24 research outputs found

    Land use maps of Hechuan town in 1982 (a), 2002 (b) and 2008 (c).

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    <p>Land use maps of Hechuan town in 1982 (a), 2002 (b) and 2008 (c).</p

    Landscape metrics at the class-level in Hechuan Town in 1982, 2002 and 2008.

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    <p>cls_1, cls_2, cls_3, cls_4, cls_5, cls_6, and cls_7 represent cropland, orchard, forestland, grassland, residential land, water body and unused land. PLAND: the percentage of landscape; PD: patch density; SHAPE_AM: area-weighted mean shape index; IJI: Interspersion and Justaposition Index.</p

    Microprofiles of oxygen around <i>Potamogeton malaianus</i> stems and leaves with and without periphyton.

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    <p>A, C, and E indicate thick periphyton; B, D, and F indicate periphyton removed; G indicates young leaves with little periphyton. Microprofiles were measured at three different points under quantum flux density of 300 µmol photons·m<sup>–2</sup>·s<sup>–1</sup> on <i>P. malaianus</i> stems and leaves. The outer surfaces of the periphyton layer are indicated by horizontal bars. The leaf surfaces are indicated by 0. Microprofiles of oxygen around young leaves were not markedly different between the presence of little periphyton and periphyton removed.</p

    The change of ecosystem service values (ESVs) in Hechuan Town from 1982 to 2008.

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    <p>The change of ecosystem service values (ESVs) in Hechuan Town from 1982 to 2008.</p

    Microprofiles of pH around <i>Potamogeton malaianus</i> stems and leaves with and without periphyton.

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    <p>A, C, and E, indicate thick periphyton; B, D, and F indicate periphyton removed; G indicates young leaves with a little periphyton. Microprofiles were measured at three different points under quantum flux density of 300 µmol photons·m<sup>–2</sup>·s<sup>–1</sup> on <i>P. malaianus</i> stems and leaves. The outer surfaces of the periphyton layer are indicated by horizontal bars. The leaf surfaces are indicated by 0. The microprofiles of pH around young leaves were not markedly different between the presence of little periphyton and periphyton removed.</p

    Land use transition matrix from 1982 to 2002 and from 2002 to 2008 (%).

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    <p>Land use transition matrix from 1982 to 2002 and from 2002 to 2008 (%).</p

    Location of the study area.

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    <p>Ningxia Province and the Loess Plateau, China (a), the location of Hechuan Town in the Loess area of Ningxia Province (b) and, the village boundary and the digital elevation model (DEM) map of Hechuan Town (c).</p

    The ecosystem service values (ESVs) per hectare of different land use types in Hechuan town (US$·ha-1·yr-1).

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    <p>The ecosystem service values (ESVs) per hectare of different land use types in Hechuan town (US$·ha-1·yr-1).</p

    Equivalent weight factor of ecosystem service values (ESVs) per hectare of terrestrial ecosystem in China [30].

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    <p>Equivalent weight factor of ecosystem service values (ESVs) per hectare of terrestrial ecosystem in China <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0110745#pone.0110745-Su2" target="_blank">[30]</a>.</p