addresses these problems by supporting design views tailored to the needs of individual design tools.A view on an object-oriented schema corresponds to a virtual subschema graph with restructured generalization and property decomposition hierarchies. I present a methodology for supporting multiple view schemata, called MutliView. MultiView is anchored on the following four ideas: (1) the customization of individual classes using object algebra, (2) the integration of these derived classes into one global schema graoh, (3) the extraction of virtual and base classes from the global schema as required by the view, and (4) the generation of a class hierarchy for these selected view classes. MutliView's division of view specification into these well-defined tasks, some of which have been successfully automated, makes it a powerful tool for supporting the specification of views by non-database experts while enforcing view consistency.In this dissertation, I describe solutions for all four tasks underlying MultiView. For the first task, I have formulated class derivatin operators modeled after the well-known relational algebra operators. For the second task, I have developed a classification algorithm that automatically integrates derived classes into one global schema. For the third task, I have designed a view definition language that can be used to declaratively specify the view classes required for a particular view. For the last task, I have developed an algorithm that generates a complete, minimal and consistent view schema. I present proofs of correctness, complexity analysis, and numerous illustrative examples for all algorithms.MultiView is applied to address the tool integration problem in a behavioral synthesis system. For this purpose, I first develop a unified design object model for behavioral synthesis. I then formulate customized design views of this model tailored to the needs of particular design tools. The resulting system allows the design tools to work on their view of the information model, while MultiView assures the consistent integration of the diverse design data into one object model
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MultiView : a methodology for supporting multiple view schemata in object-oriented databases
It has been widely recognized that object-oriented database (OODB) technology needs to be extended to provide a mechanism similar to views in relational database systems. We define an object-oriented view to be an arbitrarily complex virtual schema graph with possibly restructured generalization and decomposition hierarchies - rather than just one virtual class as has been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a methodology, called MultiView, for supporting multiple such view schemata. MultiView breaks the schema design task into the following independent and well-defined subtasks: (1) the customization of type descriptions and object sets of existing classes by deriving virtual classes, (2) the integration of all derived classes into one consistent global schema graph, and (3) the definition of arbitrarily complex view schemata on this augmented global schema. For the first task of MultiView, we define a set of object algebra operators that can be used by the view definer for class customization. For the second task of MultiView, we propose an algorithm that automatically integrates these newly derived virtual classes into the global schema. We solve the third task of MultiView by first letting the view definer explicitly select the desired view classes from the global schema using a view definition language and then by automatically generating a view class hierarchy for these selected classes. In addition, we present algorithms that verify the closure property of a view and, if found to be incomplete, transform it into a closed, yet minimal, view. In this paper, we introduce the fundamental concept of view independence and show MultiView to be view independent. We also outline implementation techniques for realizing MultiView with existing OODB technology
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Automatic view schema generation in object-oriented databases
An object-oriented data schema is a complex structure of classes interrelated via generalization and property decomposition relationships. We define an object-oriented view to be a virtual schema graph with possibly restructured generalization and decomposition hierarchies - rather than just one individual virtual class as proposed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a methodology, called MultiView, for supporting multiple such view schemata. MultiView is anchored on the following complementary ideas: (a) the view definer derives virtual classes and then integrates them into one consistent global schema graph and (b) the view definer specifies arbitrarily complex view schemata on this augmented global schema. The focus of this paper is, however, on the second, less explored, issue. This part of the view definition is performed using the following two steps: (1) view class selection and (2) view schema graph generation. For the first, we have developed a view definition language that can be used by the view definer to specify the selection of the desired view classes from the global schema. For the second, we have developed two algorithms that automatically augment the set of selected view classes to generate a complete, minimal and consistent view class generalization hierarchy. The first algorithm has linear complexity but it assumes that the global schema graph is a tree. The second algorithm overcomes this restricting assumption and thus allows for multiple inheritance, but it does so at the cost of a higher complexity
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Evaluating aggregate functions on possibilistic data
The need for extending information management systems to handle the imprecision of information found in the real world has been recognized. Fuzzy set theory together with possibility theory represent a uniform framework for extending the relational database model with these features. However, none of the existing proposals for handling imprecision in the literature has dealt with queries involving a functional evaluation of a set of items, traditionally referred to as aggregation. Two kinds of aggregate operators, namely, scalar aggregates and aggregate functions, exist. Both are important for most real-world applications, and are thus being supported by traditional languages like SQL or QUEL. This paper presents a framework for handling these two types of aggregates in the context of imprecise information. We consider three cases, specifically, aggregates within vague queries on precise data, aggregates within precisely specified queries on possibilistic data, and aggregates within vague queries on imprecise data. These extensions are based on fuzzy set-theoretical concepts such as the extension principle, the sigma-count operation, and the possibilistic expected value. The consistency and completeness of the proposed operations is shown
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Set operations in semantic data models
Class creation by set operations has largely been ignored in the literature. Precise semantics of set operations on complex objects require a clear distinction between the dual notions of a set and a type, both of which are present in a class. Our paper fills this gap by presenting a framework for executing set-theoretic operations on the class construct. The proposed set operations determine both the type description of the derived class as well as its set membership. For the former, we develop inheritance rules for property characteristics such as single- versus multi-valued and required versus optional. For the later, we borrow the object identity concept from data modeling research. Our framework allows for property inheritance among classes that are not necessarily is-a related
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BDEF : the behavioral design data exchange format
BDDB is a Behavioral Design Data Base that manages the design data produced and consumed by different behavioral synthesis tools. These different design tools retrieve design data from BDDB, manipulate the data, and then store the results back into the data base. BDDB thus needs to address the following two issues: (1) a design data exchange approach and (2) customized design data interfaces. To address the first issue, we have developed a textual description format for describing design data objects and relationships. This language, referred to as the Behavioral Design Data Exchange Format (BDEF), is used as common format for exchanging design data between BDDB and the design tools in the behavioral synthesis environment. To address the second issue, we have developed a behavioral object type description language (generally referred to as schema definition language) for describing the global data structures required by design tools as well as the desired design subviews of this global BDDB design information. One design view class, namely, BDEF, is the topic of this report.In this report we give a formal definition of the BDEF format. Then we describe a comprehensive example of applying BDEF to the behavioral synthesis domain. That is, we present the complete BDEF syntax for the Extended Control/Data Flow Graph Model (ECDFG), which is the design representation model used by most behavioral synthesis tools in the UCI CADLAB synthesis system. We also present several example descriptions of designs using this ECDFG model. A parser/graph compiler from BDEF into the generalized ECDFG design representation as well as a BDEF generator from the ECDFG data structures into the BDEF format have been implemented
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A class integration algorithm and its application for supporting consistent object views
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